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Directions: The question below has a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.
Based on this choose the option that is most suitable.

Give answer (a) if only Conclusion I is follows.

Give answer (b) if only Conclusion II is follows.
Give answer (c) if either Conclusion I or II is follows.
Give answer (d) if neither Conclusion I nor II is follows.
Give answer (e) if both Conclusion I and II are follows.
िनद� श: नीचे िदए गए प्र� म� एक कथन और उसके बाद दो िन�ष� I और II िदए गए ह� । इसके आधार पर वह िवक� चुन� जो
सबसे उपयु � हो।

उ�र दीिजए (a) यिद केवल िन�ष� I अनुसरण करता है ।

उ�र दीिजए (b) यिद केवल िन�ष� II अनुसरण करता है ।
उ�र दीिजए (c) यिद या तो िन�ष� I या II अनुसरण करता है ।
उ�र दीिजए (d) यिद न तो िन�ष� I और न ही II अनुसरण करता है ।

उ�र दीिजए (e) यिद िन�ष� I और II दोनों अनुसरण करते ह� ।

1. Statement: Indian won Cricket World Cup 2014.


I. Indian cricket players are best in the world.

II. Indian team was able to score more than 300 runs in the World Cup finals.
1. कथन: भारतीय ने िक्रकेट िव� कप 2014 जीता।


I. भारतीय िक्रकेट �खलाड़ी दु िनया म� सव�श्रे� ह� ।

II. व�� कप फाइनल म� भारतीय टीम 300 से �ादा रन बनाने म� सफल रही थी.

2. Statement: Jagjit considers nuclear plants as harmful to environment. Jagjit is protesting

against the decision of Indian Government allowing nuclear power stations in his district.


I. Jagjit is a traitor to India as he is opposing development of India.

II. Jagjit is a traitor to India as he is opposing the Government of India.

2. कथन: जगजीत परमाणु संयंत्रों को पया� वरण के िलए हािनकारक मानते ह� । जगजीत भारत सरकार के अपने
िजले म� परमाणु िबजलीघरों को अनु मित दे ने के फैसले का िवरोध कर रहे ह� ।

I. जगजीत भारत का ग�ार है �ोंिक वह भारत के िवकास का िवरोध कर रहा है ।

II. जगजीत भारत के ग�ार ह� �ोंिक वह भारत सरकार का िवरोध कर रहे ह� ।

3. Statement: X has topped the graduation exams in the state by scoring 800 marks out of
1000 marks.


I. Nobody else in the statehas scored more than 800 marks

II. The person scoring 400 marks will pass the exam.

3. कथन: X ने रा� म� �ातक परी�ा म� 1000 म� से 800 अंक प्रा� कर टॉप िकया है ।

I. रा� म� िकसी और ने 800 से अिधक अंक प्रा� नहीं िकए ह�

II. 400 अंक प्रा� करने वाला ��� परी�ा उ�ीण� करे गा।

4. Statement: NGOs in India want political parties to be brought under the ambit of Right to
Information Act.


I. NGOs don’t like political parties.

II. Political parties have much to hide.

4. कथन: भारत म� गैर सरकारी संगठन चाहते ह� िक राजनीितक दलों को सूचना के अिधकार अिधिनयम के दायरे
म� लाया जाए।


I. गैर सरकारी संगठन राजनीितक दलों को पसंद नहीं करते ह� ।

II. राजनीितक दलों के पास िछपाने के िलए ब�त कुछ है ।

5. Statement: Government of Delhi has banned the use of diesel autos for controlling pollution.

I. Diesel autos cause pollution.
II. Diesel busses are eco friendly.

5. कथन: िद�ी सरकार ने प्रदू षण को िनयंित्रत करने के िलए डीजल ऑटो के उपयोग पर प्रितबंध लगा िदया है ।


I. डीजल ऑटो प्रदू षण का कारण बनते ह� ।

II. डीजल बस� इको फ्र�डली होती ह� ।

6. Statement: All readers are drivers and all drivers are football players. X is a driver.


I. X is reader.
II. X is a football player.

6. कथन: सभी पाठक ड�ाइवर ह� और सभी ड�ाइवर फुटबॉल �खलाड़ी ह� । ए� ड�ाइवर है ।


I. X पाठक है ।
II. X एक फुटबॉल �खलाड़ी है ।

7. Statement: All monkeys eat peanuts. All animals eating peanuts like sleeping.


I. Donkeys like sleeping.

II. Monkeys like sleeping.

7. कथन: सभी बंदर मूं गफली खाते ह� । मूं गफली खाने वाले सभी जानवरों को सोना पसंद होता है ।


I. गधों को सोना पसंद है ।

II. बंदरों को सोना पसंद है ।

8. Statement: Road offers the fastest connectivity between Agra and Delhi.

I. There is no rail connectivity between Agra and Delhi.

II. There is no air connectivity between Agra and Delhi.

8. कथन: सड़क आगरा और िद�ी के बीच सबसे तेज संपक� प्रदान करती है ।


I. आगरा और िद�ी के बीच कोई रे ल संपक� नहीं है ।

II. आगरा और िद�ी के बीच कोई हवाई संपक� नहीं है ।

9. Statement: The students across the country are protesting against the policies of the

I. Unrest is being spread by foreign powers.

II. Students are not happy with government policies.

9. कथन: दे श भर म� छात्र सरकार की नीितयों का िवरोध कर रहे ह� ।


I. अशां ित िवदे शी श��यों �ारा फैलाई जा रही है ।

II. छात्र सरकार की नीितयों से खु श नहीं ह� ।

10. Statement: The rioters protesting against the policies of the government only destroy
property belonging to community X.

I. The rioters belonged to community Y.

II. The rioters were not protesting against the policies of the government.

10. कथन: सरकार की नीितयों का िवरोध करने वाले दं गाइयों ने केवल X समु दाय की संपि� को न� िकया।

I. दं गाइयों का संबंध Y समु दाय से था।

II. दं गाइयों ने सरकार की नीितयों का िवरोध नहीं िकया।
11. Statement: The rape cases in India are increasing and women protesters in cities are
raising their voice against this.


I. Rape is an urban problem.

II. Rape cases are more in urban India.

11. कथन: भारत म� बला�ार के मामले बढ़ रहे ह� और शहरों म� मिहला प्रदश� नकारी इसके �खलाफ आवाज उठा
रही ह� ।


I. बला�ार एक शहरी सम�ा है ।

II. रे प के मामले शहरी भारत म� �ादा ह� ।
12. Statement: Most of the cactus plants lack leaves and as such they can survive with little

I. Cactus are suited for desert environment.
II. Cactus are not suited for desert environment.

12. कथन: अिधकां श कै�स पौधों म� पि�यों की कमी होती है और इसिलए वे थोड़े से पानी से जीिवत रह सकते
ह� ।

I. कै�स रे िग�ानी वातावरण के िलए उपयु� ह� ।

II. कै�स रे िग�ानी वातावरण के िलए उपयु� नहीं है ।

13. Statement: India defeated Japan and entered into Tennis World Cup finals.


I. Japan did not enter into Tennis World Cup finals.

II. Japan did not enter into Tennis World Cup semi-finals.

13. कथन: भारत ने जापान को हराकर टे िनस िव� कप के फाइनल म� प्रवेश िकया।

I. जापान ने टे िनस िव� कप के फाइनल म� प्रवेश नहीं िकया।
II. जापान ने टे िनस िव� कप सेमीफाइनल म� प्रवेश नहीं िकया।

14. Statement: All professors are intelligent. Some intelligent people are wise.


I. All professors are wise.

II. All wise people are professors.

14. कथन: सभी प्रोफेसर बु��मान ह� । कुछ बु��मान लोग बु��मान होते ह� ।


I. सभी प्रोफेसर बु��मान ह� ।
II. सभी बु��मान लोग प्रोफेसर ह� ।
15. Statement: A person having AB blood group can receive blood from any blood donor.


I. There is no need to test the blood being given to AB blood group patient.
II. The AB blood group person will never have shortage of blood.

15. कथन: AB र� समू ह वाला ��� िकसी भी र�दाता से र� प्रा� कर सकता है ।


I. एबी �ड ग्रुप के मरीज को िदए जा रहे �ड की जां च कराने की ज�रत नहीं है ।

II. AB �ड ग्रुप वाले ��� को कभी भी �ड की कमी नहीं होगी।

16. Statement: Adding salt to water decreases the boiling point of water.


I. Freshwater will boil faster than seawater.

II. Seawater will boil faster than freshwater.

16. कथन: पानी म� नमक िमलाने से पानी का �थनां क कम हो जाता है ।


I. मीठे पानी म� समु द्री जल की तुलना म� तेजी से उबाल आएगा।

II. मीठे पानी की तुलना म� समु द्री जल तेजी से उबलता है ।

17. Statement: All political prisoners in a jail who asked for mercy were pardoned. Nobody
involved in the murder was pardoned.


