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Grade and Section:____________________

Learning Module No. 1

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What is this module all about?
The following topics are included in this module:
(1) Current state of ICT technologies
(2) Online safety, security, ethics, and netiquette
(3) Contextualized online search and research skills

What are you going to learn?

In this module, you are expected to meet the following competencies:
(1) compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites, and content to best
achieve specific class objectives or address situational challenges (DepEd-MELC);
(2) apply online safety, security, ethics, and etiquette standards and practice in the use of ICTs
as it would relate to their specific professional tracks (DepEd-MELC); and
(3) use the Internet as a tool for credible research and information gathering to best achieve
specific class objectives or address situational (DepEd-MELC)

Before we proceed to the lessons, let us first assess what you already know about ICT. Read and
answer all the questions below carefully and write your answer on the space provided

I. Identification
A. Directions: Give the meaning of the following acronyms and abbreviations. Write your
answer on the space provided below. (1 point each)
a. ICT - ________________________________________________________
b. WAN - ________________________________________________________
c. .com - _________________________________________________________
d. .edu - _________________________________________________________
e. LAN - ________________________________________________________

B. Directions: Identify each icon that can be seen on the web.

________________ ________________

b. ________________ ________________

c. ________________
II. True or False
Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and write False if it is incorrect. Write your
answer on the space provided before each letter.
______ a. Google Classroom is an example of Learning Management System (LMS).
______ b. Netiquette is the branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles.
______ c. Ethics is the correct or acceptable way of communicating on the Internet.
______ d. To keep yourself online, you should never use Google account password on another website.
______ e. Bing is an example of online search engine.

Now check your answers using the Answer Key on the last page. Which items did you get correctly?

Day 1

Concept Notes:

Current State of ICT Technologies

ICT nowadays has also widened its horizons in developing new tools or emerging technologies.
However, the present information superhighway mainly utilizes the advantages of the tools’ mobility.

For detailed explanation, please refer to your book, Empowerment Technologies on pages 2-5

Exercise No. 1
A. Multiple Choice. Read and analyze each question carefully. Then, choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer. Write your answer before each number.
__________ 1. Which of the following devices can be used to communicate and interact with other people
using Wi-Fi?
a. Camera c. Radio
b. Landline phone d. Tablet
__________ 2. Which of the following devices does not have access to Bluetooth Device?
a. Camera c. Fax Machine
b. Electronic Vape d. Tablet
__________ 3. Which of the following is an example of robotics technology?
a. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) c. Drone
b. Automatic Sliding Door d. Washing Machine
__________ 4. Which of the following has an artificial intelligence feature?
a. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) c. Fax Machine
b. E – Book d. Washing Machine

__________ 5. Which of the following is NOT an example of biometrics?
a. Eye retinas c. Finger Size
b. Facial pattern d. Voice Pattern
__________ 6. Which of the following is a network that protects user privacy and secures the connection
to avoid hacking?
a. Data Services c. General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
b. Fourth generation (4G) d. Virtual Private Network (VPN)
__________ 7. What is a photographic technique that uses light to project objects in a way that they appear
a. Computer-assisted Translation (CAT) c. Quantum Cryptography
b. Holography d. Virtual Reality (VR)
__________ 8. Which of the following refers to the science that enables two parties to produce a shared
random secret key known only to them, which can then be used to encrypt and decrypt
a. Computer-assisted Translation (CAT) c. Quantum Cryptography
b. Holography d. Virtual Reality (VR)
__________ 9. Which of the following is software program that is used to translate both verbal and written
texts from one language to another?
a. Computer-assisted Translation (CAT) c. Quantum Cryptography
b. Holography d. Virtual Reality (VR)
__________ 10. What is an artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in
such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment?
a. Computer-assisted Translation (CAT) c. Quantum Cryptography
b. Holography d. Virtual Reality (VR)

B. Matching Type. Match apps (applications) in column A with the Platforms in column B. Write
your answer on the space before each number. Answers may be repeated. (1 point each)

______1.) E-Bay a.) Social Media Platform
______2.) YouTube b.) E-commerce Platform
______3.) Facebook c.) Online Learning Platform
______4.) Lazada d.) Online Video Platform
______5.) Twitter
______6.) Friendster
______7.) Vimeo
______8.) Shopee
______9.) Google Classroom
______10.) Pinterest

Day 2

Activity No. 1.1

Time started:______
Time finished:______

Directions: Answer the questions and perform the task stated below. In multiple-choice test, encircle the
letter of the correct answer. In essay-writing test, write your answer on the space provided below. Be guided
by the given rubric.

