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dilemma (3)
Shaikha Alsairafi , Fatema Mutasher
Modhawi Alrasheedi, Ghuzlan Almutairi
Rawah Alshammari
The scenario

I am a school-based speech-language
pathologist. A parent of a child on my caseload
has asked me to also provide speech and
language services on a private basis during the
academic year or, in the alternative, later in the
summer. Would that represent a conflict of
interest ?
Is there an ethical
dilemma ?

What are the relevant facts? Values and
• The parent want additional private sessions.
• The parent offered that sessions be in academic year or in summer.
• Slp may take financial interest through private sessions.
• Differentiate between other children.
Who are the key people involved ?
01 The parent

02 The slp

The child
State the dilemma clearly
An slp working with child at school, and slp
give the child sessions that it’s suitable for his
communication disorders and then the parent
asked for a private session either on academic
year or on Summer, and the slp don’t know if it
accept it or not.
What are the possible courses of
action one could take ?
• Take a consultation from supervisor.
• Reject the request and explain to the parent that it’s
considered illegal in the school administration.
• Agree to the request during the summer.
• Intensification of session during the academic year.
• Give consult for the parent that they can register their
child in the summer club.
• Offered for the parent to apply for home program that
are provided by the slp.
What are the conflicts that arise from
each action ?
• Maybe the supervisor get a wrong ideas about her about her and thinks that she can give a
private session.
• Maybe the parent change her with other slp and then the parent ask the new slp and she may
accept the offer.
• It is unethical behaviour and there is high probability that her license will be taken if someone
complains about her.
• The parent may refuse because it will be a pressure on the child and the child may suffer from
bullying and it will also drain all her energy and will negatively affect her performance in working
with other children.
• May be the financial situation of the parent not allowing them to registered their child to the
summer club.
• It is a time consuming and will take a lot of effort from the parent
Ethical principles and rules that must be
considered or that may be or were violated:
• Principle of ethics | :
Individuals shall honor their responsibility to hold paramount the welfare of
persons they serve professionally or who are participants in research and
scholarly activities, and they shall treat animals involved in research in a humane
o Rule T :
Individuals shall provide reasonable notice and information about alternatives for obtaining care in
the event that they can no longer provide professional services.
• Principle of ethics ||| :
Individuals shall honor their responsibility to the public when advocating for the
unmet communication and swallowing needs of the public and shall provide
accurate information involving any aspect of the professions.
o Rule B :
Individuals shall avoid engaging in conflicts of interest whereby personal, financial, or other
considerations have the potential to influence or compromise professional judgment and objectivity.

o Rule D :
Individuals shall not defraud through intent, ignorance, ornegligence or engageinany scheme to
defraud in connection with obtaining payment, reimbursement, or grants and contracts for services
provided, research conducted, or products dispensed.
• Principle of ethics |V :
Individuals shall uphold the dignity and autonomy of the professions, maintain
collaborative and harmonious interprofessional and intraprofessional relationships,
and accept the professions' self- imposed standards.

o Rule I :
Individuals shall not knowingly allow anyone under their supervision to engage in any practice
that violates the Code of Ethics.

o Rule R :
Individuals shall comply with local ,state, and federal laws and regulations applicable to professional
practice, research ethics, and the responsible conduct of research.
Dose the proposed course of action lead to a
consensus ?
• Offered for the parent to apply for home program that are
provided by the slp.

o It will benefit the child and he won’t suffering from bullying

o It won’t spread a rumour that she can give private session
o Didn’t break the school rules and ASHA
o It will meet the parent desire to intensify the sessions
Thank you for listening

Any questions ?

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