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Instruction: Utilizing your gained knowledge on the discussion of reviewing literature, demonstrate your skills by filling out the matrix below. Cite at least five foreign RRS/RRL
and ten Local RRS/RRL. Below the cited literatures/studies. Craft a synthesis.


Title of the research, Summary Research findings Conclusions and
Autor and Date recommendations

The research is about understanding the resilience The research findings were divided into This study has exposed a few areas for
of the teachers amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, three. In the internal resiliency the kinds further researchers to pursue. Teacher
Study of Resilience in of skills the participants improved during
especially how learning continued and what resilience and its role in enhancing
Learning Environments the transition of the teaching and learning
contributed to this continuity. It involved 102 learning is an interesting area. The
During the Covid-19 process amid Covid-19. Most of the
teachers (58%male and 42% female) from India, relation between smart and innovative
Pandemic participants improved on various
Fiji, and Malaysia. The data gathering occurred in technology skills. In the inter-personal
learning and teacher resilience is
January 2021 They were first surveyed and had resilience, questioning is a method that something that we could not establish
Shriram Raghunathan, follow up interviews afterwards. showed student and teacher presence. in this work. Teacher resilience is a
Abtar Darshan Singh, Using interactive media-based methods ripe field worth pursuing as a domain
Bibhya Sharma helped the teachers in reaching students. and the future works will seek to
The medium of the web could be better pursue this with data analytics as a
used with even normally reticent students base as well.
January 28, 2022 engaging in classes. External resilience is
exhibited when participants can continue
to work when institutional trust is given to
  them. They also find that the teaching
community had support from the system,
and a good range of support from the
institution and the community of learners.

The impact of the The study is about the impact of COVID-19 to the Our findings demonstrate that students at  The article also reports several
COVID-19 pandemic on feelings of high school, undergraduate and post all academic levels (high school, initiatives which were designed to
undergraduate, and postgraduate)

students’ feelings at graduate students. The claim of this study is demonstrated negative feelings and low further assist students in overcoming
high school, “apart from the physical health complications of energy levels as a result of the lockdown. the challenges of life under lockdown.
undergraduate, and COVID-19 pandemic, the pandemic has also An open-ended survey allowed us to In that perspective, we propose
postgraduate levels imposed mental, emotional and social challenges detect a wide range of feelings several strategies for reducing the
experienced by the students from which 5
to our lives”. The researcher assessed the feelings anxiety level including (i) providing
feelings were selected as the most notable
of 13.000 students from thirty-six campuses over adequate information; (ii) improving
negative feelings including anxiety,
eight subsequent weeks. They surveyed as to depression, tiredness, stress, and communications and providing
what energy level they have, what is the most overwhelm. Overall, 14% of those who psychological assistance; (iii) reducing
prominent feeling they have and whether they have reported these feelings and in boredom; (iv) making teaching and
feel pleasant or not. The result of the study shows particular found themselves to learning process more engaging; and
that the energy levels are mostly in neutral, the be anxious and/or depressed also (v) creating an atmosphere of
topmost prominent feeling the undergraduate and recognized a need for professional help in positivity and optimism.
post graduate students have is being anxious managing their emotions. All categories of
while high school students are stressed. Most students, regardless of their academic
students as well feel unpleasant levels, have reported low energy levels
and identified the lockdown
circumstances unpleasant or very
unpleasant. While the students at high
school level have shown fluctuating
emotions over the course of 8-week
analysis, the undergraduate students
steadily lowered in their energy levels and
the emotional valence of their feelings,
while postgraduate students remained
calm and composed when compared to
the rest. 
The study is about finding the key stressors and
controls along with the influences on the mental
The Mental Health of
health of high school students. The study finds
High School Students
that increased homework and feeling of isolation
During the COVID-19
degrades their mental health. Others suggest that
social interactions within short time breaks will
help. Exercise can also help with their mental
health stability. The study does not have a clear
claim though it agrees with other studies that the
ment6al and emotional health of high school
students changed during the COVID-19 Pandemic,

mostly for the worse.

The study is about how the pandemic affected
What We Know About high school students. The claim of this study is
Student Mental Health that because of the pandemic, children and
and the Pandemic adolescents have higher rates of anxiety,
depression and stress and even more specific
issues such as addictive internet behaviors. The
survey questions usually compare the experiences
of students before the pandemic and during the
pandemic. The study finds that anxiety is the
most common emotional problem for teens. The
study also found that compared to before the
pandemic the general mind state of high school
student, 24% lean on the positive, 39% on the
same or neutral, and 37% negative

SYNTHESIS: (What new concept was generated after reading all those RRL and RRS)

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