I. Political prisoners in the jail convicted of murder were pardoned.

II. Political prisoners in the jail were not convicted of murder.

17. कथन: जे ल म� बंद सभी राजनीितक बंिदयों ने दया की गुहार लगाई थी। ह�ा म� शािमल िकसी को भी माफ नहीं
िकया गया था।
I. ह�ा के दोषी जे ल म� बंद राजनीितक कैिदयों को माफ कर िदया गया।

II. जे ल म� बंद राजनीितक कैिदयों को ह�ा का दोषी नहीं ठहराया गया था।

18. Statement: In a certain school all the students appearing for class 10 exams passed the
exams. Nitin appeared for exam in the same school.


I. Nitin passed the exam.

II. Nitin topped the exam.

18. कथन: एक िनि�त �ूल म� क�ा 10 की परी�ा दे ने वाले सभी छात्रों ने परी�ा उ�ीण� की। िनितन उसी �ूल म�
परी�ा के िलए उप�स्थत �आ।


I. िनितन ने परी�ा उ�ीण� की।

II. िनितन ने परी�ा म� टॉप िकया।

19. Statement: In a certain school all the girls appearing for the exams cleared the exam. X is a
girl appearing for exam in the same school.

I. X will clear the exams.

II. X will not clear the exam.

19. कथन: एक िनि�त �ूल म� परी�ा दे ने वाली सभी लड़िकयों ने परी�ा उ�ीण� की। X एक लड़की है जो उसी
�ूल म� परी�ा दे रही है ।


I. X परी�ा पास करे गा।

II. X परी�ा पास नहीं करे गा।

20. Statement: From an advertisement in newspaper─Car X is the fastest car available in the


I. People like fast cars.

II People driving fast cars prefer newspapers over magazines.

20. कथन: समाचार पत्र म� एक िव�ापन से ─कार ए� बाजार म� उपल� सबसे तेज कार है ।


I. लोग तेज कार पसंद करते ह� ।

II तेज कार चलाने वाले लोग पित्रकाओं की तुलना म� समाचार पत्र पसंद करते ह� ।

21. Statement: The modern woman can choose to live her life as per her choices, a freedom,
denied to her ancient counterpart.


I. Marriage is optional for modern women.

II. Marriage was compulsory for women of ancient times.

21. कथन: आधुिनक मिहला अपनी पसंद के अनु सार अपना जीवन जीने का िवक� चुन सकती है , एक �तंत्रता,
िजसे उसके प्राचीन समक� से वंिचत िकया गया था।

I. आधुिनक मिहलाओं के िलए िववाह वैक��क है ।
II. प्राचीन काल म� ��यों के िलए िववाह अिनवाय� था।

22. Statement: The repair works are being carried on the main water line of the city. Because of
this water supply to the city will be reduced by 75 percent.


I. There is fault in the main line.

II. The routine repair work is being carried on the line.

22. कथन: शहर की मु � जल लाइन पर मर�त काय� िकया जा रहा है । इससे शहर म� पानी की आपूित� 75
फीसदी कम हो जाएगी।

I. मे न लाइन म� खराबी है ।
II. लाइन पर िनयिमत मर�त का काय� िकया जा रहा है ।

23. Statement: India is one of the oldest democracy in the world.


I. Democratic practices started in India.

II. India was the first democratic country in the world.

23. कथन: भारत दु िनया के सबसे पुराने लोकतंत्रों म� से एक है ।


I. भारत म� लोकतां ित्रक प्रथाओं की शु �आत �ई।

II. भारत िव� का पहला लोकतां ित्रक दे श था।

24. Statement: The people speaking against women abuse are themselves involved in women

I. People have double standards.
II. Women deserve to be abused.
24. कथन: मिहला दु ��वहार के �खलाफ बोलने वाले लोग �यं मिहला दु ��वहार म� शािमल ह� ।

I. लोगों के दोहरे मापदं ड ह� ।
II. मिहलाएं शोषण की पात्र ह� ।

25. Statement: The number of dowry deaths are highest in the State of Assam.

I. The number of dowry arrests are highest in Assam.
II. The number of murders are highest in Assam.

5. कथन: दहे ज से होने वाली मौतों की सं�ा असम रा� म� सबसे अिधक है ।

I. दहे ज िगर�ा�रयों की सं�ा असम म� सबसे अिधक है ।
II. ह�ाओं की सं�ा असम म� सबसे �ादा है ।
26. Statement: Compared to rural India more number of women abuses cases are registered in
urban India.

Conclusions AR
I. The cases of women abuses are more in urban areas.
II. The women have more freedom to speak out in urban areas.

26. कथन: ग्रामीण भारत की तुलना म� शहरी भारत म� मिहलाओं के साथ दु ��वहार के अिधक मामले दज� ह� ।


I. शहरी �े त्रों म� मिहलाओं के साथ दु ��वहार के मामले अिधक ह� ।

II. शहरी �े त्रों म� मिहलाओं को बोलने की अिधक �तंत्रता है ।

27. Statement: Supreme Court has banned the holding of functions on the banks of river
Ganga. X holds religious function on the banks of Ganga.


I. X is guilty.
II. X is not guilty.
27. कथन: सुप्रीम कोट� ने गंगा नदी के तट पर समारोह आयोिजत करने पर प्रितबंध लगा िदया है । X गंगा तट पर
धािम� क काय� करता है ।


I. X दोषी है ।
II. ए� दोषी नहीं है ।

28. Statement: Government of India has increased excise duty on Gold for increasing its


I. Government of India is in financial crisis.

II. Government of India is unable to pay its loans.

28. कथन: भारत सरकार ने अपनी आय बढ़ाने के िलए सोने पर उ�ाद शु � म� वृ�� की है ।


I. भारत सरकार िव�ीय संकट म� है ।
II. भारत सरकार अपने ऋण का भु गतान करने म� असमथ� है ।

29. Statement: Securities investments carry market risk. Read the offer document carefully
before investing.


I. We should not invest in securities.

II. We should not invest in securities without understanding the risk.

29. कथन: प्रितभू ित िनवेश म� बाजार जो�खम होता है । िनवेश करने से पहले ऑफ़र द�ावेज़ को �ान से पढ़� ।


I. हम� प्रितभू ितयों म� िनवेश नहीं करना चािहए।

II. हम� जो�खम को समझे िबना प्रितभू ितयों म� िनवेश नहीं करना चािहए।

30. Statement: India should have a common civil code irrespective of religion.

I. India should have Hindu Civil Code.

II. India should have Christian Civil Code.

30. कथन: भारत म� धम� की परवाह िकए िबना एक समान नाग�रक संिहता होनी चािहए।


I. भारत म� िहं दू नाग�रक संिहता होनी चािहए।

II. भारत म� ईसाई नाग�रक संिहता होनी चािहए।

31. Statement: Joby launched Market Lane from a small office in his own apartment. Today the

success has sparked his charitable side and he has given over USD 200 million to numerous

I. Joby is from the USA.

II. Joby is a miser. RW
31. कथन: जॉबी ने अपने अपाट� म�ट म� एक छोटे से काया� लय से माक�ट ले न लॉ� िकया। आज सफलता ने उनके
धमा� थ� प� को उभारा है और उ�ोंने कई कारणों से 200 िमिलयन अमरीकी डालर से अिधक का दान िदया है ।


I. जॉबी यूएसए से है ।
II. जॉबी कंजू स है ।

32. Statement: Monica’s office is housed in her penthouse office overlooking the Statue of


I. Monica is American.
II. Monica works for an American company.

32. कथन: मोिनका का काया� लय उसके प�टहाउस काया� लय म� �स्थत है , जहां से �ै �ू ऑफ िलबट� िदखाई दे ती
है ।

I. मोिनका अमे �रकी ह� ।
II. मोिनका एक अमे �रकी कंपनी म� काम करती ह� ।

33. Statement: The 5/20 rule, requires a domestic airline to have a fleet of 20 aircraft and
operational experience of five years to fly overseas. Company D has 10 aircrafts.


I. Company D can fly its planes oversees.

II. Company D cannot fly its planes overseas.

33. कथन: 5/20 िनयम, के िलए घरे लू एयरलाइन के पास 20 िवमानों का बेड़ा और िवदे श म� उड़ान भरने के िलए
पां च साल का प�रचालन अनु भव होना आव�क है । कंपनी D के पास 10 िवमान ह� ।


I. कंपनी D अपने िवमानों की दे खरे ख कर सकती है ।
II. कंपनी डी अपने िवमानों को िवदे शों म� नहीं उड़ा सकती है ।

34. Statement: Rule X not only affects Kingfisher airlines but holds back unleashing the true
potential of Indian aviation industry.


