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Panitia Ujian Tengah Semester

Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam

Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Jakarta
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 Ganjil 2021/22
Dosen Pengampu: Prof. Dr. Marhamah. M.Pd
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mulyadi Amir. M. Pd. Ph.D
Hari/tangal :
Nama Mahasiswa:

I. Directions: Underline the subject of the missing verb, and fill in

the blank with was or were.
1. In World War II, it was the man who served in combat roles.
2. Neither of the reporters Were allowed to interview the players.
3. Everyone was required to write a composition.
4. Every man, woman and child Were_ given a free ticket.
5. Everything in the house was destroyed by the fire.

II. Directions: Underline the subject of each missing verb. Fill in the
blank with has or have.
1. Wallpaper in addition to new curtains has been ordered.
2. There has been No. now discoveries in that field.
3. Algeria as well as Tunisia and Libya have sent students to The
United States.
4. Where has everyone gone?
5. John but not Mike have gone to play soccer at the park.

III. Directions : Underline the subject to the missing verb. Fill in the blank
with is or are.
1. Few is strong enough to finish the race.
2. There are a pair of sunglasses lying on the floor.
3. Both my good trousers and my old jeans are at the laundry.
4. Many of you is going to score above 500 on the TOEFL.
5. There are several on the top shelf of the bookcase.

IV. Directions: Underline the subject of the missing verb and fill in the
blank with is or are
1. Neither the doctor nor the nurses are here.
2. The number of nurses in the city is very large.
3. All of the nurses are very good.
4. All of the medicine is gone.
5. Some of the water are used for irrigation.
6. Most of the money is_ counterfeit.
7. Not only the money but also the jewels are locked up in the safe.
8. Neither the jewels nor the money are mine
9. All of the cookies are gone
10. Half of the furniture is in the truk.

V. Directions: Underline the subject with which he missing verb

must agree. Then, fill in the blank with the correct verb form from
the two choices in parentheses.
1. No. one in this group of contenders stands_ a chance of beating
the current speed record/ (stands, stand )
2. Neither the education library not the psychology library have_ the
books that the professor recommended. (has, have)
3. Restricted ownership and enforced registration are two major
approaches to handgun legislation. (is, are )
4. There was No. doubt in anyone’s mind about the guilt of the
defendants. (was, were)
5. A gray and white car are parked outside the building. ( is, are )
6. Sound and sense were written for college student just beginning
serious study of poetry. (was, were)
7. Every success and failure contributes to an individual’s growth ad
maturity. (contributes, contribute)
8. The news on the local radio stations as well as newspaper
accounts confirm that the prison riot was serious. (confirms,
9. It is still the women who bear_ the burden of household chores.
(bears, bear)
10. Neither all of the cookies nor all of the fruit have__ been enten yet.
(has, have)
11. Unlike Americans who seem to prefer coffee, the English drink a
great deal or tea. (drinks, drink)
12. A family of mockingbirds ______ inthe tree every spring. (nests,
13. Outside the door _____ several rosebushes. (stands, stand)
14. Everything, including the clothes in the closets, ______ stolen from
the apartment. (was, were)
15. To a do – it – yourself handyman, a pair of pliers ______ very
useful. ( is, are )
16. The number of days of vacation provided to university employees
_______ constant from year to year. (remains, remain).
17. For intermediate level students. Steps in Composition ______
useful reading and writing exercises. (provides, provide)
18. Despite the development of a vaccine, measles _____ still a
serious danger to adult victims. ( is, are)
19. Statistics as well as a course in research methodology
_______required of all doctoral candidates . (is, are)
20. In their statements to the press, the committee _____ expressing
several surprising viewpoints. (is, are)

VI. Choose the one word or phrase, (A), (B), (C), or (D) , that best completes
the sentence. Write your answer in the blank.

_____ 1 Buck wheat flour (A) the seeds of the buck wheat plant.
(A) Is made from (C) i tis from
(B) From (D) and

_____ 2 The State of Ohio (A) name from a nan Iroquoian word meaning
“Great river”.
(A) And its (C) it got its
(B) Along with its (D) got its

VII. Identify the one underlined word or phrase, (A), (B), (C), or (D), that
should be corrected or rewritten. Write your answer in the blank.

_A___ 3 Boston, the hub of Historic New England, it is the capital of

Massachusetts and the largest city in the area.
__C__ 4 Mixed seeds, such as cracked corn, peanuts, and sunflower seeds,
is popular feed for winter birds
_B___ 5 Unlike most capital cities, Brasilia it was constructed specifically
to house government offices.

A 6 Borax, generally found in the desert, being useful as a water

softener in the laundry
C 7 After roosting all day in a dark cave, a bat leaves its shelter and

spends the night hunting for their food.

__C__ 8 Modern buttons, unlike early ones, they are frequently mass-

produced and usually made of plastic.


__B__9 The letter “B” probably it originted as a picture sign of a house.


__B__ 10 the Dambovita River, a tributary of the Danube, it runs through



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