Uts Activity

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Activity: Watch “Inspiring Video on Positive Attitude” by AKP Studios on YouTube.

It is a video on one
facet of the life of American President Abraham Lincoln.

1. Identify the significant failures in the life of President Abraham Lincoln.

Failed in business at the age of 21

Defeated in a Legislature race at age 22

Failed again in business at the age of 24

Overcame the death of his sweetheart at age 26

Lost a Congressional race at age 34

Lost at Senatorial race at age 45

Failed in an effort to become Vice President at age 47

Lost a Senatorial again at age 49

2. What did he do to overcome his failures?

He never gives up and has a positive attitudes

3. Describe the personality of President Lincoln relative to the failures he experienced.

He made a conscious effort to light a candle of hope. To achieve greatness regardless of

situation. And he never gives up

Activity 1: Self-identification

A. Following are statements about “pictures” of oneself.

Determine if the statement reflects a real self or an ideal self. Write your answer on the blank.

real self 1. I am good at mathematics.

real self 2. I am slow to criticize people.

Ideal self 3. I wish I were a good singer.

Ideal self 4. I have a good sense of humor.

Ideal self 5. I dream of becoming a scientist in the future.

Ideal self 6. I wish I were a punctual person.

real self 7. I worry a lot over small things.

Ideal self 8. I like to be a politician someday.

Ideal self 9. I wish to be a good father to my children.

Ideal self 10. I want to be a successful accountant.

Ideal self 11. I am an honest businessman.

Real self 12. I wish I were good in mathematics.

Ideal self 13. I am able to perform well in science.

Real self 14. I am a person with a pleasant disposition.

Ideal self 15. I want to be one of the best athletes of the country.

B. Write an essay about your real self and ideal self. Use the following items as guide.

1. Paint a picture of yourself in terms of what you think of yourself and your personality
characteristics or abilities.

2. Highlight what you believe are your significant and positive personality characteristics or

3. Also identify your low or negative characteristics. Be realistic as much as you can.

4. Describe yourself in terms of what you wish or desire to become in the future (or your ideal

Activity 2: Achieving Your Ideal Self

Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What do you want to be? You may use the essay you wrote in Activity 1 as reference.


2. List down the things that are available to you (e.g., money, parental support, opportunities,
abilities, and the like) which you think and believe will enable you to become what you want to

3. Enumerate the good and positive things given and shown to you by your family and friends,
which make you feel good about yourself.


4. List down the things that you do not have which you think hinder you from becoming what
you want to be.


5. What do you plan to do with those things that you do not have so that you can still become
what you want to be?


Activity 3: Self-concept and Self-esteem

Determine if the situation denotes self-concept (SC) or self-esteem (SE). Write your answer on the

Self concept 1. I have a beautiful face.

Self esteem 2. I am friendly.

Self concept 3. I feel bad when my mother scolds me.

Self concept 4. I am able to solve crossword puzzles at fast pace.

Self esteem 5. I am easily disturbed when people talk about me.

Self concept 6. I feel I am being talked about when people talk to each other.

Self concept 7. I can easily get perfect scores in the different tests.

Self Esteem 8. I am easily hurt when people criticize my work.

Self concept 9. I feel good all the time even if work is difficult.

Self esteem 10. I am a tall person.

Self concept 11. I have a nice singing voice.

Self concept 12. My project in the exhibit is better than that of the others.

Self concep 13. I am fair-skinned.

Self concept 14. I am the best student in my mathematics class.

Self esteem 15. I am physically healthy.

Activity 4: Hierarchy of Needs

Answer the following questions briefly based on your understanding of the preceding section.

1. What are the significant points that should be remembered regarding Maslow’s hierarchy of


2. At your age at this time of your life, what is your best estimate as to your current level in
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? Why do you think so?


Activity 5: Self-actualized Persons

Identify one person who you think or believe is self-actualized or approaching self-actualization.
He/she may be a well-known local or foreign personality. Take a look at the recipients of the
Noble Peace Prize and the Ramon Magsaysay Award, great inventors, peacemakers, civic
workers, and the like. Explain why you think he/she is self-actualized or self-actualizing, and cite
his/her contribution/s to society in general. Present your output in class.

Activity 1: Eight Intelligences

A. Below is a list of professionals or workers. Identify Gardner’s specific intelligence or skill associated
with the occupation of the professional/worker. Write your answer on the blank.

1. Nurse ________________________ 2. Doctor ________________________

3. Lawyer _______________________ 4. Teacher _______________________

5. Agriculturist __________________ 6. Farmer ________________________

7. Office Mngr. ___________________8. Physicist ______________________

9. Journalist _____________________10. Insurance Agent _____________

11. Guidance counselor __________ 12. Biologist ____________________

13. Medical Tech. ________________ 14. Salesperson _________________

15. P. E. Teacher _________________ 16. Caregiver ___________________

17. Church pastor ________________ 18. Motivational speaker _________

B. Add one more example of occupation or profession vis-a –vis each ability by Gardner.

1. Verbal – linguistic ______________________________________

2. Logical – mathematical ______________________________________

3. Spatial – visual ______________________________________

4. 4. Bodily – kinesthetic ______________________________________

5. 5. Musical – rhythmic ______________________________________

6. 6. Interpersonal ______________________________________

7. 7. Intrapersonal ______________________________________

8. 8. Naturalist ______________________________________

C. Identify as many skills or abilities that you possess and write them on a sheet of paper. For example,
you might be good at solving mathematical problems, or you have artistic and aesthetic skills in painting.
Think also of what you want to be or what kind of work you want to do in the future. Then, determine if
there is a good match between your abilities and the job or the profession you want for yourself later in
D. Based on your listing, is it possible for an individual to possess more that one of Gardner’s multiple
intelligence? Why or Why not?

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