I. Rule X led to the ruin of Kingfisher airlines.

II. Rule C is affecting the growth of Indian airlines industry.

34. कथन: िनयम X न केवल िकंगिफशर एयरलाइं स को प्रभािवत करता है ब�� भारतीय िवमानन उ�ोग की
वा�िवक �मता को उजागर करने से रोकता है ।


I. िनयम X ने िकंगिफशर एयरलाइं स को बबा� द कर िदया।

II. िनयम सी भारतीय एयरलाइं स उ�ोग के िवकास को प्रभािवत कर रहा है ।

35. Statement: 10/10 rule has no global parallels to it, and the regulation is discriminatory to
Indian Hotel industry.

I. 10/10 rule has been adopted by International Hotel Association.
II. International community wants to suppress the development of Indian Hotels.

35. कथन: 10/10 िनयम की कोई वैि�क समानता नहीं है, और यह िविनयमन भारतीय होटल उ�ोग के िलए
भे दभावपूण� है ।


I. 10/10 िनयम इं टरने शनल होटल एसोिसएशन �ारा अपनाया गया है ।

II. अंतरा� ��ीय समु दाय भारतीय होटलों के िवकास को दबाना चाहता है ।

36. Statement: Foreign companies that do no meet Ministries criteria are allowed to operate in
Indian markets, but domestic companies who fail to meet these criteria are not allowed to.


I. Criteria of Ministries are discriminating against domestic companies.

II. Criteria of Ministries are benefitting foreign companies.

36. कथन: िवदे शी कंपिनयां जो मं त्रालयों के मानदं डों को पूरा नहीं करती ह�, उ�� भारतीय बाजारों म� काम करने
की अनु मित है , ले िकन घरे लू कंपिनयां जो इन मानदं डों को पूरा करने म� िवफल रहती ह�, उ�� अनु मित नहीं है ।

I. मं त्रालयों के मानदं ड घरे लू कंपिनयों के साथ भे दभाव कर रहे ह� ।

II. मं त्रालयों के मानदं ड से िवदे शी कंपिनयों को फायदा हो रहा है ।

37. Statement: The industry needs to be in conjunction with the fact that the abolition of rule X
will not favour any particular company, rather it is in the national interest.


I. Continuation of rule X is against the national interest.

II. No company can be against the abolition of rule X.

37. कथन: उ�ोग को इस त� के साथ संयोजन म� होना चािहए िक िनयम X का उ�ू लन िकसी िवशे ष कंपनी के
प� म� नहीं होगा, ब�� यह रा��ीय िहत म� है ।


I. िनयम X को जारी रखना रा��िहत के िव�� है ।

II. कोई भी कंपनी िनयम X को ख� करने के �खलाफ नहीं हो सकती है ।

38. Statement: Indian carriers are best placed to promote India as a tourism destination and
should be encouraged to provide international connectivity.


I. Foreign carriers are against promoting India s a tourism destination.

II. Indian carriers don’t want to promote outgoing tourists.

38. कथन: भारतीय वाहक भारत को एक पय�टन स्थल के �प म� बढ़ावा दे ने के िलए सबसे अ�ी �स्थित म� ह� और
उ�� अंतरा� ��ीय संपक� प्रदान करने के िलए प्रो�ािहत िकया जाना चािहए।

I. िवदे शी वाहक भारत के पय�टन स्थल को बढ़ावा दे ने के �खलाफ ह� । LA
II. भारतीय वाहक बाहर जाने वाले पय�टकों को बढ़ावा नहीं दे ना चाहते ह� ।

39. Statement: Modern international companies have continued to turn to our country as the
pace of technological changes increases as we are uniquely capable to lead the world.


I. Indian companies are the best.

II. Indians are capable world leaders.

39. कथन: आधुिनक अंतररा��ीय कंपिनयों ने हमारे दे श की ओर �ख करना जारी रखा है �ोंिक तकनीकी
प�रवत�न की गित बढ़ती है �ोंिक हम दु िनया का ने तृ� करने म� िविश� �प से स�म ह� ।


I. भारतीय कंपिनयां सव�श्रे� ह� ।

II. भारतीय स�म िव� ने ता ह� ।

40. Statement: Money plays a vital role in politics today.


I. Politics have been completely corrupted.

II. Politics cannot survive without black money.

40. कथन: धन आज राजनीित म� एक मह�पूण� भू िमका िनभाता है ।


I. राजनीित पूरी तरह से भ्र� हो गई है ।

II. काले धन के िबना राजनीित नहीं चल सकती।

41. Statement: The price of petrol in India was Rs 70 per litre when International price was
USD 107 per barrel of crude. The price of petrol in India is Rs 66 per litre when International
price is USD 64 per barrel.


I. Indian government has systematically increased the taxes payable on petrol.
II. The prices in Indian markets have not decreased equivalent to price decrease in international


41. कथन: भारत म� पेट�ोल की कीमत 70 �पये प्रित लीटर थी जब अंतररा��ीय कीमत 107 डॉलर प्रित बैरल क�े

तेल की थी। भारत म� पेट�ोल की कीमत 66 �पये प्रित लीटर है जब अंतररा��ीय कीमत 64 डॉलर प्रित बैरल है ।

I. भारत सरकार ने पेट�ोल पर दे य करों म� �व�स्थत �प से वृ�� की है ।

II. भारतीय बाजारों म� कीमत� अंतररा��ीय बाजारों म� कीमतों म� कमी के बराबर नहीं घटी ह� ।

42. Statement: The prices of dal in Indian markets have touched Rs 150 per kg and export of
dal is zero.


I. The hoarding of dal is increasing.

II. The consumption of dal is increasing.

42. कथन: भारतीय बाजारों म� दाल की कीमत� 150 �पये प्रित िकलो तक प�ं च गई ह� और दाल का िनया� त शू �
है ।


I. दाल की जमाखोरी बढ़ रही है .

II. दाल की खपत बढ़ रही है ।

43. Statement: The price of onion in domestic markets has more than doubled in last two years.


I. The people have stopped eating onion.

II. The people are unable to afford onion.

43. कथन: घरे लू बाजारों म� �ाज की कीमत िपछले दो वष� म� दोगुने से अिधक हो गई है ।


I. लोगों ने �ाज खाना बंद कर िदया है ।

II. लोग �ाज नहीं खरीद पा रहे ह� ।
44. Statement: Bats fly in night using ultrasound.


I. Bats are blind.
II. Bats are super intelligent.

44. कथन: चमगादड़ अ�� ासाउं ड का उपयोग करके रात म� उड़ते ह� ।


I. चमगादड़ अंधे होते ह� ।

II. चमगादड़ सुपर इं टेिलज� ट होते ह� ।

45. Statement: Quantity of air and consequently quantity of oxygen is less at higher altitudes.


I. Breathing will be difficult at higher altitudes.

II. Breathing will be easy at higher altitudes.

45. कथन: उ� ऊंचाई पर हवा की मात्रा और फल��प ऑ�ीजन की मात्रा कम होती है ।

I. अिधक ऊंचाई पर सां स ले ना मु ��ल होगा।
II. अिधक ऊंचाई पर सां स ले ना आसान होगा।

46. Statement: A person having O blood group can give blood to persons having any blood


I. A person having O blood group is a universal donor.

II. A person having O blood group is a universal recipient.

46. कथन: O र� समू ह वाला ��� िकसी भी र� समू ह वाले ���यों को र� दे सकता है ।


I. O �ड ग्रुप वाला ��� यूिनवस�ल डोनर होता है ।

II. O �ड ग्रुप वाला ��� साव�भौिमक प्रा�कता� होता है ।

47. Statement: Child physicians are known as neurologists. X is a neurologist.

I. X can treat children.

II. X can treat brain tumour.

47. कथन: बाल िचिक�कों को �ू रोलॉिज� के �प म� जाना जाता है । ए� �ू रोलॉिज� ह� ।


I. X ब�ों का इलाज कर सकता है ।

II. X ब्रेन �ूमर का उपचार कर सकता है .

48. Statement: Chief of Staff of Indian Navy is known as Admiral.


I. Admiral is the highest possible rank in Indian Navy.

II. Admiral is the highest possible rank in Indian Armed Forces.

48. कथन: भारतीय नौसेना के चीफ ऑफ �ाफ को एडिमरल के �प म� जाना जाता है ।


I. एडिमरल भारतीय नौसेना म� सव�� संभव र� क है ।

II. एडिमरल भारतीय सश� बलों म� सव�� संभव र� क है ।

49. Statement: Akbar was a strict administrator of Islamic law.


I. Akbar burned temples.

II. Akbar tortured non-Muslims for fun.

49. कथन: अकबर इ�ामी कानू न का स� प्रशासक था।


I. अकबर ने मं िदरों को जला िदया।

II. अकबर ने मनोरं जन के िलए गैर-मु सलमानों को प्रतािड़त िकया।

50. Statement: Award X is awarded for bravery in the face of enemy.


I. Award X is the highest gallantry award in the country.

II. Award is only awarded to personnel of armed forces.

50. कथन: शत्रु का सामना करने म� बहादु री के िलए पुर�ार X प्रदान िकया जाता है ।


I. अवाड� X दे श का सव�� वीरता पुर�ार है ।

II. पुर�ार केवल सश� बलों के किम� यों को िदया जाता है ।
51. Statement: China, situated in Asia, has the highest population in the world.

