Adornment of The Adherent

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Adornment of the Adherent

This full suit of articulated plate once belonged to the mighty Iotep family of Firefall; those who
could trace their lineage to the city’s unenlightened nascence. Thus was the Iotep family driven
to great heights and repeated despair. The armor is said to have been gifted by the ancient
deities to a chosen servant, whom they would dispatch to attend to mighty concerns. Only the
most faithful would receive this prize, yet the quest unfailingly claimed their lives. The armor
would always return by one method or another, however.

Effort: 4

Constant Gift: The armor functions as heavy armor, though possesses no save penalties.
What’s more, upon attuning to it for the first time, the wearer may choose one save and lower it
by 2, or choose two saves to lower by 1 each. This choice cannot be changed, even if the
wearer unattunes and reattunes later.

Lesser Gift: The grace of the patron intercedes, no matter the distance between them. The
Adornment hums with vibration, quickly matches the frequency of an enemy strike to dull the
blow. As an instant action, the wearer may commit one effort for the scene to force an attacker
to reroll any/all of their damage dice, but must accept the new result. This can only be done
once per attack, and can be applied to Gift-enhanced attacks or Smite actions. This has no
effect on Fray dice or damage rolls that are automatically maxed out.

Greater Gift: Adamantine might wells up within the adornment and overflows, rushing to the
Chosen’s extremities, even their weapons. The wearer may commit effort for the day as an
On-Turn action to draw power from the Adornment into their weapons. The weapons they wield
(or fists if they prefer) become magical in nature (if they were not already) and roll twice to take
the best total result for damage. Finally, they may parry any attack or offensive ability: this
requires that the attacker make a successful attack roll against a base AC of 7 (subtracting dex
bonus as normal) for ANY offensive effect. This includes smite attacks which normally do not
require attack rolls, debilitating miracles that normally require saves, etc. Even if the attack hits,
the wearer may still attempt a save against the effect as normal. This effect lasts until the start
of the next round.

Should a mortal ever attune to the Adornment, they become possessed by the spirit of heroism.
No task is too great, no feat unreachable. They seek glory or death, yet most often find both in
short order. Should the mortal wear the armor for longer than a month (for at least a portion of
each day thereof), they cannot be dissuaded from their actions no matter how suicidal, save by
Gift or Sorcery. Even then, they are treated as Worthy Foes in such instances (and thus always
may attempt to save against these powers).

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