Appendix 1 - Template Final Task 2 - Writing Your Professional Profile

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Activity #2




Group number


Step 1: Reading comprehension exercise.

Sentence that represents the main idea of the text.

Living in UK is probably one of the most multicultural experiences one

can ever have, and universities are no exception.

Thesis of the text and supporting examples that sustenance this.

the thesis or main idea of the text is: for me the main idea or thesis of
the text is how in the United Kingdom it offers its university students a
large number of careers and courses and specially the ease of studying
foreign languages among others.

Universities in UK offer high quality education and teaching levels to

people from around the globe which allows them to live a multicultural
experience by creating spaces to share and get close to everybody’s

Explanation of the meaning of the phrase “Top-ranked”

The word Top-Ranked, means to be classified or to be the best in said

area or specific work carried out or to be carried out. For example, in
this case we are talking about the universities of the United Kingdom,
since they are the best, and everything is due to their high quality of
teaching and research.

Inference from lines 11 and 12 when the text says “Finally, it is

important to highlight that living in the UK is probably one of the most
multi-cultural experiences one can ever have, and universities are no

When referring to lines 11 and 12, I would consider that an allusion is

made to the quality of study that this country offers thanks to the
good investments made by its government and duly favors the
In conclusion we can say that the United Kingdom in general offers a
multicultural experience for foreigners.

Comparison between the UK universities with Colombia universities.

Unfortunately, in Colombia, some foreign person who comes to study in

Colombia if they have enough money could realize a good education,
but if we cover the issue of more than 60% of the population of
Colombia, they cannot enter good universities due to the economic
issue. but in terms of the quality of our study, universities are excellent.
Now, if we show the universities of the United Kingdom, their quality of
study is excellent, Unlike Colombia, its population in more than 80% or
90% enters to study in them, so if it differentiates the quality of culture
between countries.

Screenshot of your participation in the collaborative forum.

Step 2: Writing an email about your professional experience.

Letter showing your professional experience using Infinitives and

From: Sergio Andres Duarte Cordoba

To: Carolina Martínez, Human Resources
Subject: Professional Profile

Dear Mrs. Carolina Martinez,

Beforehand it is a pleasure for me to greet you, I want to make it
very clear first of all how proud I am to be part of the group of
applicants to work with you, not being more continuous with my
requested information.
Regarding the time and date scheduled for our interview, I confirm
in advance my attendance at it.
As requested, I attach my resume to be reviewed by you and I hope
you like it.
I thank you in advance for the opportunity and I hope to meet with
you as soon as possible. Sincerely,
Sergio Andres Duarte Cordoba
Maintenance Supervisor.

Sergio Andrés Duarte Córdoba – Maintenance Supervisor.
maintenance professional. exercising a high degree of responsibility.
Autonomy, and judgment.
Teamwork skills. With the ability to adapt to different environments
and job functions, able to take on challenges and responsibilities,
quick to learn as certify my work references.

Maintenance Supervisor.
February 2019 – February 2022
I worked for SAMSUNG for four years where I was maintenance
coordinator, where I basically coordinated my team so that we had
electrical failures and for part of the air conditioning requested by
the teams.
January 2017 – January 2019
During this year that I worked for Electrolux, my role was learning,
supporting the maintenance and correct operation of the company's
I will be very attentive to any concern.
Sergio Andres Duarte Cordoba.

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