Conclusions: I. Asia has the highest population in the world.

II. Population of India is less than that of china.

51. कथन: ए�शया म� िस्थत चीन क� जनसंख्या �वश्व म� सबसे अ�धक है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. ए�शया क� जनसंख्या �वश्व म� सबसे अ�धक है ।

II. भारत क� जनसंख्या चीन से कम है ।

52. Statement: Astrology studies the effects of celestial bodies on human beings.

Conclusions: I. Astrology is a science.

II. Practiser of Astrology are learned men.

52. कथन: ज्यो�तष मानव पर आकाशीय �पंड� के प्रभाव� का अध्ययन करता है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. ज्यो�तष एक �व�ान है ।

II. ज्यो�तष के अभ्यासी �वद्वान परु

ु ष होते ह�।

53. Statement: Study of animals is known as zoology.

Conclusions: I. Zoology helps us understand human behaviour.

II. Zoology helps us in understanding animal bodies.

53. कथन: जानवर� के अध्ययन को जूलॉजी के रूप म� जाना जाता है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. प्राणीशास्त्र हम� मानव व्यवहार को समझने म� मदद करता है ।

II. जूलॉजी हम� जानवर� के शर�र को समझने म� मदद करती है ।

54. Statement: British defeated Aurangzeb in the Battle of Buxar.

Conclusions: I. British army was superior than Aurangzeb's army.

II. Aurangzeb died in the battle.

54. कथन: बक्सर क� लड़ाई म� अंग्रेज� ने औरं गजेब को हराया।

�नष्कषर्: I. �ब्र�टश सेना औरं गजेब क� सेना से श्रेष्ठ थी।

II. यद्ध
ु म� औरं गजेब मारा गया।

55. Statement: British established western education system in India for creating Civil

Conclusions: I. British education system is the best in the world.

II. Western education system produces the best civil servants.

55. कथन: अंग्रेज� ने �स�वल सेवक� के �नमार्ण के �लए भारत म� पिश्चमी �श�ा प्रणाल� क� स्थापना क�।

�नष्कषर्: I. �ब्र�टश �श�ा प्रणाल� द�ु नया म� सबसे अच्छ� है ।

II. पिश्चमी �श�ा प्रणाल� सवर्श्रेष्ठ �स�वल सेवक� का उत्पादन करती है ।

56. Statement: British were defeated by Akbar in the third Battle of Panipat.

Conclusions: I. British army attacked Akbar.

II. Akbar attacked the British army.

56. कथन: पानीपत क� तीसर� लड़ाई म� अकबर द्वारा अंग्रेज� को हराया गया था।

�नष्कषर्: I. �ब्र�टश सेना ने अकबर पर हमला �कया।

II. अकबर ने �ब्र�टश सेना पर आक्रमण �कया।

57. Statement: One of the main teaching of Buddhism is that the world is full of sorrow
and misery.

Conclusions: I. Buddhism asserts that there can be no joy.

II. Buddhism asserts that the human beings cannot escape sorrow.

57. कथन: बौद्ध धमर् क� एक मख्

ु य �श�ा यह है �क द�ु नया दख
ु और दख
ु से भर� है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. बौद्ध धमर् का दावा है �क कोई आनंद नह�ं हो सकता है ।

II. बौद्ध धमर् इस बात पर जोर दे ता है �क मनष्ु य दःु ख से बच नह�ं सकता।

58. Statement: Mosquitoes are the carrier of malaria virus.

Conclusions: I. Restricting breeding of mosquitoes can help in controlling malaria.

II. Keeping the localities Man will help keeping dengue in control.

58. कथन: मच्छर मले�रया वायरस के वाहक ह�।

�नष्कषर्: I. मच्छर� के प्रजनन को प्र�तबं�धत करने से मले�रया को �नयं�त्रत करने म� मदद �मल सकती है ।

II. इलाक� को ध्यान म� रखते हुए मैन ड�गू को �नयंत्रण म� रखने म� मदद करे गा।

59. Statement: Nitrogen is lighter than air.

Conclusions: I. Balloons filled with nitrogen will rise in air.

II. Balloons filled with nitrogen will not rise in air.

59. कथन: नाइट्रोजन हवा से हल्का है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. नाइट्रोजन से भरे गब्ु बारे हवा म� ऊपर उठ� गे।

II. नाइट्रोजन से भरे गब्ु बारे हवा म� नह�ं उठ� गे।

60. Statement: India situated to the south of equator.

Conclusions: I. India is situated in the southern hemisphere.

II. India is situated in the northern hemisphere.

60. कथन: भारत भम

ू ध्य रे खा के द��ण म� िस्थत है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. भारत द��णी गोलाधर् म� िस्थत है ।

II. भारत उत्तर� गोलाद्धर् म� िस्थत है ।

61. Statement: Due to the role played by Mahatma Gandhi in Indian freedom struggle he
is regarded as the Father of the nation.

Conclusions: I. Freedom fighters are given respect in India.

II. Mahatma Gandhi played an important role in Indian freedom struggle.

61. कथन: भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम म� महात्मा गांधी द्वारा �नभाई गई भ�ू मका के कारण उन्ह� राष्ट्र�पता के रूप म� माना
जाता है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. भारत म� स्वतंत्रता सेना�नय� को सम्मान �दया जाता है ।

II. महात्मा गांधी ने भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम म� महत्वपण

ू र् भ�ू मका �नभाई।

62. Statement: Nobel Prize in economics was given for the first time in 1947.

Conclusions: I. Nobel prizes were instituted in 1947.

II. Nobel prize for economics was not given in 1945.

62. कथन: अथर्शास्त्र म� नोबेल परु स्कार 1947 म� पहल� बार �दया गया था।

�नष्कषर्: I. नोबेल परु स्कार 1947 म� स्था�पत �कए गए थे।

II. 1945 म� अथर्शास्त्र का नोबेल परु स्कार नह�ं �दया गया था।

63. Statement: Plants prepare food in presence of sunlight by a process called


Conclusions: I. Photosynthesis requires sunlight.

II. Photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide.

63. कथन: पौधे प्रकाश संश्लेषण नामक प्र�क्रया द्वारा सय

ू र् के प्रकाश क� उपिस्थ�त म� भोजन तैयार करते ह�।

�नष्कषर्: I. प्रकाश संश्लेषण के �लए सय

ू र् के प्रकाश क� आवश्यकता होती है ।

II. प्रकाश संश्लेषण के �लए काबर्न डाइऑक्साइड क� आवश्यकता होती है ।

64. Statement: Plants are the only living organism on earth who prepare their own food.

Conclusions: I. All the living organism depend on plants for food.

II. Plants help in combatting pollution.

64. कथन: पौधे पथ्

ृ वी पर एकमात्र जी�वत जीव ह� जो अपना भोजन स्वयं तैयार करते ह�।

�नष्कषर्: I. सभी जी�वत जीव भोजन के �लए पौध� पर �नभर्र ह�।

II. पौधे प्रदष

ू ण से लड़ने म� मदद करते ह�।
65. Statement: Rain water is the purest form of water.

Conclusions: I. Rain water cannot contain impurities.

II. Rain water will contain the least amount of impurities.

65. कथन: वषार् जल जल का शद्ध

ु तम रूप है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. वषार् जल म� अश�ु द्धयाँ नह�ं हो सकतीं।

II. वषार् जल म� अश�ु द्धय� क� मात्रा न्यन

ू तम होगी।

66. Statement: Revolt of 1857 is known as First War for Indian Independence.

Conclusions: I. No revolts took place in India before 1857.