1. Which of the following devices uses Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to communicate?

a. Landline Phone
b. Tablet
c. Fax Machine
d. Radio
2. Using a word processing software, create an essay describing the roles of ICT in your daily living.
You are free to write the number of sentences you want. Be guided by the given rubric.
Anchors 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
The output shows The output is
The output shows
excellence with remarked very well The output shows
a little The ideas
regard to the which shows complete
Content completeness in needed are not
completeness of completeness of information and
the presented complete at all.
essential information ideas needed.
information needed. presented.
The output shows The output is
excellence with remarked very well
The output shows The output at least
regard to the unity of as unity of the The ideas in the
unity in terms of shows unity in the
Coherence the message of the message of the output shows no
the ideas message or
output or output or unity at all.
presented. presentation.
presentation that is presentation that is
highly visible. visible.
The output shows The output is
excellence with remarked very well The output shows
The output shows
regard to the very in terms of the minimum The output
creativity and
Creativity evident creativity creativity and creativity and shows no
cleanliness in
and cleanliness of cleanliness of the cleanliness in creativity at all.
satisfying ways.
the output or output or some ways.
presentation. presentation.

Day 3

Concept Notes:

Online Safety, Security, Ethics, And Netiquette

The introduction of the World Wide Web (WWW) and internet has made great breakthroughs in the
field of information sharing and communication. It has helped connect people miles away from each other.
However, these advances carried drawback in which the issue of safety, security, and ethics of the consumer
are compromised.

For detailed explanation, refer to your book, Empowerment Technologies on pages 6-10

Exercise No. 2

A. True or False
Directions: Write True if the statement is correct, and False if it is incorrect. Write your answer on
the space provided before each number.

______1. “Share expert knowledge” means you have to share your assignment with your classmates.
______2. “Know where you are in cyberspace”; cyberspace means the online world of computer networks
especially the Internet.
______3. “Help keep flame wars under control”; flame wars mean angry or abusive exchange of
______4. “Respect other people’s time and bandwidth”; Bandwidth means opinion.
______5. “Do not abuse your power,” a good example of this is kicking a member out of your group chat
without a valid reason.
______6. Boolean Operator “NOT” broadens the search.
______7. In online searching the asterisk represents any group of characters, including no characters.
______8. Boolean Operator “OR” narrows the search.
______9. In online searching, the dollar sign represents one character.
______10. Browser history is a record of the sites you've visited in the past.

B. Morse Type
Write A if item is related to a. Write B if item is related to b.
Write C if item is related to both. Write D if item is not related to any.
Write your answer on the space provided before each number. (1 point each)

______1. The Core Rules of Netiquette.

a. Know where you are in cyberspace.
b. Never use Google account password on other websites.
______2. Common issues and crimes on the internet.
a. Hacking
b. Plagiarism
______3. Online safety and Ethics
a. Perform regular operating system and browser updates.
b. Use truncations (*, !, ?, and $).
______4. Online Search Skills
a. Know your sources.
b. Organize your bookmarks.
______5. Improving Your Research Skills Online
a. Learn to use advanced search techniques.
b. Use your web browser properly.

Day 4

Activity No. 1.2

Time started:______
Time finished:______

A. Directions: List five (5) different search engines that you know. Which one works the best for you and
Write your answer on the space provided below. You are free to write the number of sentences that
you want. Be guided by the given rubric.


B. Directions: Answer the question and perform the task given below. Write your answer on the space
provided below. Be guided by the given rubric.

