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Lab Workbook

Introduction to Computing


Prepared by:

Saba Mehmood

Department of Electrical Engineering

The University of Lahore.

Course Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of the course, a student should be able to:

CLO# CLO Description Domain Taxonomy Mapped

Level PLO

CLO3 Use an appropriate computer application program Cognitive 3 PLO5

such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel,
Visio, Notepad Code::Blocks, MATLAB etc. to
perform given tasks.
CLO4 Behave according to professional ethics and Affective 3 PLO8
responsibilities with fellow students, lab
staff and instructor during lab time.

List of Lab Experiments

List of Lab Experiments:

Lab Lab Title Mapped
# CLO(s)
1 Computer Organizations and Hardware of a Computer CLO 4
2 Introduction to Microsoft Word CLO 3,4
3 Advance Features in Microsoft Word CLO 3,4
4 Report Writing [Open Ended Lab] CLO 3,4
5 Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint CLO 3,4
6 Introduction to Microsoft Excel CLO 3,4
7 Introduction to Microsoft Visio CLO 3,4
8 Problem Solving: Writing Algorithms for Simple Problems CLO 3,4
9 Pseudo Codes CLO 3,4
10 Programming Using Code::Blocks CLO 3,4
11 Integral Data Type in C++ (Integer and Character Variables) and Floating point CLO 3,4
Data Type in C++ (Float and Double Variables)
12 How to Write Complete Programs Using C++ CLO 3,4
13 Parking Space Design [Open Ended Lab] CLO 3,4
14 Basics of Arduino CLO 3,4
15 Small Arduino Project [Open Ended Lab] CLO 3,4
16 Introduction to MALTAB CLO 3,4
Table of Contents
Course Learning Outcomes........................................................................................................................ 2
List of Lab Experiments ............................................................................................................................. 2
Lab 01: ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Computer Organizations and Hardware .................................................................................................... 5
Lab 02: ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Introduction to Microsoft Word .............................................................................................................. 10
Lab 03: ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Advance Features in Microsoft Word ..................................................................................................... 14
Lab 04: ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
Report Writing ....................................................................................................................................... 18
[Open-Ended Lab] ................................................................................................................................. 18
Lab 05: ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint ................................................................................................. 22
Lab 06: ....................................................................................................................................................... 26
Introduction to Microsoft Excel .............................................................................................................. 26
Lab 07: ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
Introduction to Microsoft Visio .............................................................................................................. 30
Lab 08: ....................................................................................................................................................... 34
Problem Solving: .................................................................................................................................... 34
Writing Algorithms for simple problems ................................................................................................ 34
Lab 09: ....................................................................................................................................................... 40
Pseudo Codes .......................................................................................................................................... 40
Lab 10: ....................................................................................................................................................... 46
Programming using Code: Blocks (cout, Arithmetic, Logical and Relational Operators) ..................... 46
Lab 11: ....................................................................................................................................................... 53
Data Type in C++ (Integer, Character, Float, Double) and cin statement ........................................ 53
Lab 12: ....................................................................................................................................................... 62
HOW TO WRITE COMPLETE PROGRAM IN C++ ..................................................................................... 62
Lab 13: ....................................................................................................................................................... 67
Parking Space Design [Open-Ended Lab] ........................................................................................... 67
Lab 14: ....................................................................................................................................................... 73
Basics of Arduino ................................................................................................................................... 73
Lab 15: ....................................................................................................................................................... 77
A Small Arduino project ....................................................................................................................... 77
[Open-Ended Lab] ................................................................................................................................. 77
Lab 16: ....................................................................................................................................................... 82
Introduction to Matlab ............................................................................................................................ 82
Lab 01:
Computer Organizations and Hardware
Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:


1- What is a computer?

2- What are the different functions of a computer?

3- What is a storage device? What is the common classification?

4- What do you mean by a processing device?

5- What is main memory in a computer?

6- What are different types of RAM?