II. No major country wide revolt took place in India before 1857.

66. कथन: 1857 के �वद्रोह को भारतीय स्वतंत्रता के �लए प्रथम यद्ध
ु के रूप म� जाना जाता है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. 1857 से पहले भारत म� कोई �वद्रोह नह�ं हुआ था।

II. 1857 से पहले भारत म� कोई बड़ा दे शव्यापी �वद्रोह नह�ं हुआ था।

67. Statement: Sama Veda is believed to be written around 200 BC.

Conclusions: I. Sama Veda is one of the oldest books in history.

II. Sama Veda is the oldest book in history.

67. कथन: माना जाता है �क सामवेद 200 ईसा पव

ू र् के आसपास �लखा गया था।

�नष्कषर्: I. सामवेद इ�तहास क� सबसे परु ानी पस्

ु तक� म� से एक है ।

II. सामवेद इ�तहास का सबसे परु ाना ग्रंथ है ।

68. Statement: Human males contain XY chromosomes and human females contain XX
chromosomes. The sex of human child is female if father contribute X chromosome and
male if the father contributes Y chromosome.

Conclusions: I. Mother is responsible for the sex of the human offspring.

II. Father is responsible for the sex of the human offspring.

68. कथन: मानव परु
ु ष� म� XY गण
ु सत्र
ू होते ह� और मानव म�हलाओं म� XX गण
ु सत्र
ू होते ह�। मानव बच्चे का �लंग म�हला
है य�द �पता X गण
ु सत्र
ू का योगदान दे ता है और परु
ु ष य�द �पता Y गण
ु सत्र
ू का योगदान दे ता है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. मानव संतान के �लंग के �लए माँ िजम्मेदार है ।

II. मानव संतान के �लंग के �लए �पता िजम्मेदार है ।

69. Statement: The world, through the Paris declaration in 2015, has announced its
renewed commitment to the ecology.

Conclusions: I. World was not committed to ecology before 2015.

II. World was committed to ecology before 2015.

69. कथन: 2015 म� पे�रस घोषणा के माध्यम से द�ु नया ने पा�रिस्थ�तक� के �लए अपनी नई प्र�तबद्धता क� घोषणा क� है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. 2015 से पहले �वश्व पा�रिस्थ�तक� के �लए प्र�तबद्ध नह�ं था। LA
II. �वश्व 2015 से पहले पा�रिस्थ�तक� के �लए प्र�तबद्ध था।
70. Statement: Viruses are the smallest living organisms in the world.

Conclusions: I. Bacteria is biggest than virus in size.

II. Fungus is bigger than virus in size.

70. कथन: वायरस द�ु नया म� सबसे छोटे जी�वत जीव ह�।

�नष्कषर्: I. बैक्ट��रया आकार म� वायरस से बड़ा होता है ।

II. कवक आकार म� वायरस से बड़ा होता है ।

71. Statement: Sound cannot travel in vacuum.

Conclusions: I. We cannot hear sound of explosion in space.

II. We cannot hear sound of explosion in atmosphere.

71. कथन: ध्व�न �नवार्त म� यात्रा नह�ं कर सकती है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. हम अंत�र� म� �वस्फोट क� आवाज नह�ं सन

ु सकते।

II. हम वातावरण म� �वस्फोट क� आवाज नह�ं सन

ु सकते।
72. Statement: Sound travel faster than light.

Conclusions: I. We will see thunder before hearing it.

II. We will hear thunder before seeing it.

72. कथन: ध्व�न प्रकाश क� तल

ु ना म� तेजी से यात्रा करती है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. हम इसे सन
ु ने से पहले गड़गड़ाहट दे ख�गे।

II. हम इसे दे खने से पहले गड़गड़ाहट सन

ु �गे।

73. Statement: The Indian government is also determined to increase power generation
from alternative and renewable sources.

Conclusions: I. Indian government does not want to increase power generation from
conventional sources.

II. Indian government wants to increase power generation from conventional sources.

73. कथन: भारत सरकार वैकिल्पक और नवीकरणीय स्रोत� से �बजल� उत्पादन बढ़ाने के �लए भी दृढ़ संकिल्पत है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. भारत सरकार पारं प�रक स्रोत� से �बजल� उत्पादन म� व�ृ द्ध नह�ं करना चाहती है ।

II. भारत सरकार पारं प�रक स्रोत� से �बजल� उत्पादन बढ़ाना चाहती है ।

74. Statement: Globally, there is renewed interest in artificial intelligence and machine

Conclusions: I. Artificial intelligence helps in machine learning.

II. Machine learning helps in artificial intelligence.

74. कथन: �वश्व स्तर पर, कृ�त्रम ब�ु द्धमत्ता और मशीन ल�न�ग म� नए �सरे से रु�च है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. आ�टर् �फ�शयल इंटे�लज�स मशीन ल�न�ग म� मदद करता है ।

II. मशीन ल�न�ग आ�टर् �फ�शयल इंटे�लज�स म� मदद करता है ।

75. Statement: We are generating more data every year than we have from the beginning of
the history of mankind.

Conclusions: I. Generation of data is beneficial for mankind.

II. Generation of data is harmful for mankind.

75. कथन: हम मानव जा�त के इ�तहास क� शरु

ु आत से हर साल अ�धक डेटा उत्पन्न कर रहे ह�।

�नष्कषर्: I. डेटा का सज
ृ न मानव जा�त के �लए फायदे मद
ं है ।

II. डेटा का सज
ृ न मानव जा�त के �लए हा�नकारक है ।

76. Statement: National Security Guards were raised in 1985 under the home ministry,
with men handpicked from elite units of Indian Armed Forces for combating terrorist
activities with a view to protecting the nation from internal disturbances.

Conclusions: I. The Indian Armed Forces are best suited for fighting terrorism.

II. National Security Guards were to be deployed at Indian borders.

76. कथन: गह
ृ मंत्रालय के तहत 1985 म� राष्ट्र�य सरु �ा गाड� क� स्थापना क� गई थी, िजसम� दे श को आंत�रक अशां�त से

बचाने के उद्देश्य से आतंकवाद� ग�त�व�धय� का मक
ु ाबला करने के �लए भारतीय सशस्त्र बल� क� कुल�न इकाइय� से चुना
गया था।

�नष्कषर्: I. भारतीय सशस्त्र बल आतंकवाद से लड़ने के �लए सबसे उपयक्
ु त ह�।

II. राष्ट्र�य सरु �ा गाड� को भारतीय सीमाओं पर तैनात �कया जाना था।

77. Statement: As a specialised counter-intelligence force Black Cats were intended for use
only in exceptional situations.

Conclusions: I. Counter intelligence force should only be used in exceptional


II. Black cats should not be used in normal situations.

77. कथन: एक �वशेष काउं टर-इंटे�लज�स बल के रूप म� ब्लैक कैट्स केवल असाधारण िस्थ�तय� म� उपयोग के �लए
अ�भप्रेत थे।

�नष्कषर्: I. काउं टर इंटे�लज�स फोसर् का इस्तेमाल केवल असाधारण प�रिस्थ�तय� म� ह� �कया जाना चा�हए।

78. Statement: The NSG is led by Director General rank police officer who has no idea of
special action group operations and is on deputation from Indian Police Services.

Conclusions: I. Officer from Indian Police Services have no idea about special action
II. Officers having rank of Director General do not have adequate experience for combating

78. कथन: एनएसजी का नेतत्ृ व महा�नदे शक र�क का प�ु लस अ�धकार� करता है , िजसे �वशेष कारर् वाई समह
ू संचालन का
कोई पता नह�ं है और वह भारतीय प�ु लस सेवाओं से प्र�त�नयिु क्त पर है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. भारतीय प�ु लस सेवा के अ�धकार� को �वशेष कारर् वाई संचालन के बारे म� कोई जानकार� नह�ं है ।

II. महा�नदे शक र�क के अ�धका�रय� के पास आतंकवाद से �नपटने का पयार्प्त अनभ

ु व नह�ं है ।

79. Statement: This method has since come to be known as "the maxum index", utilised
by traders who have long believed that governments have manipulated figures.

Conclusions: I. These traders don't trust the government.

II. Government is manipulating figures.

79. कथन: इस पद्ध�त को तब से "अ�धकतम सच
ू कांक" के रूप म� जाना जाने लगा है , िजसका उपयोग व्यापा�रय� द्वारा

�कया जाता है , जो लंबे समय से मानते ह� �क सरकार� ने आंकड़� म� हे रफेर �कया है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. इन व्यापा�रय� को सरकार पर भरोसा नह�ं है ।

II. सरकार आंकड़� म� हे रफेर कर रह� है ।

80. Statement: Increasing taxes will increase income of the government on one hand and
investment in public welfare on the other hand leading to redistribution of wealth.

