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Chelsea Cox University of Houston


1. Formative Evaluation Plan (Address who will be in one-to-one and small group
evaluations, when evaluation sessions will take place and how long they will take, what
will happen during sessions, questions to be asked of evaluators, and any questionnaires,
documents, or other materials that you plan to create for the sessions. This section can
be written in narrative format, organized into a table, or presented in some other way.)

Due to being FMLA at the time of this assignment, I did not have access to my students, so I only
completed one-to-one evaluations. My one-to-on evaluators will be a colleague and my
nephews. My colleague is a second grade teacher and subject matter expert. My nephews are a
current second grader (target learner) and a current sixth grader (previous target population).
My evaluations will take place within one week. I will spend 30 minutes with my evaluators to
show them the instructional design project and discuss feedback. I will ask them to evaluate my
project using the following questions:

Type of learning: Are the instructional design and materials appropriate for the type of learning
Content: Do the instructional design and materials include adequate instruction on the
subordinate skills, and are these skills sequenced and clustered logically?
Clarity: Are the instructional design and materials clear and readily understood by
representative members of the target group?
Motivation: What is the motivational value of the materials?
Improvements: What are ways that the instructional design and materials can be improved?

2. One-to-One Evaluations
a. Description of who served as one-to-one evaluators and why they were chosen

My first one-to-one evaluator was my colleague who also teaches second

grade. She is a subject matter expert, and has taught fractions to the target
learner population for several years.

My second one-to-one evaluator was my nephew who is completing the

second grade. He has learned and mastered the fractions, and fits within the
target learner population.

b. Length of the one-to-one meetings

My first meeting lasted about 45 minutes.

My second lasted 30 minutes.

c. Description of the activities done during the one-to-one meetings

Chelsea Cox University of Houston

During both one-to-one meetings, I introduced my project, and explained why I

needed their evaluations. Next, I read and explained the performance
objectives and entry level skills. Then, I showed the instructional materials.
Finally, I asked the evaluators to spend a few minutes looking over the
materials, and asked questions to complete the evaluation.

d. Remarks on how long it took the evaluators to complete the activities

My first evaluator took about five minutes to look through the materials. Due
to her expertise on the topic, she was able to evaluate the project quickly.

My second evaluator took some time to practice, and play with, the
instructional materials. He also required more explanation and discussion of
the objectives.

e. Results of the assessments that evaluators completed

My first evaluator (subject matter expert) received a perfect score on the

My second evaluator (target learner) received an 94% accuracy score on the


f. Feedback received from the evaluators during these sessions

My first evaluator (subject matter expert) suggested creating a student anchor
chart in black-and-white. She confirmed that the design project was
motivating, clear, logical, and appropriate. She also suggested adding an
extension portion, for higher level thinking, to the assignment. This could be an
extra slide at the end of the interactive worksheet.

My second evaluator (target learner) said that the assignment was fun, and he
learned all of the same information that his current teacher taught him
previously. He appreciated the images of real-world fractions, receiving a
“cheat sheet” while he worked, and having the ability to complete the
assignment on a computer.

g. Description of revisions that could be made to instruction based on feedback

I created an additional slide at the end of the interactive worksheet for
students to list and add images of any examples of fractions that they have
seen in the world, in order to make connections and access higher-order

h. Links to any questionnaires, documents, or materials created specifically for

one-to-one evaluations.

Chelsea Cox University of Houston

I used my goal statement, performance objectives, and instructional materials

(linked here) during the one-to-one evaluations. I also printed the following
questions to give to the evaluators for our evaluation discussion. I took notes
on my notes app on my iphone as they gave feedback and made suggestions. I
also utilized my assessment tool (included in the instructional materials) to
assess my evaluators.

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