1. How are you going to promote ethical use of these resources and exhibit proper etiquette while
being connected online?
2. Using a word processing software, make a short treatise on this issue and share it with with your

Anchors 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

The output shows
The output is remarked The output shows The output shows a The ideas
excellence with regard to
very well which shows complete little completeness needed are
Content the completeness of
completeness of information and in the presented not complete
essential information
information presented. ideas needed. ideas. at all.
The output shows
The output is remarked
excellence with regard to The output shows The output at least The ideas in
very well as unity of the
the unity of the message unity in terms of shows unity in the the output
Coherence message of the output
of the output or the ideas message or shows no
or presentation that is
presentation that is presented. presentation. unity at all.
highly visible.
The output shows
The output is remarked
excellence with regard to The output shows The output shows The output
very well in terms of
the very evident creativity and minimum creativity shows no
Creativity the creativity and
creativity and cleanliness cleanliness in and cleanliness in creativity at
cleanliness of the
of the output or satisfying ways. some ways. all.
output or presentation.

Day 5

A. Morse Type. Directions: Write your answer on the space before each number. (1 point each)
Write A if item is related to a. Write B if item is related to b.
Write C if item is related to both. Write D if item is not related to any.

1. Web 1.0
a. Interaction is very limited.
b. Personal web pages were common, consisting mainly of static pages.
2. Platform
a. a group of technologies that are used as bases upon which other applications,
processes, or technologies are developed.
b. can be online or offline.
3. ICT
a. It refers to the technology that is used to handle telecommunication and access
b. It is very limited in terms of communication.

4. Packet
a. It is a large chunk of data that is sent through the internet.
b. It cannot be lost during transmission from one device to another.
5. Bandwidth
a. It is the capacity of computer network to transmit data.
b. It is the speed of the computer network.
6. MAN
a. It has a larger area network than LAN.
b. It has the same area network size than WAN.
7. Web 2.0
a. It is the read-write web.
b. Its users can interact and collaborate with other users.
8. Online Video Platforms
a. These are a collection of software technologies that allows merchant to create a
storefront on the internet.
b. An example of this platform is Pinterest.
9. Robot
a. It is a machine that has sensors.
b. It has an Artificial Intelligence feature.
10. Online Learning Platform
a. An example of this platform is Edmodo.
b. It provides the teachers, learners, parents and others involved in the education
sector with a wide range of tools and resources.
B. Matching Type
Directions: Match the descriptions in Column A with the definitions in Column B. Write your answer
on the space provided before each number.

Column A Column B
______11. It focuses on the acceptable behavior of the person a. Cyberbullying
while using the internet source.
______12. The gaining of unauthorized access to data in a b. Internet
system or computer.
______13. It is presenting someone else's work or ideas as c. 2-steps verification
your own, with or without the consent of the owner.
______14. It refers to the legal right of the owner of d. Hacking
intellectual property.
______15. It is a form of harassment using electronic means. e. Netiquette
______16. It focuses on the acceptable use of online resources f. Identity theft
in an online environment.
______17. It is any program or file that is harmful to a g. Online Ethics
______18. It is a process that involves two authentication h. Plagiarism
methods performed one after another.
______19. It refers to creations of the mind, such as i. Intellectual property
inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and
symbols, names and images used in commerce.
______20. It occurs when someone uses another's personal j. Copyright
identifying information like their name without
k. Malware

You have successfully accomplished your first module! I hope you have gained all the learning
competencies on this module. Good job, Batang DICES!
Here are the answers to the Pre-test. Please look at this part only after accomplishing the Pre-Test.
Remember, be honest! Please check your answers and determine how much knowledge you have attained.
Then, you may go back to answering the rest of this module.

e. True
d. True
c. False
b. False
a. True
III. True or False

e. GPS / Location
d. Attach File
c. Search
b. Contact Number
a. E – Mail
II. Identify each icon that can be seen on the web.

e. Local Area Network

d. Education
c. Commercial
b. Wide Area Network
a. Information and Communication Technologies
I. Give the meaning of the following acronyms and abbreviations.


Callo, E.R., & Sotto, R.L.. (2018). Science in Today’s World for Senior High School Empowerment
______Technologies. Sibs., pages 1-10



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