Conclusions: I. Government will spend increased income on public welfare.

II. Government will not increase taxes on under privileged.

80. कथन: कर� म� व�ृ द्ध से एक ओर सरकार क� आय म� व�ृ द्ध होगी और दस

ू र� ओर लोक कल्याण म� �नवेश से धन का
ु �वर्तरण होगा।

�नष्कषर्: I. सरकार जन कल्याण पर बढ़� हुई आय खचर् करे गी।

II. सरकार वं�चत� पर कर नह�ं बढ़ाएगी।

81. Statement: Most plans do not survive contact with the enemy. Jane has made Plan X.

Conclusions: I. Plan X will survive the contact with the enemy.

II. Plan X will not survive the contact with the enemy.

81. कथन: अ�धकांश योजनाएँ दश्ु मन के संपकर् म� नह�ं �टकती ह�। जेन ने प्लान एक्स बनाया है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. प्लान एक्स दश्ु मन के संपकर् से बचेगा।

II. प्लान एक्स दश्ु मन के संपकर् से नह�ं बचेगा।

82. Statement: Weather finished any chance that British had of intercepting French fleet
near Torbay.

Conclusions: I. British were able to catch up with French fleet once the weather improved.

II. France was able to avoid British near Torbay.

82. कथन: मौसम ने �कसी भी अवसर को समाप्त कर �दया �क अंग्रेज� ने टोरबे के पास फ्रांसीसी बेड़े को रोक �दया था।

�नष्कषर्: I. मौसम म� सध
ु ार के बाद �ब्र�टश फ्रांसीसी बेड़े के साथ पकड़ने म� स�म थे।

II. टोरबे के पास फ्रांस अंग्रेज� से बचने म� स�म था। RW
83. Statement: Some information can become very convincing simply because of the
passion of the person presenting the information.

Conclusions: I. We should never use passion while presenting information for convincing

II. We should always use passion while presenting information for convincing people.

83. कथन: सच
ू ना प्रस्तत
ु करने वाले व्यिक्त के जुनन
ू क� वजह से कुछ जानकार� बहुत ह� भरोसेमद
ं हो सकती है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. हम� लोग� को समझाने के �लए जानकार� प्रस्तत

ु करते समय जन
ु न
ू का उपयोग कभी नह�ं करना चा�हए।

II. हम� हमेशा लोग� को समझाने के �लए जानकार� प्रस्तत

ु करते समय जुनन
ू का उपयोग करना चा�हए।

84. Statement: Only green colour vehicles should be allowed in India for promoting peace.

Conclusions: I. Green colour vehicles promotes peace.

II. White colour vehicles promotes peace.

84. कथन: शां�त को बढ़ावा दे ने के �लए भारत म� केवल हरे रं ग के वाहन� क� अनम
ु �त द� जानी चा�हए।
�नष्कषर्: I. हरे रं ग के वाहन शां�त को बढ़ावा दे ते ह�।

II. सफेद रं ग के वाहन शां�त को बढ़ावा दे ते ह�।

85. Statement: A study has found that increased exposure to violent movies lead to violent
behaviour in children.

Conclusions: I. The study is based on faculty data.

II. Adults are not affected by watching voilent movies.

85. कथन: एक अध्ययन म� पाया गया है �क �हंसक �फल्म� के संपकर् म� आने से बच्च� म� �हंसक व्यवहार होता है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. अध्ययन संकाय डेटा पर आधा�रत है ।

II. वॉयल�ट �फल्म� दे खने से वयस्क प्रभा�वत नह�ं होते ह�।

86. Statement: All students are brilliant. Brilliant people makes good scientists. A is a
good scientist.

II. A is a student.AR
Conclusions: I. A is brilliant.

86. कथन: सभी छात्र मेधावी ह�। प्र�तभाशाल� लोग अच्छे वै�ा�नक बनाते ह�। A एक अच्छा वै�ा�नक है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. A शानदार है ।

II. ए छात्र है ।

87. Statement: Good lawyers always have commerce background. All people with
commerce background eat apples. B is good lawyer.

Conclusions: I. B has a commerce background.

II. B eats apples.

87. कथन: अच्छे वक�ल� क� हमेशा वा�णज्य पष्ृ ठभ�ू म होती है । वा�णज्य पष्ृ ठभ�ू म वाले सभी लोग सेब खाते ह�। बी अच्छा
वक�ल है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. B क� वा�णज्य पष्ृ ठभ�ू म है ।

II. B सेब खाता है ।

88. Statement: D gets 200 marks out of 1000 in English and topped his class.

Conclusions: I. Minimum marks for passing the exam are less than 200.

II. All the students in the class failed the exam.

88. कथन: D ने अंग्रेजी म� 1000 म� से 200 अंक प्राप्त �कए और अपनी क�ा म� टॉप �कया।

�नष्कषर्: I. पर��ा उत्तीणर् करने के �लए न्यन

ू तम अंक 200 से कम ह�।

II. क�ा के सभी छात्र पर��ा म� अनत्ु तीणर् हो गए।

89. Statement: We don't need as much detail if we are making design for our own use.

Conclusions: I. We can make designs for our own use.

II. We can create designs which we will not use ourselves.

89. कथन: य�द हम अपने स्वयं के उपयोग के �लए �डज़ाइन बना रहे ह� तो हम� उतने �ववरण क� आवश्यकता नह�ं है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. हम अपने उपयोग के �लए �डजाइन बना सकते ह�।

II. हम ऐसे �डज़ाइन बना सकते ह� िजनका हम स्वयं उपयोग नह�ं कर� गे।

90. Statement: Bad news is that most of the printers and plotters don't have drivers
available for Linux.

Conclusions: I. Good news is that most of the printers and plotters are plug and play

II. Good news is that Linux does not need drivers.

90. कथन: बरु � खबर यह है �क अ�धकांश �प्रंटर और प्लॉटर के पास Linux के �लए ड्राइवर उपलब्ध नह�ं ह�।

�नष्कषर्: I. अच्छ� खबर यह है �क अ�धकांश �प्रंटर और प्लॉटर प्लग एंड प्ले के अनरू
ु प ह�।

II. अच्छ� खबर यह है �क �लनक्स को ड्राइवर� क� जरूरत नह�ं है ।

91. Statement: The cases of racism are increasing in a particular area and the police is not
willing to address the issue.

Conclusions: I. Police is promoting racism.

II. Police is stopping racism.

91. कथन: एक �वशेष �ेत्र म� नस्लवाद के मामले बढ़ रहे ह� और प�ु लस इस मद्द
ु े को हल करने के �लए तैयार नह�ं है ।

�नष्कषर्: I. प�ु लस नस्लवाद को बढ़ावा दे रह� है ।

II. प�ु लस जा�तवाद को रोक रह� है ।

92. Statement: The workers of ruling party are increasingly becoming involved in racism
killing and the senior leaders of the party are silent about it.

Conclusions: I. The senior leaders of the party are promoting killing.

II. The workers of the party are promoting killing.

92. कथन: सत्तारूढ़ दल के कायर्कतार् तेजी से जा�तवाद क� हत्या म� शा�मल होते जा रहे ह� और पाट� के व�रष्ठ नेता इसके
बारे म� चुप ह�।
�नष्कषर्: I. पाट� के व�रष्ठ नेता हत्या को बढ़ावा दे रहे ह�। LA
II. पाट� के कायर्कतार् हत्या को बढ़ावा दे रहे ह�.
93. Statement: India used to enjoy special advantage in international markets due to
English speaking workforce.

Conclusions: I. Other countries have started producing English speaking workforce.

II. Indian workforce has stopped learning English.

93. कथन: अंग्रेजी बोलने वाले कमर्चा�रय� के कारण भारत अंतरराष्ट्र�य बाजार� म� �वशेष लाभ प्राप्त करता था।

�नष्कषर्: I. अन्य दे श� ने अंग्रेजी बोलने वाले कमर्चा�रय� का उत्पादन शरू

ु कर �दया है ।

II. भारतीय कमर्चा�रय� ने अंग्रेजी सीखना बंद कर �दया है ।

94. Statement: Physical abuse is visible, so accepting it is easy, but mental abuse is
invisible, so we keep on denying it.

Conclusions: I. It is easy to deny what we cannot see.

