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Question: Given the following data (HB Maker.xlsz), if you were the head engineer of Isotropic.

what would you recommend APLAYA? Replace or repair the said equipment? Why or why not?
Requirements: Support your answer by providing a data analysis thru data visualization of the
given data. Prepare a report document to support your decision or claims.
II. Supporting Data: Put the data visualization here with your interpretation and analysis of the
Table 1.1: Relationship of the Hours used per day by the Machine and Electric Bill
(**Electric bill is in actual x 10² format)

This table shows how the machine's daily usage relates to how much electricity it
consumes. Even though the machine was continuously used for exactly 10 hours per day, the
amount of electricity consumed is still rising. When the amount of time spent using the machine
increases, which is not the case at this table, one of the reasons why its energy consumption
rises. This plainly indicates that, despite the machine being used at regular intervals, there are
still issues with it. As a result, the machine uses considerably more electricity than it often does
to ensure that it will be able to achieve its efficiency.
Table 1.2: Relationship of Electric Bill and Production

This chart demonstrates the relationship between the machine's electricity consumption
and production efficiency. We need to pay attention to how the machine's efficiency changed
after five months of maintenance, which revealed a decline. We also need to recognize the
significance of efficiency to production, even though it is evident that there is a considerable
change in the machine's electrical consumption following the repair. After five months of
maintenance, the machine couldn't work or accomplish what it intended to work or accomplish
what it was intended to, which strongly suggests that it may need new components to resume
its performance.
Another thing we can deduce from this table is that there is a direct correlation between
the machine's efficiency and the amount of electricity it consumes. In plainer terms, this means
that when a machine is required to carry out a particular task, it has a specific power rating
consumption that must be satisfied. As a result, if an appliance's efficiency begins to fluctuate, it
does affect the power rating consumption, causing the machine to exert more effort to carry out
the task at hand.
III. Decision or Claims: State here your initial decision or claims and a brief discussion to
support it.
They should definitely get the machine replaced. The fact that any machine ages with time,
regardless of the environment, must be taken into account in order to understand the reason
why I came up with the decision. Over time, machinery expenses fluctuate. Depreciation
typically starts off high, especially when equipment is bought brand-new, but it eventually
decreases. Contrarily, repair expenses may be negligible or nonexistent while a machine is still
covered by warranty, but they gradually climb as parts deteriorate and maintenance needs
increase. Making a change when the yearly total cost of owning and operating the machine
starts to rise is the general rule for minimizing the long-term cost of equipment. Over time, more
issues will surface, including the requirement for part replacements, which are typically more
expensive than replacing the entire device. Additionally, new equipment means that it will
experience fewer issues over time. With the new machine, they can be sure that they will be
able to carry out the necessary machine maintenance in order to reduce costs and ensure that
the machine will continue to operate at its peak efficiency throughout time. I highly suggest
replacement because sometimes worth cutting your losses and paying a bit more in the short-
term than having so much burden from an old machine's maintenance costs.

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