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 Chinese gave the first psychological exam, personality and intelligence test

 Muhammad ibn Zakariya al Razi is the first person describing mental

illness and help and care patient with mental illness

Goals of Psychology
 Describe
 Predict
 Explain
 Control

Theory- a set of hypothesized statements about the relationships

among events

Research Pure Research

Applied Research

Approach biological, cognitive, behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanistic,

cross- cultural, and evolutionary

Fields of Psychology
1. Clinical psychologists
2. Counseling psychologists
3. School psychologists
4. Educational psychologists
5. Developmental psychologist
6. Social psychologists
7. Environmental psychologists
8. Experimental psychologist
9. Forensic psychologists
10.Sport psychologists
11.Industrial psychologists
12.Organizational psychologists
13.Human factors psychologists
14.Consumer psychologists
15.Health psychologists
Contemporary Approaches and Perspectives in
 Biological approach and perspective
 Cognitive approach and perspective
 Behavioral approach and perspective
 Psychodynamic approach and perspective
 Humanistic-Existential approach and perspective
 Sociocultural approach and perspective

Scientific Method
 scientific method an organized way of using experience and testing ideas to
expand and refine knowledge
 hypothesis in psychology, a specific statement about behavior or mental
processes that is tested through research
 correlation an association or a relationship among variables, as we might find
between height and weight, or between study habits and school grades
 selection factor a source of bias that may occur in research findings when
participants are allowed to choose for themselves a certain treatment in scientific

Samples and Populations

 sample part of a population
 population a complete group of interest to researchers, from which a sample is
 random sample a sample drawn so that each member of a population has an
equal chance of being selected to participate
 stratified sample a sample drawn so that identified subgroups in the population
are represented proportionately in the sample
 volunteer bias a source of bias or error in research reflecting the prospect that
people who offer to participate in research studies differ systematically from
people who do not

Critical Thinking
Principles of Critical Thinking

1. Be skeptical
2. Insist on evidence
3. Examine definitions of terms
4. Examine the assumptions or premises of arguments
5. Be cautious in drawing conclusions from evidence
6. Be especially skeptical of anecdotes
7. Consider alternative interpretations of research evidence
8. Do not oversimplify
9. Do not overgeneralize
10.Apply critical thinking to all areas of life

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