II. It is easy to accept what we see.

94. कथन: शार��रक शोषण �दखाई दे ता है , इस�लए इसे स्वीकार करना आसान है , ले�कन मान�सक शोषण अदृश्य है ,
इस�लए हम इसे नकारते रहते ह�।
�नष्कषर्: I. जो हम नह�ं दे ख सकते उसे अस्वीकार करना आसान है ।

II. हम जो दे खते ह� उसे स्वीकार करना आसान है ।


1. (d) 25. (d) 55. (d) 85. (d)

26. (c) 56. (d) 86. (d)
2. (d) 57. (b)
27. (a) 87. (e)
3. (a) 28. (d) 58. (a) 88. (d)
4. (d) 29. (b) 59. (a) 89. (e)
5. (a) 30. (d) 60. (a) 90. (d)
31. (d) 61. (e) 91. (a)
6. (b)
32. (d) 62. (d) 92. (e)
7. (b) 33. (b) 63. (a) 93. (c)
8. (d) 34. (d) 64. (a) 94. (e)
9. (b) 35. (d) 65. (b)
10. (d) 36. (e) 66. (d)

37. (a) 67. (a)
11. (d) 38. (d) 68. (a)
12. (a) 39. (d)

IL 69.

13. (a) 40. (d)
41. (a) 71. (a)
14. (d)
15. (d)
42. (c) 72. (b)

43. (d) 73. (d)
16. (e) 44. (d) 74. (d)

17. (d)
18. (d)
19. (a)
20. (a) 49. (d) 79. (e)
21. (a) 50. (d) 80. (e)
22. (e) 51. (b) 81. (c)
52. (d) 82. (b)
23. (d) 83. (b)
53. (b)
24. (a) 54. (a) 84. (a)

1. The statement is telling us that India won Cricket World Cup. It does not mean that
Indian Cricket players are the best. There are a number of factors which can influence
this success. Similarly the statement says nothing about the runs scored in the finals.
Indian team can score 150 to 200 runs and still win the match.

2. Protesting against the decision of the government does not make a person traitor to
his or her country. Constitution of India gives people the right to protest as long as
they are peaceful and they don't create law and order situation.

3. The statement is saying that x has topped the exam as such nobody has scored
more than 800 marks. The statement is not telling us anything about the pass marks
as such conclusion might or might not be true.
4. The statement simply stating that NGOs want political parties to be under the ambit

of Right to Information Act. It does not say anything about their like or dislike of the

attitude of the political parties. RW
political parties. Similarly the statement is not telling us anything regarding the

5. The Government of Delhi has banned use of diesel autos because it wants to control
pollution. Therefore we can conclude that diesel autos are responsible for causing
pollution. The statement does not tell us anything about the diesel buses.

6. The statement tells us that all readers are drivers but it does not say that all drivers
are readers. As such conclusion I might or might not be true. The statement states
that all drivers are football players as such we can conclude that X is a football player.

7. Statement tells us that all animals eating peanuts like sleeping. Then it tells us that
monkey eat peanuts and as such we can conclude that monkeys like sleeping. The
statement does not tell us thing regarding donkeys as such conclusion I does not

8. The statement is only claiming that the road is the fastest connectivity between
Agra and Delhi. It is not claiming that it is the only connection as such neither
conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

9. The statement is not talking anything about unrest as such conclusion I does not
follow. The students are protesting against the policies of the government as such we
can safely conclude that students are unhappy with government policies.
10. The statement clearly states that rioters were protesting against the policies of the
government and as such conclusion II does not follow. The statement does not say
anything regarding the community Y as such conclusion I does not follow.

11. The statement is only saying that women protestors in cities

are raising their voice against it. It can be because women in cities have more freedom.
It might be because women in cities feel safe while protesting. The statement is saying
nothing regarding rape cases in urban India as such neither conclusion I nor
conclusion II follows.
12. The statement tells us that cactus can survive with little water and deserts lack
water. Therefore we can conclude that cactus is suited for desert environment.

13. The statement tells us that India defeated Japan for entering into World Cup

finals, as such Japan cannot be a contender in the finals. India had to defeat Japan
for entering into finals as such Japanese players were playing against India in the
14. The statement is not saying that all intelligent people are wise as such conclusion I
might or might not be true. The statement is also not telling us anything about all wise


being intelligent or professors.
15. Conclusion I does not follow because testing of blood prevents passing on of blood
related diseases such as HIV. Conclusion II does not follow because there is a
possibility that there might be no blood available at all for an AB blood group patient.
16. The statement tells us that salt decreases the boiling point of water. Seawater
contains more salt than freshwater. Therefore we can conclude that seawater will boil
faster than freshwater.

17. The statement tells us that nobody involved in the murder was pardoned as such
political prisoner convicted of murder could not have been pardoned. The statement
does not tell us that all the political prisoners were pardoned as such conclusion
might not be true. There is a possibility of a political prisoner involved in murder not
asking for mercy.
18. We don't know if Nitin is a student of class 10 as such conclusion I might or might
not be true. The statement gives no support for conclusion II.
19. The statement tells us that all the girls appearing for exams in the school clear it.
So if X is appearing for exam in the schoolshe will clear it.

20. The advertisement is projecting X as the fastest car. It will do so only if people
preferred fast cars as such conclusion I follows. The advertisement is in the
newspaper. We don't know if the advertisement was given in magazines or not. As
such conclusion II might or might not be true.
21. The statement tells us that modern women can choose her life as per her choice.
Therefore a modern woman can stay unmarried if she wishes it so. The statement says
that the freedom of choices was denied to ancient woman. It means that in ancient
time a woman could not chose to stay unmarried. But it does not mean that marriage
was compulsory for them, somebody else could have made them stay unmarried.

22. The repair work on the main water line can be due to fault or it can be a regular
maintenance work.

23. Statement tells us that India is one of the oldest democracies. It does not say that
India is the oldest democracy as such neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

24. The statement tells us that the people speaking against the crime are involved in

the crimem i.e., that people have double standards as such conclusion I follows. The
statement does not tells us anything about women deserving abuse.

25. The statement is saying that the number of dowry deaths is highest in the State of
Assam. The statement tells us nothing about dowry arrests or murders as such

neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

26. More women abuse cases are being registered in urban India. This can happen
only due to two reasons, the number of women abuses is more in urban areas or if
women are more free to complaint in urban area. As such either conclusion ! or
conclusion II follows.

27. Statement tells us that Supreme Court has banned holding of functions. Therefore
X is guilty of breaking orders of the Supreme Court. Religious functions are not
exempt from the
orders of the Court.

28. The statement is not giving any reason for increasing excise duty of Gold.
Therefore neither conclusion I nor conclusion Il follows. The government might want to
increase its income for supporting welfare programs or for some specific project.

29. Securities markets carry risk this does not mean that we should not invest in
them. The statement tells us to read carefully before investing. Therefore we can
conclude that we
should not invest in markets without understanding the risk.

30. The statement tells us that India should have common civil code as such the new
code cannot be based on Hinduism,Christianity, Sikhism, etc.
31. The statement tells us nothing about the nationality of Joby. He can be an Indian
and Market Lane can be an Indian multinational company. Joby has donated over
USD 200 as such conclusion II also does not follow,

32. The statement tells us that Monica's office is in the USA. It does not tell us
anything regarding the nationality of Monica or the Company. Monica can be an
Indian working in American office of a French company.

33. Company D has less than 20 aircrafts as such company D cannot fly its planes

34. The statement is not talking anything about ruins of Kingfisher airlines. The

statement is also not saying anything regarding the rule C as such neither conclusion

I nor conclusion II follows.

35. The statement is not saying anything about International Hotel Association or


about international community. Therefore neither conclusion I nor conclusion II

36. Criteria of Ministries are discriminating against domestic companies and are
benefitting foreign companies because they are allowing foreign companies to operate
but stopping Indian companies from operating.

37. The statement is claiming that abolition of rule X is in the national interest so we
can conclude that continuation of rule X is against the national interest. Similarly
statement is
saying that abolition of rule X will not favour any country, This does not mean that
any company will not oppose this abolition.

38. The statement is not stating anything about foreign carriers as such conclusion I
does not follow. Similarly the statement is not saying anything regarding the outgoing
tourists as
such conclusion II does not follow.

39. The statement is saying nothing about India. The country in question might or
might not be Indian as such neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

40. Statement is talking about role of money in politics but it is not saying anything
regarding corruption or ck money as such neither conclusion I nor conclusion II
41. The prices in international markets have decreased so there should have been
equivalent decrease in prices in Indian markets. This has not happened so we can
conclude that the government has increased the taxes on petrol.

