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“The Effect of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – STEM

Educational Practices on Students’ Learning Outcomes”

Submitted to:

Ma’am Marites V. Doctor

Submitted by:

Almario, Ashley-

11-Louis Pasteur
“STEM Strand as a Skills Developer and its Learning Outcome”

Hakan SARAÇ (April 2018). The Effect of Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics-Stem Educational Practices on Students’ Learning Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis Study.

TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. Retrieved from:


The article “The Effect of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics-Stem

Educational Practices on Students’ Learning Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis Study” written by Hakan

SARAÇ first appeared in the April 2018 online edition of The Turkish Online Journal of Educational

Technology. The article is all about the students’ learning outcomes in demands of STEM strand.

As technology changes, the increase of knowledge affects education. It will not only benefit

the teachers but also the students to accommodate with all of their tasks. Now that STEM strand is a

technology-based education, it enables individuals to demonstrate their productivity. Plus, it is also

stated in the article that students in STEM strand should obtained skills such as adaptability,

communication, social skills, problem solving, creativity, self-control and scientific thinking. In

addition, the author said that technology help students in STEM strand to minimize their workloads

and to maximize their time in different specialized courses. Especially that this strand is not only for

engineering students, they need much more time for critical thinking for science experiment and math

problem-solving. Furthermore, the article also emphasized the results of the study they conducted.


The main emphasis of the article is how STEM strand play an important role in developing

students’ skills, especially in technology usage and capability in critical thinking both in science and

mathematics. Plus, the article mentioned that STEM strand is in demand in other developing country,
particularly in USA. Moreover, the author mentioned that there are positive and negative effect to

their analysis. The article stated that, meta-analysis studies in which the use of technological materials

in science and mathematics education is investigated, the effects of smart board use, the use of

instructional technologies, computer-based and assisted instruction, dynamic geometry software are

generally broad. In addition, the article stated wherein the study found that there was a statistically

significant difference between the publication types and the level of education and no statistically

significant difference was found among the lesson types where the studies were conducted. Therefore,

the article determined the effects of STEM educational practices on the learning outcomes of students

in the categories of academic achievement, course attitude and scientific process skills and the

remaining effects were excluded from the study. Whereas, the researchers who will work on these

topics will be able to learn STEM education practices during the education period; gender and anxiety

on factors such as the effect on different topics can perform meta-analysis studies. Moreover, studies

conducted in this meta-analysis have been mostly focused on students' academic achievement and the

effect of course attitude. It is suggested that STEM education practices in researchers should focus

more on the effect of learned knowledge on permanence.


The Authors briefly discussed the main point of the article. The accuracy of the information

in the article are well-determined and so as the supporting ideas with regards to the authors’ claims.

However, one cannot determine that all of the information inside the article were complete. Other

article provided more analysis and study to support their claim such as “evidence of STEM enactment

effectiveness in Asian student learning outcomes” (Chang et. al 2020) wherein they also used meta-

analysis as a method in conducting the study. Another study “a study of correlation between STEM

career knowledge, mathematics self-efficacy, career interests, and career activities on the likelihood of

pursuing a STEM career among middle school students” wherein they explored the students’

knowledge capacity in science, mathematics, and technology (Blotnicky et. al 2018).

When it comes to key terms, the ideas in the article are presented and justified by the

supporting claims. The authors also briefly discussed the different meta-analysis conducted in the

study one by one.

In addition, the hidden assumptions of the article can be easily understood since the article

provided lots of study that can also give audience an insights and additional idea. It can also be easily

determined since the ideas are shallow.

Regarding to the clarity of language obtained by the article, it was clear and precise since the

words that the author used are clear and their definition is shallow. No deep words included which

makes the article straight-forward. The author let the audience to easily understand the content of the

article. English language is used since it is the universal language.

Another aspect of an article is fairness. The article doesn’t obtain one-sided argument since

the author also considered the study which other students took the STEM strand negatively. The

article is also supported by a lot of study which makes the article reliable.

For logic and organization, the author successfully arranged the ideas under the scope of the

said topic which makes the article accurate. Thus, the author also fixed the studies and information

chronologically. The article also showed the elements of a good article.

With regards to the common fallacies, the author often used words which makes the article

seems repetitive. Going back to the meta-analysis of the article, the author didn’t used other words

that are similar with the previous words he or she used.


There are also many things to agree and disagree in the article and some ideas that are

included inside the article. I strongly agree that the said strand which is the STEM strand is the

holistic strand since the focus of the strand are the major subjects which is commonly in demands to

today’s career. However, I disagree with the thought of that the technology makes an individual more

productive. For all we know, technology also can cause distraction to students who are incapable of

self-control. Thus, the author’s credibility is evident with the result of the article.

Now, let us talk about the right and wrong of the author. Mostly, the way author addressed the

punctuation marks are incorrect. Sometimes, the author’s coma is located in other part of the sentence.

When it comes to the right thing that the author has been done, is when the author analyzed the study

and explain it a little further.

All people can merit or benefit on this article since there are also a lot of STEM students.

Thus, other students might consider this article for them to have a knowledge what STEM strand is

incapable of.

People should recommend this article since it contains reliable and helpful resources. It will

help students to preview as well as to consider the STEM as their strand in the near future. Thus, the

students in the STEM strand enable to determine and have the additional knowledge about their

chosen strand.


The STEM strand learning strategy has something to do with the students’ learning outcomes. Since

the strand is more focused on technology, mathematics, engineering, science, and experiments, this

strand may consider as the holistic strand which means that this strand is almost in demands with

different kinds of desired career.

Out of 10, the rating of the article is 8 since the author elaborated the deep analyzation of the

studies she or he included in the article in a most understanding way.

Compassion in doing the article and determination in finishing the article are the two possible

weapons that the author used. The author’s compassion is very evident since the elaboration of the

study of the article is successful. Overall, the article is considerable.


Hakan SARAÇ (April 2018). “The Effect of Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics-Stem Educational Practices on Students’ Learning Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis Study.”

“Evidence of STEM Enactment Effectiveness in Asian Student Learning Outcomes.” (Chang et. al


“A Study of Correlation Between STEM Career Knowledge, Mathematics Self-efficacy, Career

Interests, and Career Activities on the likelihood of pursuing a STEM career among middle school

students” (Blotnicky et. al 2018).


Content (25) - ___________________

Original Idea (10) - ________________

Grammar & Mechanics (10) - _________________

Timeliness (5) - ________________

Total (50) = __________________

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