STS1 SciFi

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The world as you know it didn't end with a bang, but with a chilling silence.

Year 3520: The Philippine Federation was established after the Fourth World War. Under different
leadership, the states have different technological specializations. You live in the State of Manila which
is where the teleportation machines called GeoPods were invented to address the alarming pollution
rates and to decrease travel time between states. The mechanism of a GeoPod for humans was said to
work like this: First, it shuts down the brain temporarily. Then, it destroys the body from the place it
came from and makes a copy of that to the other side. Afterward, it transfers the memories of that
person into the new body. This all happens in just seconds. For the transportation to begin, you must
remove all items of clothing before entering the machine pod. Users of GeoPods have special watches to
control the device.

The utilization of GeoPods used to be a very controversial topic with regards to the ethics and the
legality of the invention. Many religious affiliations are against it. However, several scientists and
engineers conducted sufficient studies throughout the years to prove and reassure the leaders and the
general public. They made sure that GeoPods are all regulated by a central governing unit to ensure the
safety and legality of transport.

Initially, these GeoPods were only made accessible to people in the State of Manila. For the past years
since its launch, there were no reported problems. Eventually, it became the main mode of
transportation for traveling within the Philippine Federation. However, there were still those who
opposed this new technology. Every district has its own GeoPod.

You live alone and you have your own GeoPod which is one of the perks of your work. You work in the
State of Manila as a materials engineer tasked to regulate and perform daily check-ups on GeoPods
within your district. One day after work, you and your team decided to hang out at a café near your
station. One of your coworkers doesn’t seem like himself today as he ordered espresso instead of his
usual vanilla latte. Your team joked around and said it was because of the GeoPod travels, mimicking
and mocking the calls of the protesters outside. Everyone started telling their funny encounters with the
GeoPods. The laughter and stories were cut short when the big clock chimes 9 PM which signals the
commencement of the curfew in your district within 30 minutes. You bid goodbye to your team and
went home. As you were walking, one of the GeoPod protesters saw your watch and approached you
angrily saying, “You don’t belong here.” repeatedly. You didn’t pay them any attention since you’ve
heard that a thousand times now.

It was after your regular Saturday visit to your family in the State of Cebu when you notice an eerie
feeling you can't quite shake off. Confused, you decided to clothe yourself and take a little nap in your
bedroom. However, someone's already there. Chills went down your spine as you see the person laying
down in your bed staring as you walk is you.

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