42. The price is increasing even with zero exports means that either people are either
hoarding more or consuming more.

43. The statement is not telling us anything about the real price of onion.i.e, the price
of onion could have increased from Rs 1 per kg to Rs 2 per kg and it will still be
affordable, Or the price could have increased from Rs 50 per kg to Rs 100 per kg
rendering it unaffordable to majority of the population. The statement is not saying
anything regarding the consumption pattern of consumers. Therefore neither
conclusion I nor conclusion II follows:

44. The statement is claiming that bats use ultrasound for flying It is not making any
claims regarding the eyes of the bats or their intelligence. Therefore neither conclusion
I nor conclusion II follows
45. Statement is telling us that there will be less oxygen at higher altitudes. Therefor

we can conclude that breathing will be difficult at higher altitudes.

46. A person having O blood group can give blood to person having any blood group
this makes him an universal donor. The statement says nothing about receiving blood
by the person having O blood group as such conclusion II might or might not be true.

47. The statement is stating that Child physicians are called neurologists. X is a
neurologist which means that he is a child physician and as such he can treat
children. Conclusion II cannot follow a child physician cannot necessarily treat brain

48. Chief of Staff of Indian Navy is the highest possible post in Indian army as such
the person appointed to it will have the highest possible rank in Indian Navy, The
Chief of Staff of Indian Navy is not superior to all the other counterparts in Indian
Armed Forces as such conclusion II does pa s not follow.

49. Akbar was a strict administrator of Islamic law. This does not mean that Akbar
burned temples or that Akbar tortured non-Muslims. The statement is not talking
about these. As such neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

50. The statement is not telling us anything regarding the position of the Award X or
about the conditions for awarding the award as such neither conclusion I nor
conclusion II follows
51. The statement is only telling us that China is situated in Asia and China has the
highest population. It is not telling us anything about the population of other
countries or continents as such conclusion I does not follow. The statement tells us
that China has the highest population as
such population of India cannot be more than the population of China.

52. The statement is not telling us weather astrology is a science

or not. Neither is it telling us anything about the practiser's of astrology as such
neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

53. Zoology is the study of animals as such it will not help us in understanding
human behaviour but it can help us in understanding the bodies of animals. Therefore

conclusion II follows.

54. Aurangzeb lost to British. This is only possible if British army was superior to


Aurangzeb's army in some way. The statement tells us nothing about the fate of

55. The statement is not telling us about the rating of British or Western education
system. It is only telling us the reason behind establishing the western education
system. As such
neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

56. We only know that British were defeated by Akbar. We cannot conclude regarding
who attacked whom. It is possible that Akbar attacked British empire or British might
have attacked Akbar or British might have attacked someone else and Akbar could
have helped in defence.

57. The statement is not claiming that there is no joy in the world. The statement is
claiming that the world is full of sorrow a such human beings will be unable to escape
sorrow. 58. The statement is claiming that mosquitos carry malaria virus as such
restricting the breeding of mosquitos will help in controlling malaria. The statement is
not saying anything about dengue as such conclusion II does not follow.

59. The balloons filled with nitrogen will rise in air if nitrogen is lighter than air. 60.
The statement tells us that India is situated to the south of equator. The countries to
the north of equator are situated in northern hemisphere and countries to the south of
equator are situated in the southern hemisphere.

61. Mahatma Gandhi played a role in Indian freedom struggle and he is considered as
Father of the Nation means that freedom fighters are respected in India. Mahatma
Gandhi is considered as Father of the Nation whereas other freedom fighters are not
as such the role played by Mahatma Gandhi must have been significant enough.

62. The Nobel Prize in economics was given in 1947 for the first time means that could
not have been given in 1945. The statement is silent regarding other Nobel Prizes.
They might have been instituted before or after 1947.

63. The statement is telling us that plants use sunlight for preparing food by the
process of photosynthesis. It means that photosynthesis requires sunlight. There is no
mention of carbon dioxide in the statement as such conclusion Il does not follow 64.
Statement is not saying anything regarding pollution as such conclusion II does not
follow. The statement claims that plants are the only organisms who prepare their own

food as such all the living organisms will depend on plants for food directly or


65. The statement claims that the rain water is the purest form of water but it is not

claiming that rain water will not contain impurities. It is simply claiming that out of all
the forms of water the rain water is the purest. As such only conclusion II follows.

66. The statement is simply stating that revolt of 1857 was known as First War of
Indian Independence. It is possible that there were other revolts in India but they were
not big enough There is also a possibility that there were big nationwide revolts but
not for freedom. As such neither conclusion I not conclusion II follows.

67. The statement is not telling us about any other books. They could have been books
written before Sama Veda. But Sama Veda was written around 200 BC which makes is
one of the oldest books in the world.

68. The statement is clearly saying that the father determines sex of human offspring

69. The statement is talking about the renewed commitment. Renewed commitment
assumes the existence of previous commitment as such we can conclude that the
world was committed to ecology before 2015.

70. The statement is claiming that viruses are the smallest living organisms which
mean that both bacteria and fungus will be bigger than viruses.
71. Space is vacuum as such we will not hear sound explosion in space. Atmosphere
is not vacuum as such we will be able to hear the sound of explosion in it.

72. If sound travels faster than light then we will hear the thunder before seeing it.
73. Statement is not saying anything regarding power generation from conventional
sources. As such neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

74. The statement is not talking anything about the relationship between artificial
intelligence and machine learning. We cannot conclude anything, either of I and II can
be true or both I and II might be unrelated. Therefore neither conclusion I nor
conclusion II follows.

75. The statement is not making any claims regarding the benefit or harm of
generating data. It is simply claiming that the generation of data is highest in present

76. The statement is telling us that NSG was created for combating terrorism. If Indian

Armed Forces were best suited for combating terrorism than there will be no need for

creation of NSG. NSG was raised for protection from internal disturbances, posting at
the border helps against the external disturbances. Therefore neither conclusion I nor
conclusion II follows.
77. The statement is only talking about Black Cats. We cannot generalise it to include

all the counter intelligence forces as such conclusion I does not follow. The statement

states that Black Cats were intended to be used in exceptional situations as such they
should not be used in normal situations.

78. The statement is not saying anything regarding terrorism as such conclusion II
does not follow. The statement is saying that the officer having rank of Director
General has no idea about special operations. This is only possible if officers from
Indian Police Services have no idea about special action operations.

79. The statements tells us that the maxum index is used by traders who think that
government is manipulating figures as such we can conclude that these traders do not
trust the government. There is no proof that government is manipulating figures, we
only know that traders think that government is manipulating figures.

80. The statement is saying that increase in income will increase investment in public
welfare. This will only happen if government spends increased income on public
welfare. The redistribution of wealth will fail if government increases the taxes on
under privileged else their income will also decrease comparatively and situation will
not improve.

81. Statement is telling us that most plans do not survive the contact so few plans do
survive the contact and as such plan X can either survive or fail the contact with the
82. Statement tells us that weather finished the chances of intercepting French fleet
as such we can conclude that French fleet was able to avoid British near Torbay. The
statement tells us nothing about what happened after improvement of weather as
such conclusion I might or might not have happened.

83. The statement is stating that the passion of the person presenting the information
can make the information very convincing as such we should use passion while
presenting information for convincing people.

84. The statement is saying that allowing green colour vehicles will promote peace.
This will only be true if green colour vehicles were promoting peace. The statement
does not tell us anything regarding white colour as such conclusion II does not follow.

85. The statement is not telling us anything about the data on which the report is
based as such conclusion I does not follow. The statement is also not telling us

anything about effect of violent movies on adults as such conclusion II also does not

86. The statement is saying that brilliant people make good scientists. It is not saying

that only brilliant people make good scientists as such conclusion I might or might not
be true. Based on the same logic conclusion II might or might not be true.

87. Statement is claiming that good lawyers always have commerce background as
such B must have a commerce background. The statement also tells us that people
with commerce background always eat apples as such B must also eat apples.

88. Statement is not telling us anything about the passing marks of the exam as such
neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

89. The statement is saying that we need less detail if we are making design for our
own use. It means that we can create deigns for our use and for use by others.

90. The statement is not telling us anything regarding the good news. As such neither
conclusion I nor conclusion II follows.

91. There are two ways of promoting something. Doing something that should not be
done and not doing something that must be done. In this example the police are
promoting racism by not speaking against it.

92. There are two ways of promoting something. Doing something that should not be
done and not doing something that must be done. The workers are guilty because they
are killing and the senior leaders are responsible for the killing because they are

93. The advantage can be lost in two ways. I, other countries have started producing
English speaking workforce and as such India is no longer unique. II, if Indians have
stopped learning English and as such India no longer has English speaking workforce.
Therefore either of I and II can be true.

94. The statement is telling us that we accept physical abuse easily because it is
visible as such we can conclude that it is easy to accept what we can see. The
statement is also telling us that we cannot easily accept what we cannot see as such it
is deny what we cannot see.


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