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Let’s know about peruvian muscial instruments

Peruvian Music
Now travelling to South America, let’s look into a little about the music of Peru. One reason I am
focusing on the music of this South American country is because I traveled to Peru with my
parents when I was 19. Trust me when I say it’s a very amazing place with rich cultural traditions.
Peru was home to the ancient Incan civilization. They inhabited the world famous city on a cliff
known as Machu Picchu. Believe me when I say that this place is breathtaking!

The Incas used a wide variety of instruments for different occasions. They include the
guayllaquepas (similar to trumpets), huancar (large drums), tinya (smaller drum), pinkullo (flute-
like instrument), and antaras (pan pipes):
I have two of these instruments at my home, though I will admit that I can’t play them very well
at all. They are used often in
traditional Peruvian music and it is
fascinating to watch those who can
play this instrument well. Here is a
song you may recognize being played
on pinkullo and antaras:

The national instrument of Peru is the

Charango, which is a lute-like instrument:

Almost all folk music of Peru is accompanied by or

named by traditional dances that go along with the
music. Dancing is a big part of the musical traditions
in Peru. Traditional dances include
the Festejo, Huayno, Tondero, and Valicha among
many others. Here is a video of some traditional
Peruvian dances:

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