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Lopez Jaena St. Tayug, Pangasinan
First Term of A.Y. 2022-2023
Module for BEED 3, BSE 3, and BPED 3

The Teacher as a Person in the Society

How are you, teacher? I hope that you were able to read modules 1 to 3 critically. Your
knowledge about these modules is foundational as you explore this new module.

Do you agree that a teacher is an active member of the society? Teachers are arguably the
most important members of our society. They give children purpose, set them up for success
as citizens of our world, and inspire in them a drive to do well and succeed in life. The
children of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and teachers are that critical point that makes
a child ready for their future. In this regard, teachers must have the right knowledge about
the skills they need to develop to play their roles.

I hope that you will enjoy reading this module. If possible, highlight the key points from
this material.


Continue the following prompt:

Every teacher is an active community member because



 Family-school-community partnerships are a shared responsibility and reciprocal

process whereby schools and other community agencies and organizations engage
families in meaningful and culturally appropriate ways, and families take initiative to
actively support their children’s development and learning.

 Partnerships are essential for helping students achieve at their maximum potential and
while parent and community involvement has always been a cornerstone of public
schools, greater recognition and support of these collaborative efforts is needed.

A. What is school and community relations or partnership?

 A school-community partnership involves "the connections between schools and
community individuals, organizations, and businesses that are forged to promote
students' social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development" (Saunders, 2001).
Lopez Jaena St. Tayug, Pangasinan
First Term of A.Y. 2022-2023
B. Why do we need community partnership in schools?
 Schools are being held accountable for students learning and what they know.
However, schools cannot do this alone. This is where school and community
partnerships come into play. In these different partnerships students are given the
best opportunities to succeed in school because the community can sometimes
provide resources that schools cannot really afford to provide.

C. What is the importance of school and community relations?

 The school and the community are the mainsprings of effective and powerful forces
that can create wholesome climate for mutual gains and betterment.
 They can forge a kind of partnership where both are willing to share information as
well as responsibilities to the best interest of the children while in school, likewise
when dealing with members of the community.

D. What are the roles of the teachers, parents and the community?
 The parents are the first teachers in the home.
 The parents are responsible for the development of values, attitudes and habits that
will be needed as their children associate with classmates in the school.
 The members of the community, in addition to the parents and relatives like the
government officials, the professionals and all the residents are highly motivated to
participate in the parent-teacher activities and projects.

E. What are the six types of involvement in the community?

1. Type 1 (Parenting Activities): Parenting activities increase families’ understanding
of their children’s growth and development. These activities may assist parents with
information on children’s health, safety, nutrition, other topics of child and adolescent
development, and home conditions that support students’ education at each grade
level. Type 1 activities also increase schools’ understanding of families with
strategies that promote exchanges of information between educators, parents, and
other caregivers about their concerns and goals for children.

2. Type 2 (Communicating Activities): These include school-to-home and home-to

school communications about school and classroom programs and children’s
progress. Two-way communications by teachers and families increase understanding
and cooperation between school and home. Thoughtful two-way communications also
show students that their teachers and parents are working together to help students
succeed in school.

3. Type 3 (Volunteering Activities): They enable families to share their time and
talents to support the school, teachers, and students. Volunteers may conduct
activities at school, in classrooms, at home, or in the community. Family volunteers
may assist individual teachers or help in the library, the family room, the computer
Lopez Jaena St. Tayug, Pangasinan
First Term of A.Y. 2022-2023
room, the playground, the lunchroom, after-school programs, or other locations.
Families also give their time to attend student performances, sports activities,
assemblies, celebrations, and other events.

4. Type 4 (Learning at Home Activities). They provide information and ideas to

families about the academic work that their children do in class, how to help their
children with homework, and other curriculum-related activities and decisions. Type
4 activities increase teacher-parent communications and parent-child discussions at
home through reviewing student work, practicing skills to pass a course, monitoring
and discussing homework, choosing courses, and conducting other academic and
curricular activities.

5. Type 5 (Decision Making Activities). They enable families to participate in

decisions about school programs that affect their own and other children. Family
representatives on School Councils, school improvement teams, and various
committees and in PTA or other parent organizations ensure that parents’ voices are
heard on important school decisions.

6. Type 6 (Collaborating with the Community Activities). They encourage the

cooperation of schools, families, and community groups, organizations, agencies, and
individuals. The connections can be mutually beneficial:
a. Community resources may help schools, families, and students.
b. Educators, parents, and students may help their communities.

F. What are some of the difficulties and problems that learners usually experience in
 ability to accomplish assignments,
 irregular attendance,
 study habits in school,
 negative attitudes, and
 problem with self-discipline

G. What are some of the solutions that can be implemented to overcome the challenges
being experienced by the learners?
1. The best way to thresh out causes and come up with solutions is to conduct a dialogue
wherein parents may be invited to drop by the school, or the teacher may pay a visit
to their home.
Lopez Jaena St. Tayug, Pangasinan
First Term of A.Y. 2022-2023
2. A calm and friendly face to face exchange of observations could straighten some
disturbing interactions ending with a promise of undertaking remediation in both
3. Positive attitudes of kindheartedness and patience are developed through modeling.
4. Regularity in attendance and doing daily assignments need strong motivation and
encouragement from both sides.
5. Letters and praises to parents for outstanding performances build confidence and
strengthen determination to continue the good work.
6. Interesting lesson never fail to motivate students to present every day for an enjoyable
participation in them.
7. Extremes of behavior need detailed consideration of past experience in school and at

H. What is the effect of that strong partnership among teachers, parents, and
1. The community would in turn show their gratitude and appreciation by keeping their
school’s surroundings clean and comfortable for the children, and by sharing
resources whenever needed.
2. The school officials actively participate in community projects such as literacy
assistance project for out-of-school children and house campaign for healthful
3. The municipality/city officials are likewise ready to provide help in improving the
physical facilities of the school.


26-30 An important main idea is clearly stated. Supporting details are relevant and
convincing. How the evidence supports the main idea is clear, reasonable,
and explained in detail.
15-25 A main idea is stated. Supporting details are mostly relevant. How the
evidence supports the main idea is mostly clear and reasonable. Some
explanation is given.
1-14 A main idea is not stated or is not correct. Supporting details are not relevant
or are missing. How the evidence supports the main idea is not clear, not
reasonable, and/or not explained.

Create a program proposal that aims to strengthen the partnership of community and
school. In your proposal include the following parts:
a. Name of your activity
b. Description of your activity
Lopez Jaena St. Tayug, Pangasinan
First Term of A.Y. 2022-2023
c. Objectives of your activity
d. Expected results of your activity

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