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—Prelim Lesson 1: Communication

Status Archived

Category Lesson

Created @September 12, 2022 6:54 PM

Edited @October 18, 2022 9:59 PM

Communication is the process of giving and receiving information between a human source and
a human receiver sing words, symbols, and actions.

Facts of Communication

Human communication started half-a-million years ago, with some early caveman hunters
surviving using their senses and communicating using gestures and sound production, such
as groaning and weeping.

Communication among people is active.

Communication binds people together.

Human beings spend almost 70% of their daily time communicating. Communication is
described as a process because: sender-decoder needs other elements to be able to complete
the method.

Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages to achieve understanding.

It is important to understand the process of communication.

The person talking to someone is the sender undergoing an “inflow” of communication.

The sender must present the message clearly and with enough detail so that the receiver
shares meaning with the sender.

5 Elements of the Communication Process

1. The Encoder or The Sender - The one who conveys the message whether it is written or

—Prelim Lesson 1: Communication 1

2. The Message - Anything the sender communicates to the receiver.

3. The Channel - The medium or means through which the message is transmitted.

4. The Decoder or The Receiver - The one who listens and decodes the conveyed message.

5. The Feedback - The message or reaction being sent by the receiver to the sender.

—Prelim Lesson 1: Communication 2

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