7- What is an interface?
Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 02:
Introduction to Microsoft Word

Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:


1- Prepare a document with formatting by inserting bullets/numbers, pictures, tables,

equations and table of contents and text should be justify aligned.

Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 03:
Advance Features in Microsoft Word

Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:


1. Prepare a document and add table of contents in the start. Choose any style of your choice
and add a bibliography at the end with at-least 10 citations.

Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 04:
Report Writing
[Open-Ended Lab]

Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:


1. Select any topic of your choice and write a report on it.

Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 05:
Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint

Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:


1- Prepare a presentation on any topic of your choice with formatting by inserting bullets,
numbers, pictures, tables and equations.

Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 06:
Introduction to Microsoft Excel

Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:

1. Prepare an Excel sheet by applying basic arithmetic formulas (+, -, *, /) on entered data.

Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 07:
Introduction to Microsoft Visio

Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:


1- Prepare a diagram / flowchart using Microsoft Visio 2016.

Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 08:
Problem Solving:
Writing Algorithms for simple problems

Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:


Write algorithm for following problems:

1- Take two numbers and check if first number is cube root of second. If it is then output
the result that look like the following statement, e.g. 8 is cube root of 2.

2- Take three sides of a triangle and check if it’s an isosceles triangle, right-angled
triangle, both or none.
3- Read a number and prints its absolute value and square.

4- Read the slopes of two lines and write whether these are parallel or not. If these are
not parallel, determine whether these are perpendicular or not.
5- Take two numbers from user and swap them.

Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 09:
Pseudo Codes

Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:

Write pseudo codes for following problems:
1- Take two numbers and check if first number is cube root of second. If it is then output the
result that look like the following statement, e.g. 8 is cube root of 2.

2- Take three sides of a triangle and check if it’s an isosceles triangle, right-angled
triangle, both or none.
3- Read a number and prints its absolute value and square.

4- Read the slopes of two lines and write whether these are parallel or not. If these are
not parallel, determine whether these are perpendicular or not.
5- Take two numbers from user and swap them.

Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 10:
Programming using Code: Blocks (cout, Arithmetic,
Logical and Relational Operators)
Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:

1. Write a program that will print your name, registration number, email address and city.
Name: Ahmad Ali
Registration Number: BSEE 01141020
Email Address:
City: Lahore
2. Write a program to calculate and print the remainder of 22 after dividing by the numbers
from 2, and then write the answer here.
Number 2 3 4 5 6

3. Write a program to print the table of 6 in reverse order from 1 – 10 using * operator.

4. Write the C++ statements in a single program to do the following:

Calculate the quotient of 7 / 3
Calculate the remainder of 8 / 9
Calculate the remainder of 12 / 7
Subtract 12 from 6 and add to 1
Calculate the quotient of 5 / 6 and add that to 2
Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 11:
Data Type in C++ (Integer, Character, Float, Double)
and cin statement

Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:

1. Write a program to declare two integer variables as length and width. Initialize both
variables. Calculate the area of rectangle and print it. (area = length * width)

2. Write a program to initialize current and resistance and then calculate voltage. (𝑉 = 𝐼 𝑅)
3. Write a program to initialize a character variable with any upper case letter. Convert the
upper case letter to the lower case letter and print the result.

4. Write a program to declare two float variables as base and height Initialize both variables.
Calculate the area of triangle and print it. (𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 = (𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 ∗ ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡))
5. Write a program to declare a double variable named radius and initialize it with any value.
Calculate the area of circle and store the area in the variable named area. Print the area of
the circle.𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 = 𝜋𝑟 2

