Grammar Edited

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Student’s Name


Course Lecturer


Question 1

(a)purpose of the writer

The writer intended to express a definite feeling about longing to be in the respective homeland.

Levels of discomfort and dissatisfaction are evident in the present environment where the author

states how she was woken out of a borrowed bed. Moreover, the sunshine forcefully entered her

closed eyes to end the slumber and drive her into the towns that have not been familiar. The

appearance of the breezes that have been described as soothing portrays the freedom at home.

However, the vanishing of the soothing winds into the darkened atmosphere symbolizes the

possibility of lack of happiness and contentment while in the foreign land (Maya, 2011).

(b)possible meaning of the sentence

Intimacy and shyness of the breezes symbolize the liberal and conducive atmosphere

surrounding the author’s motherland. The writer is staying in a foreign West African country in

which she could not freely enjoy the privileges. These cool winds were licking her hair implying

a caring and concerned nature of events. Such treatment depicts an enjoyable moment that could

be felt at the birthplace. The breezes are also pictured to sweep through clothing with unexpected

affection that would mostly be felt when the writer is at home.


(c) possible meanings of the ambiguous statement

The sentence has contradicted the expectations of several readers since the author and her son

claim to be miraculously accepted in West Africa, yet they are black Americans. Certainly, their

skin color is not a factor to consider and discriminate them, the fact remains the two were

African citizens. The possible racial aspect could be the two were a crossbreed from an African

and American. Moreover, this could imply that the author and her son lived in conditions that led

to a distinction in their skin color. The two factors define probable meanings of the situation in

which they were accepted regardless of the difference in the color of the skin.

(d)effect of the choice of verbs on meaning in the first paragraph

Firstly, the verb licking has been used to show nice treatment accorded to hair. The hair must be

of great value and importance hence being accorded an adorable treatment. Secondly, sweeping

is an act that was done to the dresses made of cotton. The pieces of cloth were being cleaned by

the breezes and this also shows their importance. Thirdly, the dazzling of daylight has been used

to portray the favorable brightness that was experienced. Fourthly, the verb disappearing

indicates temporal unavailability of desired freedom. Muddling, which is the fifth verb shows

how the breezes created disorganization of the author's visualization. Lastly, the word bringing

expresses action in which the writer was woken up and taken to the unfamiliar streets.

Question 2

The excerpt below presents an analysis of the conversation of a cartoon’s pictorial scene that

represents an examination administered orally to an individual.


First, the learner has responded with the wrong tone. In this article, how the reply is made has

been implied by the question tag after the answer. The teacher expected the scholar to state

examples of pronouns and not to speak back in a way that was close to shouting. It is worth

noting that the question tag present at the end shows worry or unpreparedness of the learner. The

examiner may ask himself Many irrelevant questions that would further result in disciplinary

actions or disqualification. Secondly, the selection made on the words to use was not appropriate.

The response is composed of two words that do not match. They do not indicate any relation in

terms of the required response. Additionally, some punctuation marks have been omitted. The

teacher's question, which is a statement, is missing a full stop. The answer from the

undergraduate individual has been wrongly punctuated with the full stop and question tag at

incorrect points. Words in this examination could have been written in lowercase with a

capitalization of the first letters of "Name" and "Who". There is no relation between the intended

sense of the examination and the interpreted feedback. The learner did not comprehend the quiz

and this resulted in erroneous reactions. Fourthly, communication breakdown has been depicted

in the incidence. The teacher may be forced to divert from the main subject and find out why the

student answered incorrectly. Moreover, the instructor may alternatively terminate the exam and

send the student away. Eventually, this leads to time wastage and inconvenience in the

examination schedule because the exercise should be postponed till a later date (Zindela, et al.,


Zindela, N., Horne, F., & Ndlamangandla, C. (2012). Study Guide for ENG1502. The University of South

Maya, A. (2011). All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes. Paw Prints.

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