BarrionuevoEnrique CarrascoJean CarhuasJean

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Enrique Barrionuevo Jean Paul Carhuas Jean Cairo R. Carrasco


Lewis is tall and very intelligent. He studied art and painting. one day after work he

went for coffee. In the place he saw a girl and fell in love at first sight. Her name was

Suanny, a shy and very funny girl. After a long talk, he invited her to dinner. She was

excited about the date. At dinner Lewis was delighted with her and Suanny couldn't

stop smiling. She gave him her number and he promised to call her. The next day, he

didn't call her. Lewis went to Suanny's house and asked her to be his girlfriend.

Three years ago, Jean and Angela met in a parish, they only knew each other by sight.

After a while he decided to approach her to help him with a university assignment and

she had gladly accepted. It is there where a relationship of friends is strengthened. they

started, they would go out together to eat, walk, study, dance, sing and cook together.

After meeting, they became friends establishing a strong bond, then decided to start a

relationship, build and strengthen your bond.


In the year 1987 in the city of Lima there were two young men from very wealthy

families. The name of the Young man was Jose and Lucia was the name of the young

woman, both families did not get along because of their ancestors.

One day both young people met in a park near their homes, being small they began to

play with some more of their Friends. As time passed they got together and got to know

more, they began to sneak out from their families. In one of those outhings, Lucia´s

parents meet them and they get very angry with her, that caused them to send their

daughter abroad, but before leaving they made a promise that when she returned they

would continue their friendship. After 15 years they became to fin, she decided to go

look for Jose. Both were very excited when they met, their parents could no longer

avoid their friendship with him because he was an adult. After a month of getting to

know each other well, they both decided to be together and thus put end to the

problems the had between their families.

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