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Adlai E.

Stevenson II Elementary

Staff In-Service: Meal Rounding

Summary &The Importance of Exposing
Children to Different Cuisines


Summary of Meal Rounding
Results from Meal Satisfaction Survey Summary of key findings:
7 surveys taken; Students rated these qualifiers on a The students LOVE orange chicken and would
scale of 1 (highly dissatisfied) to 5 (highly satisfied) like to have that dish more often and Chinese
5 food in general!

The students enjoy the hamburger/chicken
nugget and fries meals the most

3 The students would like to try seafood dishes

during school lunch (ex: popcorn shrimp)

The 4th and 5th graders wish they could have

1 bigger portions at lunch

The students are satisfied or highly satisfied

Temp Temp Flavor Variety Overall with school lunches in almost all categories!
of hot of cold Appearance quality
food food
Average feelings:

5 2

Suggestions for Quality

2). Foods from different

Improvement Opportunities: cultures could be introduced to
the students quarterly to
increase variety.

3). Continue encouraging all

1). Cafeteria
students (especially those in 4-
managers and
5th grade) to take all food
staff can talk with
offered. They may feel less
students during
hungry leaving lunch!
lunch to find out
what meals they
enjoy and how
school lunch can
be improved.
What are cuisines?
1 Cuisines are the foods, methods, and styles of cooking that include specific ingredients
and techniques. Cuisines are often associated with certain cultures or regions.

What are the different types of cuisines?

2 There are over 100 cuisines! Some examples are: French cuisine, Chinese cuisine,
Indian Cuisine, Italian cuisine, Greek cuisine, Mediterranean cuisine, Thai cuisine,
and more.

What influences a cuisine?

3 Cuisines are impacted by climate, economics, trading, materials and foods
available, religion, and laws.

What is your favorite cuisine?

Importance of exposing children to
different cuisines/foods

Food diversity ensures that children are getting a variety of nutritional benefits

Exposing children (at a young age) to foods they are not familiar with may help to
reduce fear, pickiness, and food aversions

Introducing foods from different cuisines helps children to understand and

appreciate the world around them

Children will be given the opportunity to try new foods they may not be exposed to
at home. They will be exposed to new textures and flavors.
Challenges in Serving
Children Diverse Foods

Some children may be hesitant to try new foods and may end up not eating their

There may be more children not able to eat the meals due to common allergens.

The cost of these foods is more expensive than normal menu items.

There is currently supply chain issues and some of these foods are out of stock.
Also, many items are not available in our Co-Op catalog.
Example Meal Ideas that
celebrate culture:
Chinese cuisine: Italian cuisine:

General Tso's Chicken Whole Grain Meat Calzone w/ marinara

Whole Grain Vegetable Fried Rice sauce
Broccoli Green beans
Juice Cup or fruit Grapes
Milk Milk
Ice cream cup
Other cuisines to try:

Mexican: Taquitos and beans

Greek: Pita or pita chips and hummus

European cuisine: Fish and chips (Fish sticks/sandwich and fries)

American (Louisiana): Popcorn shrimp

Tips for Success
Future Dietetic Interns can help with the quarterly meals and help to do a taste test day
1 with the students. Before the first quarterly meal is served, students could be given samples
of the entrée item. If the students like the food, then it can be ordered in larger quantities!

Be prepared for questions from students in the serving line. They may see foods they are
unfamiliar with and will likely have some questions! Make sure the school nutrition
2 employees are able to explain the menu items being served and where they originate from.
Ex: Today we are having a meat calzone. It tastes just like a pizza and originates from the
country of Italy!

Talk with the children after they try the first highlighted meal. Ask them their thoughts on
3 the food, if they would eat it again, and what other cuisines they are interested in trying.

Coordinate with social studies teachers to let them know which cuisines will be highlighted
4 each quarter! They may be able to do a lesson on the country/culture that correlates with the
meal being served.
Thank you for
Do you have any questions?

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