Finland - Telecom Market Structure

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Telecom Market structure


Danna Valentina Ramirez Moreno


Basic communications services are telephone, broadband and postal services, together with
broadcasting and television of the Finnish Broadcasting Company Ltd. The Ministry has a duty to
ensure that basic quality and affordable services are available to all. The level of basic services is
guaranteed by legislation. If necessary, basic services are guaranteed by public funding. [3]

The State guarantees the availability of basic communications services for the entire population.
Basic services include telephony, broadband and postal services, as well as the television and radio
operations of the state-owned communications company, Yle. Finland offers high-quality, low-cost
communications services internationally, despite the small size of its market. [2]

General Statistics

The development of telecommunications in Finland is roughly equivalent to the EU average. With

the country indicator +358, there were a total of 7.35 million connections in 2020. Among them
were 7.12 million mobile phones, which corresponds to an average of 1.3 per person. In the EU,
this figure is 1.2 mobile phones per person. [1]

Figure 1: conexiones telefonicas. Retrieved from:

Public service of the Finnish Broadcasting Company, YLE

The Finnish Broadcasting Company Ltd has public service obligations defined by law. YLE’s various
television, radio and Internet programming services must be accessible to all persons in Finland,
irrespective of their income level or place of residence. YLE’s public service costs shall be financed
by a public service broadcasting tax. [3]

Broadband as a universal service

A broadband connection with a speed of 2 Mbit/s has been defined as a universal service, and
telecommunications operators designated as universal service providers should provide access to
such service at a reasonable price to each place of permanent residence and business. The
subscription can be implemented as a fixed or wireless connection. The connection speed of 2
Mbit/s allows the use of basic online services, such as banking services and navigation of
newspapers and online magazines. [3]

Mobile network operators

 DNA:

DNA Oyj (DNA Plc) is a Finnish telecommunications group offering voice, data and television
services. [4] As of December 2020, it had more than 3.5 million subscription customers. 2.7 million
customers used a mobile network and 0.9 million used a fixed network. [2] DNA is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Telenor. [4]

DNA founded its telecommunications operator activities in 2001. It also produces cable television
services. The group also includes DNA Store, Finland’s largest retail chain selling mobile phones.

 Elisa:

Elisa’s mission is a sustainable future through digitalisation. We are a pioneer in

telecommunications and digital services, and in 5G. We provide sustainable solutions for over 2.8
million consumer, corporate and public administration customers in our core markets of Finland
and Estonia, as well as in over 100 countries internationally. [6]

 Sonera-Telia:

Telia Company AB is a mobile phone operator based in Stockholm, Sweden and Finland. The
company operates in other countries in Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South
Asia. In 2010, the firm has a total of 150 million customers. [5]

The company was born in 2003 as a result of the merger of two telephone companies: Telia in
Sweden and Sonera in Finland. It is listed simultaneously on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and the
Helsinki Stock Exchange. [5]


communications, M. o. (n.d.). lvm. Retrieved from

[1] (n.d.). DatosMundial. Retrieved from

[6] elisa. (n.d.). elisa. Retrieved from

[2] finlandabroad. (2020, Agosto 26). finlandabroad. Retrieved from

[4] (n.d.). hmong. Retrieved from

[5] wikiwand. (n.d.). wikiwand. Retrieved from


The following document will give a brief summary on a small research on telecommunications in
other countries in this case will talk about Finland, The State guarantees the availability of basic
communications services for the entire population. Basic services include telephony, broadband
and postal services, as well as the television and radio operations of the state-owned
communications company, Yle. Finland offers high-quality, low-cost communications services
internationally, despite the small size of its market.

The following will discuss general statistics on the development of telecommunications in Finland
is roughly equivalent to the EU average. With the country indicator +358, there were a total of
7.35 million connections in 2020. They included 7.12 million mobile phones, corresponding to an
average of 1.3 per person. In the EU, this figure is 1.2 mobile phones per person. Finally, the main
most used operators were mentioned: Elisa, Sonera-Telia and DNA.

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