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Chapters 1 & 2 Total points 9/15

Quiz for chapters 1 and 2 of HCIA-Big Data

What are the features of big data? * 0/1






Correct answer





Porter is a data integration service provided by Huawei. * 1/1



Which of the following are distributed storage components in the 1/1

Hadoop platform? *





In HDFS, data blocks are stored with multiple replicas. If a data block on 1/1
anode is lost, you need to manually copy a data replica to the node. *



Which of the following HDFS component is responsible for storing user 1/1
data? *





NameNodes of HDFS store metadata of file systems * 1/1



Which statements about HDFS are correct? * 0/1

HDFS consists of NameNodes, DataNodes, and Clients.

Metadata on the standby NameNode of HDFS is directly synchronized from the

active namenode

HDFS stores the first replica on the nearest node.

HDFS is ideal for Write Once Read Many (WORM) tasks

Correct answer

HDFS consists of NameNodes, DataNodes, and Clients.

HDFS stores the first replica on the nearest node.

HDFS is ideal for Write Once Read Many (WORM) tasks

Which statements are correct about the functions of the standby 1/1
NameNode inHDFS? *

Hot spare for the active NameNode

The standby NameNode does not have specific memory requirements.

The standby NameNode helps the active NameNode merge edit logs, reducing
the startup time of the active NameNode.

The active and standby NameNodes must be deployed on the same node.

Which statement is correct about uploading files from a client to HDFS? * 0/1

The file data of the client is transmitted to DataNodes via NameNodes.

The client divides files into multiple blocks and writes data blocks to each DataNode
based on the DataNode address sequence.

The client writes files to each DataNode based on the DataNode address sequence,
and then the DataNodes divide files into multiple blocks.

The client only uploads data to one DataNode, and the NameNode copies blocks.

Correct answer

The client divides files into multiple blocks and writes data blocks to each DataNode
based on the DataNode address sequence.

Which of the following statements are correct about HDFS Federation? * 0/1

A namespace uses a block pool to manage data blocks.

A namespace uses multiple block pools to manage data blocks

The disk space of each block pool is physically shared, but the logical space is

The NameNode and namespace can be scaled-out.

Correct answer

A namespace uses a block pool to manage data blocks.

The disk space of each block pool is physically shared, but the logical space is

The NameNode and namespace can be scaled-out.

When the Client writes files to HDFS, the NameNode determines the 1/1
locationwhere the first replica is written to, and the DataNode
determines the locationwhere other replicas are written to. *



Which of the following statements is correct about the HDFS DataNode 1/1
inFusionInsight HD? *

Data validity is not checked.

The DataNode periodically sends its block information to the NameNode.

Blocks stored on different DataNodes must be different.

Blocks on a DataNode can be the same.

Which is the default block size of HDFS in FusionInsight HD? * 1/1

32 MB

64 MB

128 MB

256 MB

How many copies of a block are stored in HDFS of FusionInsight HD by 0/1

default? *

Three copies

Two copies

One copy


Correct answer

Three copies

Which of the following is not semi-structured data? * 0/1



Bidimensional table


Correct answer

Bidimensional table

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