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Task 1 - Electromagnetic waves in open media

Individual work


Group 203058_33


Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería
Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas
2022 16-04

Exercises development
Answers: (write with your own words)
1. In the context of electromagnetic waves, what is an open
propagation medium?
• It refers to media that do not have obstructions or barriers
preventing waves from propagating at their maximum

2. Within the propagation mediums, what is the meaning of the “loss

• It is the measurement of signal loss in a propagating
electromagnetic wave. This number is commonly used to
estimate the quality of an insulator and to classify the
behavior of a substance or medium when a signal is applied.

3. How can we classify a medium according to the value of its "loss


We have the following classification:

Media Tan(δ) δ [°]

1. Perfect dielectrics Tan(δ) = 0 δ = 0°
2. Good insulators 0 < Tan(δ) <= 0,1 0° < δ <= 6°
3. Dissipative dielectrics 0,1 < Tan(δ) <= 10 6° < δ <=84°
4. Good conductors Tan(δ) > 10 84°< δ < 90°
5. Perfect conductors Tan(δ) >>> 10 δ = 90°

4. What is "penetration depth" of an electromagnetic wave?

• The distance estimates that a moving wave may penetrate

through a substance or medium. This parameter is highly
dependent on the properties of the medium and the frequency of
the wave.

Application exercise:
The following 4-step exercise describes the method to characterize an
electromagnetic wave when propagating in an open environment, for
which, each student must choose 1 propagation media of the proposed in
Table 1 and announce it within the Task 1 forum to avoid repetition.

Table 1: Conductivity 𝛔 and electrical permittivity 𝛆𝐫 of some media.

Media 𝛔 [𝐒⁄𝐦] 𝛆𝐫 [ ]
1. Copper 5.80𝑥107 1

2. Sea water 4 80
3. Air 5.5𝑥10−15 1.0005
4. Vegetable soil 1.00𝑥10−2 14
5. Dry soil 1.00𝑥10−4 3
6. Sweet water 1.00𝑥10−3 80
7. Vacuum 0 1
𝜀 = εr ε𝑜 ; εo = 8.8542x10−12 𝐶 2 /N𝑚2

Step 1: Calculate the tangent of losses Tan (δ) and the angle of losses
δ of the medium chosen in Table 1, if through it travel an electromagnetic
wave E of frequency 𝑓 = (𝐶𝐶𝐶 + 10) 𝑀𝐻𝑧. Note that 𝐶𝐶𝐶 are the last 3
digits of your identification number.

• In the medium of vacuum:

𝑓 = ( 513 + 10) 𝑀𝐻𝑧 = 523 𝑀𝐻𝑧 = 523 𝑥 106 𝐻𝑧

𝜎 𝜎
𝑇𝑎𝑛(𝛿) = =
𝜔𝜀 2𝜋𝑓εrε𝑜
𝜎 0 𝑆/𝑚
𝑇𝑎𝑛(𝛿) = = =0
2𝜋𝑓εrε𝑜 2𝜋 ∗ 523𝑥10 𝐻𝑧 ∗ 1 ∗ 8.8542x10−12 𝐶 2 /N𝑚2

• Angle of losses δ:

𝛿 = 𝑇𝑎𝑛−1 (0) ≈ 0°

Calculator evidence
Figure 1: operation 1 on a virtual scientific calculator.

Step 2: According to the result obtained in point 1, classify the behavior

of the chosen medium according to one of the 5 options in Table 2:

Media Tan(δ) δ [°]

1. Perfect dielectrics (Not dissipative) Tan(δ) = 0 δ = 0°
2. Good insulators (Lost low dielectric) 0 < Tan(δ) <= 0,1 0° < δ <= 6°
3. Dissipative dielectrics (Dielectrics with losses) 0,1 < Tan(δ) <= 10 6° < δ <=84°
4. Good conductors (Good conductors) Tan(δ) > 10 84°< δ < 90°
5. Perfect conductors (Perfect conductors) Tan(δ) >>> 10 δ = 90°

Table 2: Classification of propagation media.

• The small value of the loss tangent, indicates, according to
table 2 the medium of vacuum can be considered as a perfect
dielectric or not dissipative.