6. Write the output of the following programs.

float a = 10.2, b = 5.1; double t = 3.4, k = 1.2;

float c;
t = 2.5 + k;
a = a / b; k = t – 5.1 + 2.1;
c = a + c;
b = c - b; cout<< k <<endl;
cout<< t <<endl;
cout<< a <<endl; cout<< k + 2.1 <<endl;
cout<< b <<endl;
cout<< c <<endl;
float p = 2.4, j = 6.5; double h = 4.6, f = 1.7;
float t ;
double m;
f = t – h;
m=j–p; t = f + 2.5;
j = p + 2.4; f = t;
m = j - p; h = t – 3.3;

cout<< m <<endl; cout<< h <<endl;

cout<< j <<endl; cout<< f <<endl;
cout<< p <<endl; cout<< t <<endl;
7. Write a program to take input of mass and acceleration from user and calculate the force.
Print the result. (𝐹 = 𝑚 𝑎)

8. Write a program to take input of time in seconds from user. Convert this input time into
hours, minutes and seconds and display the result.
Enter time in seconds: 3722
Output: 1 hour 2 minute 2 second
Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 12:

Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:


1. Write a program that will ask the user to enter two numbers, divide one by other to find quotient
and remainder.

2. Write a program to swap two numbers using two methods.

i. By introducing a temp variable.
ii. Without introducing a temp variable.
3. Write a program to change the sign of a number

Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 13:
Parking Space Design [Open-Ended Lab]

Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:


Parking is a key component of transportation program. City government adopt multiple techniques
to address problems related to ineffective use of parking spaces in educational institutes,
entertainment centers, religious places, commercial activities and on other special events. You are
assigned to write a program that,

Task 1: Take total available parking space in square feet along with parking space required for a
single car. It will then calculate number of parking spaces available.

Task 2: Calculate how many cars should enter the parking area per day to recover the cost incurred
in constructing the parking facility, provided the initial cost was fifty million.

Task 3: Based on above calculations, quantify time after which the parking fee will be doubled to
meet the recovery target.
Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
This open–ended lab also qualifies as a Complex Engineering Activity as it meets the criterion 2,4
and criterion 5.

S# Attribute Complex Engineering Activities = (2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6)

Complex activities means (engineering) activities or projects that have some or all of the
1 Preamble
following characteristics listed below:

Involve the use of diverse resources (and for this purpose, resources include people,
2 Range of resources
money, equipment, materials, information and technologies).

Require resolution of significant problems arising from interactions between wide-

3 Level of interaction
ranging or conflicting technical, engineering or other issues.

Involve creative use of engineering principles and research-based knowledge in novel

4 Innovation

Consequences to
Have significant consequences in a range of contexts, characterized by difficulty of
5 society and the
prediction and mitigation.


6 Familiarity Can extend beyond previous experiences by applying principles-based approaches. 

Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 14:
Basics of Arduino

Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:


1. Write a program in Arduino to blink an LED light.

Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 15:
A Small Arduino project
[Open-Ended Lab]

Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:

1. Build a small project on Arduino.

Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
This open–ended lab also qualifies as a Complex Engineering Activity as it meets the criterion 2,3
and criterion 4.

S# Attribute Complex Engineering Activities = (2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6)

Complex activities means (engineering) activities or projects that have some or all of the
1 Preamble
following characteristics listed below:

Involve the use of diverse resources (and for this purpose, resources include people,
2 Range of resources
money, equipment, materials, information and technologies).

Require resolution of significant problems arising from interactions between wide-

3 Level of interaction
ranging or conflicting technical, engineering or other issues.

Involve creative use of engineering principles and research-based knowledge in novel

4 Innovation

Consequences to
Have significant consequences in a range of contexts, characterized by difficulty of
5 society and the
prediction and mitigation.


