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Almost all public schools in the Philippines have adopted the modular learning modality.
For the majority of average Filipino learners, modular learning—a type of distance education
that makes use of self-study modules—is incredibly accessible. The majority of learners at
Pampanga High School employ the modular learning modality. The modular learning approach
includes advantages as well as disadvantages. In the midst of the pandemic, it aids all learners in
advancing, particularly those who are working, and it helps students become more independent.
However, the majority of students only complete the modules for compliance and not for
learning. However, the majority of students only complete the modules for compliance and not
for learning. Additionally, there is a communication gap between learners and educators, and
occasionally, images, data, or figures printed on modules are not visible or are difficult to
understand, which is why students fail to complete the activities.

You can educate yourself remotely from any location in the world. You can study anywhere
that has access to the internet, including at home, while traveling, in a café, or at work. You are
not, however, constrained to a region or continent. You are free to attend any university in the
globe to further your education. The fundamental benefit of distance learning is this availability.
(Ahern and Repman, 1994).

Children learn independently and at their own pace in this form of learning. Its foundation is
the idea of learning in various contexts and settings (Finol, 2020). Students will complete their
modules on their own and come up with strategies for understanding the material, which can help
them build healthy study habits and a sense of accountability for completing the tasks outlined in
the modules. Modules, workbooks, or textbooks are given to the students to support their
autonomous learning. This method is founded on constructivism theory, according to which
students actively construct their knowledge from personal experiences (Elliott, et. al. 2020).

As per a survey, not all learners commit to completing their modules. Most students and
learners complete their modules merely for compliance with the rules and for the sake of
formality. Knowing that students are taking modules for granted is really upsetting for the
teacher. Unlike the typical face-to-face sessions where they may supervise and support their
students' learning, teachers can only track their students' academic achievement through text
messages and phone calls. (Anzaldo, 2021)

The failure of communication in the modular distance learning approach included unclear
instructions or confusion among students regarding the modules, insufficient teacher supervision,
students behaving disrespectfully toward teachers, complaints about not understanding the
module, and complaints about late submission of worksheets. (Alvarez, 2021).
Constantino et. al. revealed that one issue with modular distance learning is the quality of
printed modules since some parts are difficult to read and some of the figures' colors are
inappropriate. With this, they proposed giving parents electronic versions of the modules so they
could see them on whatever devices they could. Additionally, they recommended that there be
open lines of communication between parents and teachers regarding the children's
circumstances so that the latter may make accommodations for the parents' difficulties.
(Constantino et. al., 2021)

Even though distance learning has many benefits for students, particularly modular
learning, which is used by the majority of junior high school students at Pampanga High School,
there are still many disadvantages to its implementation, including the fact that many students
and learners only complete their modules for compliance, poor communication, and poor print
quality of the modules. However, in practice, the disadvantages of modular distance learning
frequently prevent it from achieving its objectives. This is because some of the difficulties
originate from poor management, ineffective teaching methods, the lack of a leader, and the
students' inability to learn and impart the lessons on their own. While others read and understood
the modules, some of them consistently relied on the internet. At the conclusion, they always
claim to have gained nothing.
A Bayucca, S. (2021). Challenges encountered and technical assistance needed by parents and
learners utilizing modular distance learning: Basis for a proposed support program. SA
Bayucca,“Challenges Encountered and Technical Assistance Needed by Parents and Learners
Utilizing Modular Distance Learning: Basis for a Proposed Support Program”, Journal of
Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 128-135. Challenges Encountered and Technical
Assistance Needed by Parents and Learners Utilizing Modular Distance Learning: Basis for a
Proposed Support Program by Shallimar A. Bayucca :: SSRN

Alvarez, M. Y. (2021). Issues and concerns of teachers in Mindanao State University-Sulu

towards modular distance learning approach: An analysis. Indonesian Community Empowerment
Journal, 1(2), 51-69. Issues And Concerns Of Teachers In Mindanao State University-Sulu
Towards Modular Distance Learning Approach: An Analysis | Indonesian Community
Empowerment Journal (

Anzaldo, G. D. (2021). Modular distance learning in the new normal education amidst Covid-
19. International Journal of Scientific Advances, 2(3), 233-266. Volume2-Issue3-May-Jun-
No.79-263-266.pdf (

Dargo, J., & Dimas, M. (2021). Modular distance learning: Its effect in the academic
performance of learners in the new normal. Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning, 6(2),
204-208. Modular Distance Learning: Its Effect in the Academic Performance of Learners in the
New Normal - Learning & Technology Library (LearnTechLib)

Mirkholikovna, D. K. (2020). Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning. Наука и

образование сегодня, (7 (54)), 70-72. Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning –
тема научной статьи по наукам об образовании читайте бесплатно текст научно-
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