MechVib Assign1 GenConc

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College of Maritime Engineering and Sea Sciences

Mechanical Vibrations

Assignment #1: Review on harmonic functions Oct. 5th, 2021

Individual work: to be prepared in English

1.- The response of a ship in regular waves (L: 40 m, B: 7.4 m, D: 3.7 m, T: 1.86 , ∆: 241 tons,
v: 20 kn) with a frequency of 2.090 rad/s has been registered, and the results show that in the
forward and aft perpendiculars the ship moves as:

ζ forw = 1.999 cos( ωt + 173.66 o ), [ m ], and,

ζ aft = 1.379 cos( ωt + 62.2 o ), [ m ],

Determine the maximum angle of rotation (pitch) of the ship.

2.- Numerically calculate the amplitudes of Fourier series first five components for the
crankshaft torsional moment T of an internal combustion engine single cylinder. Before
developing the integrations, select an adequate interval according to the maximum order of the
term in the series expansion. With the results, plot:

i.- sum approximations with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 components, including the original function.

ii.- the amplitudes of each component versus the harmonic number.

Comment on the results.

3.- It is desired to analyze the angular motion θ ( t ) of a disk which oscillates in a circular trajectory as
shown in the figure. Consider the following characteristics for the system: r: 10 cm, R: 50 cm, M: 2.45
kg, and J: 122.5 kg cm2. It is desired to determine the period of oscillation with different values of
amplitude of oscillation. Implement the 4th order Runge-Kutta method to numerically solve the
following nonlinear 2nd order ordinary differential equation which represents the motion of the disk:

M ( R − r )2 θ + J ( − 1 )2 θ + Mg( R − r )[senθ ]= 0

You can use any language of computer programming (Python, Visual Fortran, Visual Basic, MatLab,
C++, …). You have to include the source code of your program with enough comments to facilitate the
evaluation, as the appendix of your report.

To analyze your results, plot the angular position of the disk vs time, starting with different initial

Due: Friday Oct 16th. You must report the number of hours employed for this homework


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