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meta - beyond

 physikon - nature/physical
 investigates the fundamental nature of reality, being and existence.
 Deals with the question of REALITY and BEING.

 Kosmos – world or universe
 Logos – study of
 study of the universe or world including its origin, dynamics and characteristics, as well
as the laws that govern its order.

• theos – GOD
• Dike – just; right
• studies the nature, being, goodness, and justice of God in the light of
reason alone.
• also God and man relationship and other doctrines related to divinity.
Philosophical or Rational Psychology
 psyche – mind, soul, spirit
 logos – study of
 studies the nature and functioning of the mind
 deals with man as a dipartite being, i.e., as a composite of body and soul
Social or Political Philosophy
• this is the philosophical search for knowledge of the ultimate foundation
of the state, its ideal form and its basic power.
• axios - worth or value
• analyzes the meaning, characteristic, origin, types, criteria and
knowledge of values.
• aisthetikos – sense of perception
• studies beauty and the art.
• Art - man’s creativeness/skills
• in doing things beautifully.
• Beauty- quality attributed to whatever pleases the beholder, such as form,
color, behavior.
• ethos - customs, manners
• investigates the right and wrong in man’s behavior and the morality of
human acts and conducts.
• Man and Actions
• Deals with question about right and wrong.e.g;
- “Is morality subjective?”
- “What makes actions right and wrong?”
 Episteme – knowledge
 Logos - study of the origins, nature, extent and the veracity (vera - truth)
reliability, truthfulness, validity of knowledge.
 Investigates different ways of knowing, and whether there are limits to
• Science and art of correct thinking
• inquires into the nature and problems of correct thinking and orderly
• Man and Reason

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