Step 3: According to the classification obtained in step 2 and using Table

3 shown below, calculate the following propagation parameters of the
wave in the chosen medium:
a. Propagation constant  (gamma).
b. Attenuation constant  (Alpha).
c. Phase constant  (Beta).

Not Lost low Dielectrics with Good

dissipative dielectric losses conductors
𝜸 𝑗𝜔√𝜇𝜀 𝑗𝜔√𝜇𝜀 √𝒋𝝎𝝁(𝝈 + 𝒋𝝎𝜺) √𝑗𝜔𝜎𝜇𝑜

𝜶 0 𝜎𝜂 ⁄2 𝑹𝒆() √𝜋𝑓𝜎𝜇𝑜

𝜷 𝜔√𝜇𝜀 𝜔√𝜇𝜀 𝑰𝒎() √𝜋𝑓𝜎𝜇𝑜

𝜼 √𝜇 ⁄𝜀 √𝜇 ⁄𝜀 √𝒋𝝎𝝁⁄(𝝈 + 𝒋𝝎𝜺) √𝑗𝜔𝜇𝑜 ⁄𝜎

𝜇 = 𝜇𝑟 𝜇𝑜 ; 𝜇𝑟 = 1 (𝑛𝑜𝑛 − 𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎) ; 𝜇𝑜 = 1.2566x10−6 T m/A
Table 3: Propagation parameters in open media.

Note that 𝜔 = 2𝜋𝑓, 𝜇 = μr μ𝑜 and 𝜀 = εr ε𝑜

• The propagation constant:

𝜸 = 𝑗𝜔√𝜇𝜀 = 𝑗2𝜋𝑓√μrμ𝑜 εrε𝑜

𝜔 = 2𝜋 ∗ 523𝑥106 𝐻𝑧 = 3286.106𝑥106
𝜇 = 1 ∗ 1.2566x10−6 T m/A = 1.2566x10−6 T m/A

𝜀 = 1 ∗ 8.8542x10−12 𝐶2 /N𝑚2 = 8.9x10−12 𝐶2 /N𝑚2


𝜸 = 𝑗(3286.106𝑥106 ∗ √1.2566x10−6 T m/A ∗ 8.9x10−12 𝐶 2 /N𝑚2 )
𝜸 = 10.961𝑗

• Attenuation constant:
1.2566x10−6 T A
𝜂 = √𝜇 ⁄𝜀 = √ = 376724498.886 𝑂ℎ𝑚
8.9x10−12 𝐶 2


• Phase constant:
 = 𝜔√𝜇𝜀 = 2𝜋𝑓√μr μ𝑜 εrε𝑜

• Replacing the knowing values:

6 𝑟𝑎𝑑 m
 = 3286.106𝑥10 ∗ √1.2566x10−6 T ∗ 8.9x10−12𝐶2 /N𝑚2
𝑠 A
 = 10.961

Figure 2: operation 2 on a virtual scientific calculator.

Step 4: According to the results obtained in step 3 and using the following
equations, calculate the propagation characteristics of the wave in the
chosen medium:
d. Propagation speed 𝒗𝒑 .
e. Wavelength 𝝀.
f. The penetration depth of the 𝜹𝒑 wave in the medium.

• The propagation speed:

𝜔 3286.106𝑥106
𝑉𝑝 = = 𝑟𝑎𝑑
 10.961
𝑉𝑝 = 299.796
• Wavelength:

2𝜋 2𝜋
𝜆= =
β 𝑟𝑎𝑑
𝜆 = 0.573 𝑚
• Penetration depth:
𝜹𝒑 =
|𝛼 |
𝜹𝒑 = =∞
Figure 3: operation 3 on a virtual scientific calculator.

Interpretation: Using the formulas we obtain a value of loss tangent
equal to zero that helped us to determine that the vacuum behaves as a
perfect dielectric media. In the other hand, for a frequency of 523 MHz
we calculate a propagation speed of 299.796 m/s, with a wavelength of
0.573 m and a penetration depth reached in the vacuum that tending to
infinity according to the attenuation constant.

Video link



[1] Quesada-Pérez, M., & Maroto-Centeno, J. (2014). From Maxwell's

Equations to Free and Guided Electromagnetic Waves: An Introduction
for First-year Undergraduates. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (pp. 46-

[2] Chen, W. (2005). The Electrical Engineering Handbook. Academic

Press. (pp. 513-519).

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