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“The Influence of Social Media Addiction on the Time
Management of Senior High School students in
Pinaripad National High School”

Submitted by:
Vic Raniel D. Corpuz
Shane E. Dela Cruz
Jhon Mark C. Matterig
Michael C. Matterig
Gian Marl N. Pimentel
Glenzer John C. Pumaras

Submitted to:
Sir Reynante D. Olog

Chapter I: The Problem and Its Background

A. Background of the Study
B. Conceptual Framework
C. Research Questions
D. Scope and Delimitations
E. Significance of the Study
F. Definition of Terms

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature

A. Local Literature
B. Foreign Literature
C. Synthesis

Chapter III: Methodology

A. Research Design
B. Locale of the Study
C. Sampling Procedures and Samples
D. Research Instrument
E. Data Gathering Procedure
F. Data Analysis

Chapter IV: Presentation of Data Results and Discussions

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

A. Summary
B. Conclusions
C. Recommendations



Social media has become a global phenomenon and a very important means of

communication among peers, families, and friends. According to Dearborn (2014),

social media is a communication channel which is very popular, extremely fast, broad,

has proven to be highly effective, and as well as trusted by billions of people to share

and discover content concerning individuals, brands, information, and entertainment. As

technology widens the spread of social media platforms across the world, the usage of it

also increases in which it has become the most popular activity among people. Majority

of the world’s population spends their time on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and

Tiktok. In addition, Facebook is the most used social media app with an active usage

rate of 40% globally. Although the usage of social media is non-problematic, there is a

small percentage that users become addicted to different social media platforms and

engage in excessive use of it which leads them to Social Media Addiction. It is a

behavioral addiction wherein people have an uncontrollable urge to devote so much

time and effort to social media which leads them to not doing other important daily

tasks. In fact, over 210 million people worldwide suffers from Social Media Addiction. In

the US alone, experts estimate that about 10% of social media users are addicted to it.

This corresponds with the fact that 78% of Americans check and use social media every

day. There are 84 percent of teens who uses social media, and 62 percent of them use

it every day (Newport Academy, 2022).

Social media have become an essential, especially to students. It plays an

important role to them since their academic performance has drastically changed since

the existence of social media platforms. And these situation is applicable to Senior High

School students of Pinaripad National High School who have an access to different

social media sites. They use social media not just for communication but also as source

of information in fulfilling their school requirements. However, this social media

platforms distracts their attention and concentration towards learning affecting the time

management skills of the students. As defined by FreshBooks (2019), time

management is the strategy of planning out your available time and controlling the

amount of time you spend on specific tasks in order to work more efficiently. Having a

strong and effective time management help students to be productive and to overcome

laziness. And that is what Social Media Addiction is taking away from the students.

When they spend most of their time on social media, they are more likely to experience

laziness, sleep deprivation, stress, and constant procrastination. It is because social

media tempts them to browse online and delays their school works which leads them to

cram or rush things when the deadline of activities approaches.

Social media has wide variety of purposes such as for communication, source of

information, and an interaction platform, making the students today to be heavily reliant

on social media to the extent that they use it excessively. As a result, social media

addiction had become common disorder among the students of today’s generation.

Thus, this research will attempt to draw conclusions on the negative effects of social

media addiction in relation to the time management of students; to enlighten students

about the importance of being vigilant with their actions and of using their time wisely

and effectively in order to be productive in life.


Use of Social Media Applications

Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram

Social Media Addiction

Sleep Deprivation Laziness Stress Procrastination

Time Management

Expected Results

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

This study entitled “The Influence of Social Media Addiction on the Time

Management of Senior High School students In Pinaripad National High School” is

going to determine the influence of social media in the time management of students. In
order to bring out the needed data, the figure above is the framework that will be used.

First, the researches will identify the number and name of their respondents from the

whole population of Senior High School students in Pinaripad National High School.

From that, they will be able to know if the respondents are using different social media

applications such as Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. The number of hours

that they spend in these social media applications will also be gathered to identify if they

have excessive use of it. This condition is known as Social Media Addiction. Being

addicted to social media may make the respondents to encounter sleep deprivation,

laziness, stress, and procrastination. These factors may affect the time management of

the students or respondents. In these study, the researchers are also considering the

fact that social media addiction does not affect the time management of the



Students now a days focuses more on their phones rather than on their tasks

and responsibilities at school. Thus, this study aims to determine the influences of social

media addiction to the Senior High School student’s time management in Pinaripad

National High School. It will seek to answer the following questions:

1) What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Strand / Year

2) What are the social media sites that the respondents are using?
3) How long are the respondents use the social media sites in a day?

4) What are the effects of longer use of social media among the


5) What are the things unable to accomplish by the respondents because of

excessive social media use?


This study is mainly focused on influences of social media addiction to the

Pinaripad National High School Senior High School students’ time management, which

purpose is to determine what social media applications (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok,

Youtube, Messenger) that the students mainly uses and are addicted to.

This study will be conducted at Pinaripad National High School focused on the

S.Y. 2022 – 2023. The data gathered such as age, grade level, and background usage

of social media from the selected 50 Senior High School students that will be used in

this research is applicable and limited only to the students of Pinaripad National High

School. Thus, the findings and conclusions of the study is not true to all of the Senior

High School in Quirino Province and in the Philippines.


This study will focus on usage of social media that leads to social media

addiction and how it negatively and positively influences the students’ time

management. The result of the study is supposed to be beneficial on the following:

a. Students. They will be aware of the importance of time management and how to

do it effectively to prevent becoming unproductive in their studies and personal

lives. Students are also encouraged to be responsible in using social media

applications and to distinguish between priorities and distractions because doing

so would enable them to complete more assignments before the due date and

have more spare time to do other things.

b. Parents. It will aid the parents in determining whether their children are

becoming addicted to social media and in formulating measures that will prevent

it from happening. It will also help them to properly guide their children to

manage their time.


d. Future Researchers. This study may serve as reference for future researchers

with the same topic or study since the data and information gathered will provide

them with the essential recommendations to improve their own study.


 Social Media – are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the

creation or sharing of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of

expression via virtual communities and networks.

 Social Media Addiction - is a behavioral addiction wherein people have an

uncontrollable urge to devote so much time and effort to social media which leads

them to not doing other important daily tasks.

 Time Management - is the strategy of planning out your available time and

controlling the amount of time you spend on specific tasks in order to work more


- is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time

spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and


 Procrastination – is the action of delaying or postponing something. The word has

origin from the Latin procrastinates, which itself evolved from the prefix pro-,

meaning “forward”, and crastinus, meaning “of tomorrow”.



The research will use the quantitative research method since the researchers will

be collecting and analyze numerical data to provide answers to the questions identified

in chapter one. It will also be using descriptive and correlational research designs in

order to know the influences of social media addiction to the students’ time



The locale of our study is in Pinaripad National High School, which is located in

Pinaripad Norte, Aglipay, Quirino. The researchers chose this location to conduct the

study because it gives convenience to them as they can easily approach their

respondents such as in distributing and collecting their survey questionnaire.


This research has make used of the purposive sampling method. The

participants was chosen based on random sampling. The researchers are confident that

the chosen sample are the Grade 11 and 12 Senior High School students of PNHS.

There are 5 sections of Grade 11 and also 5 sections of Grade 12, thus, the

researchers will select 5 students from each section for the total of 25 students each

grade level or 50 students as respondents.




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