6 Familiarity Can extend beyond previous experiences by applying principles-based approaches. 

Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task
Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐
Lab 16:
Introduction to Matlab

Hardware Components
Software for Simulation

Pre–Lab Preparation:

1. Write a program that display the values of Y for following function
f(x)= 3x+4.
x y = f(x) x y = f(x)
-1 3*(-1) + 4 = 1 1 3*(1) + 4 = 7
0 3*(0) + 4 = 4 2 3*(2) + 4 = 10

2. Write a program that create h = sin(4t + 4) function.

t is a time domain on x-axis, a sine output will be observed.
Learning Outcomes:
What did you learn in this experiment?
Component with Above Meeting Approaching Below Weight / Score
Taxonomy Expectation (4) Expectation (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) 100 (1–4)

Is able to build a Is able to assemble a Is only able to Is not able to

given setup neatly given setup using copy a given assemble a given
and timely using correct hardware setup using setup using
Building correct hardware components after correct hardware correct hardware
(Hardware) – P4 components and / or minor revisions components components
can reorganize / adapt
to new / special

Recording Is able to record Is able to record Is only able to Is unable to

Measurements accurate accurate record accurate record accurate
(Hardware / measurements all the measurements most measurements on measurements
Software) – C3 time of the time some occasions

Is able to Is able to Is not able to Is unable to

formulate/develop evaluate/conclude evaluate/conclude comprehend
theories in addition to correctly about correctly about investigation
evaluating/concluding investigation investigation parameters
(Hardware /
correctly about parameters by parameters by
Software) – C5
investigation assessing data assessing data
parameters by
assessing data

Design / Is able to design / Is able to design / Is able to Is unable to

Development of develop the solution develop the solution partially design / partially design /
Solution of a given problem of a given problem develop the develop the
(Hardware / and add features to it solution of a solution of a
Software) – C6 given problem given problem

Is adept in the use of Is able to use the Is able to use the Is unable to use
software tool and can software tool software tool but the software tool
Software Usage
access advanced effectively by cannot access all
(Software) – C3
features accessing all the the required
required features features

Is able to efficiently Is able to complete a Is able to Is unable to

complete a given task given task using partially partially
Programming using advanced required complete a given complete a given
Language programming programming task task
(Software) – C3– language constructs / language constructs
C6 methods / commands / methods /
and/or add features to commands
the original task

Component with Above Meeting Expectation Approaching Below Weight Score

Taxonomy Expectation (4) (3) Expectation (2) Expectation (1) / 100 (1–4)
Assesses and Assesses and
Safety Assesses and Assesses and
complies with complies with
Instructions complies with all complies with most
some EHS few EHS ☐
(PLO6) EHS instructions EHS instructions
instructions while instructions in
A4 while in lab while in lab
in lab lab
Does not
Makes an effort to
Exhibits exemplary professional
Exhibits professional exhibit
Professional professional ethics ethics while
ethics while dealing professional ethics
Ethics while dealing with dealing with
with fellow students, while dealing with ☐
(PLO8) fellow students, lab fellow
lab staff and fellow students, lab
A3 staff and instructor students, lab
instructor all the time staff and instructor
all the time staff and
all the time
instructor all
the time
Consistently shows Shows some
full preparation by Consistently shows preparation which Shows very
completing all full preparation by is mostly at little or no
agreed tasks and completing all agreed superficial level in preparation in
(PLO9) ☐
provides additional tasks and work completing a task completing a
resources for the requires little or no and work requires task and work
group and work revisions much revisions and quality is poor
quality is excellent editing
Internalized Neither helpful nor
Consistent positive Discouraging
Attitude positive behavior damaging and
behavior most of the behavior
(PLO9) and encourages and shows disinterest in ☐
time towards other towards other
A5 helps other team the performance of
team members team members
members others
Report on all
relevant sections
Report on all Report on all relevant
related to the lab
relevant sections sections related to the
tasks is completed Report on all
related to the lab lab tasks is completed
but many relevant
Report Writing tasks is completed but few deficiencies
deficiencies are sections related
(PLO10) accurately, meeting are present in terms of ☐
present in terms of to the lab tasks
A2 the requirements, accuracy / meeting
accuracy / meeting is not
in prescribed time the requirements /
the requirements / completed
and with good prescribed time / good
prescribed time /
language skills language skills
good language
Manages tasks well Manages tasks within Manages tasks in Does not
Lab Task
within given given timeframe an extended manage tasks
timeframe timeframe even in ☐

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