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Mariang sinukuan, the Diwata of Mt. Arayat in Pampanga

Retold by Karl Gaverza

Name:Lopez,Chris Zhander P. Lopez Date :11/10/22

Grade/Section: 10-Fronda

I.Title & Author

The story of Mariang sinukuan, the Diwata of Mt. Arayat in Pampanga is from the Diwata, or
mountain goddess, associated with Mount Arayat in Pampanga, Philippines, and is a prominent example
of the mountain-goddess motif in Philippine mythology, retold by Karl Gaverza which is he is the
researcher and the author of the book, The Spirits of the Philippine Archipelago.

II. Summary


Mariang sinukuan, people, young men ,fruit trees and animals


Morning, dawn, sunrise

Social Condition:

Mariang Sinukan is the goddess of Mount Arayat


Once upon a time, they say that Mt. Arayat abounded in all kinds of fruit trees and animals. The
strange thing about this is that the fruit trees bore exceptionally big fruits all the year round and the
animals was no other than Mariang Sinukuan. These distribute to the poor by Mariang sinukuan.Every
morning families see at their doorsteps fruits and animals left by Mariang Sinukuan while they were
sleeping. People know that Mariang Sinukuan was the one who’s leaving the fruits and animals. So to
show their gratitude and respect they never tried to go to her hide-out in the mountain. The people
considered her home as a sacred place. But there came a time when the people were no longer satisfied
with what the enchanted lady left at their doorsteps. They wanted to get more. One day, some young
men decided to go up Mt. Arayat. They wanted to get more fruits and animals of Mariang Sinukuan.
They started to climb early at dawn then they reached the base of the mountain at sunrise. They saw a
guavas bigger than their fists dangled,pomegranate branches almost reached to the ground because of
the many and big fruits they bore, ripe mangoes, fowls of every kind were plentiful, pigs, goats and
other animals roamed around. The young men viewing this wonder of nature when from nowhere came
Mariang Sinukuan. They could not find any words to say to her so she spoke first to them and she said ”
Welcome to my home, young men. Help yourself to the fruits. Eat as much as you can but I’m warning
you not to take anything home without my knowledge.” With this, the enchanted lady departed.

Young men started to pick up the fruits. And then they ate continuously until they could not eat
anymore. After that, even if Maria Sinukuan warned them not to take anything home without her
knowledge, they didn’t take that warning seriously. “Let us pick some more fruits. I want to fill this sack
which I brought,” said one. “No, let’s not do that. Let’s go home now,” said another. “I’m scared.” “Why
be scared? Did we not come to get more fruits and animals?” “But the lady warned us not to take
anything home without her knowledge.” “Oh, come on. She won’t know we took home fruits and
animals. They’re so plentiful, she won’t know the difference.” Then young men started to fill their sacks
with as many fruits and animals as they could get hold of. They decided to go home but as they were
about to begin their descent, they felt their sacks becoming heavier. They felt that their load was pulling
them down. Putting the sacks down, young men found out that the fruits and animals had become big
stones. Then, suddenly they remembered Mariang Sinukuan’s warning. They were frightened and they
left their sacks and started to run. But before they reached the base of the mountain, Mariang Sinukuan
appeared who was very angry. “You ungrateful wretches! I help you in times of need. But how do you
repay me. You are not satisfied with what I leave you at your doorsteps. And now you even try to steal
my things! Because of your greediness I’m going to turn you all into a swine.” With the wave of her
wand, Mariang Sinukuan changed the young men into swine.

That’s not the last time they tried to steal again and again. Because of that, Mariang Sinukuan
stopped leaving food to their doorsteps. She caused the fruit trees and animals in the mountain to
disappear. She no longer showed herself to the people for she was disgusted with their greediness.

III. Critical Analysis

Was the title appropriate? If yes, why? If not, suggest different title.

Yes, because the title of the story is appropriate to the short story since Mariang Sinukuan is the main
character and the main topic/revolves around her story and it is involves our own mountain the mt

Was the setting useful in the development of the plot? Explain.

Yes, it is useful because it shows the characters, conflicts, and it gives clues to the story’s theme.

Were the characters described well? How did the author reveal the characters’ attitude and values?
Cite specific instances.

The characters were described well. And the author revealed the characters' attitudes and values
through their dialogues in the story such as Mariang Sinukuan’s generosity. “Welcome to my home,
young men. Help yourself to the fruits. Eat as much as you can but I’m giving you a warning not to take
anything home without my knowledge.” Also, the young men’s greediness was described. “Oh, come
on. She won’t know we took home fruits and animals. They’re so plentiful, she won’t know the
difference.” All of these lines proved that Mariang Sinukuan is generous and kind mountain goddess
while the young man are ungrateful and greedy.

Was the author’s style effective? Did he use flashback, foreshadowing, irony, or figurative
language? Cite instances.

The author’s style is effective. He used socratic irony while the young men ignored/didn’t take Mariang
Sinukuan’s warning

What was the purpose of the author in writing the story? Did he achieve it?

The purpose of the author is for us to get us know that we should be contented on what’s given to us.
The author stressed the value of contentment. Yes, he achieved it.

IV. Personal Reflection

What did you like about the story?

I liked about Mariang Sinukuan, is how she shows to other people her kindness.

What have you learned from the characters and their experiences?

I learned from it that we should be thankful and contented on what’s given to us. Gratitude is a twin
value of contentment.

How will you apply the lessons you have gained from the story? Cite specific plans or actions that
you would do.
I will be grateful and contented on whatever God has given to me.
Given the chance, who among the characters would you like to ask and what question you will ask?

If I will be given a chance to ask a question to one character, I will choose Mariang Sinukuan and ask if
the people will ask for forgiveness, would she still forgive them?

V. Conclusion

Would you recommend it to others? Why or why not?

I will recommend this story to others because it has a moral lesson and that is very relevant to our life.

If you were the author, what literary techniques or devices will you use to make the story more
interesting? How will you add the devices in the story?

I will use flashforward so that young men would see already the effect of their disobedience to Mariang
Sinukuan’s warning.

Given the chance, what question would you like to ask the author about the story?

If I have an a chance to ask a author of the story, I will ask to her why she didn’t give a happy ending on
the story.

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