Application of Rules Part 2

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An Application Paper
Presented to
The Faculty of the Department of Theology
College of Arts and Sciences
San Beda University

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the subject entitled
BENE02: Benedictine (Spirituality) Leadership in the Corporate World

Submitted by:

RAMOS, Neil Bryan DC.
SIERRA, Justin Bryan
SUYAT, Reneil


Submitted to:
Prof. Neilia Balanon Ramirez
Faculty, College of Arts and Sciences
San Beda University

Submitted on:
October 27, 2021



Section 1: The Berde Para sa Banwa (BPB) shall be headed by the Banwa Council, composed of
three (3) elected officers, namely the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, and the Secretary General.

Section 2: Officers
Section 2.1. Chairman
The Chairman shall:
· Serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the organization and can implement its
directives and resolutions.
· Serve as the official signatory of the BPB activities.
· Shall preside over the meetings of the Banwa Council, together with the Vice-
· Have the power to designate environmental tasks to organization members following
the organization’s mission and vision.
· Have the power to appoint the Secretary-General

Section 2.2. Vice-Chairman

· The Vice-Chairman shall preside over meetings of the Banwa Council and, together with
the Chairman, shall have the power to entertain recommended policies and changes by the
volunteer members of the organization.
· Shall assist the Chairman in implementing directives and initiatives.
· If the Chairman cannot attend a meeting due to various reasons, the vice-chairman can
preside over it.

Section 2.3. The Secretary-General

· The Secretary-General shall serve as the head of the volunteer committee. As the
committee head, he/she can find volunteers for the organization’s initiatives.
· Shall be appointed by the Chairman.
· Shall act as the official secretary of the organization, and shall be involved in its

Section 3: Election Code

a. Officers of the Banwa Council shall be decided by the volunteer members of the
organization through elections, which shall be held every two (2) years in the 2nd week of August.
b. Any members of the organization have the right to run for a position in the Banwa Council,
provided that they are active members for at least two (2) years. This will enable officers to have
in-depth experience before vying for a position. Moreover, an active member is defined as
regularly attending meetings and participating in organizational activities and delegations.
c. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman position shall only have a term of two (2) years, with
the chance to be elected to a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms.

Section 4: Appointment and Vacancies

A. Only the position of Secretary-General shall be subjected to appointment by the Chairman.

B. In case the position of Chairman is vacant, the Vice-Chairman shall take his/her place until
the next election. It is the same if the position of Vice-Chairman is vacant; the Secretary-General
shall bear his/her place for the meantime until the next election. Since the Secretary-General’s
position is through an appointment, the Chairman can designate any organization members to take
the position.

Section 5: Removal from Office

A. Any act of misdemeanor by officers in public or towards members of the organization or

engaging in illegal activities such as bribery or other high crimes shall cause their removal.
B. Officers who are inactive in participating in meetings, activities, and initiatives of the
organization for at least three (3) months shall be removed from the position.


Section 1: A plenary meeting on the last working day of every month shall be held in order for the
members to evaluate the performance of officers. In this meeting, members can also voice out their
grievances, if they have any, regarding organizational concerns.

Section 2: Officers must submit a comprehensive year-end report, which contains every activity,
finance, and resolution that the organization made for accountability and transparency purposes
towards the organization's members.

Section 3: The officers of the Berde Para sa Banwa must at all times be accountable to its
members, serving them with responsibility, loyalty, and integrity. The main aim of the officers is
to ensure that the organization is in line with its mission and vision, to help the environment
further and create clean and sustainable living conditions for everyone.


Section 1: Mishandling or misappropriation of funds is subject to removal from position and
would lead to permanent banishment from the organization.

Section 2: Cases and records of constant and innumerable tardiness and absences of any official,
without prior notice or reasonable excuse to the designated office, would lead to a penalty ranging
from probation of suspension for a month without pay, up to eventual expulsion, based on the
severity of the case of the official as determined by the office in charge of such affairs/concerns.
Section 3: A report of any improper conduct by a worker to any official is subject to immediate
investigation, that could result to either, demotion, suspension without pay, and up to termination
of the offender, based on the severity of the investigation’s findings.

ARTICLE 4: Dealing Grumblings and Complaints

Section 1: A committee is to be established within the organization for the handling of such
concerns, an office which workers of the organization could go to, in order to discuss any troubles
they wish to address that exists or transpires inside the organization, adding to internal conflict,
may it be to a particular official or to the entire organization.

Section 2: The committee must ensure an efficient and accommodating response to any concerns
addressed to them, for the welfare of all of the organization’s members and betterment of the whole

Section 3: Any concerns must be effectively accommodated/responded and properly reviewed

after, to ultimately serve as recommendations for further areas of possible improvement of the

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