Tanjim Frontend

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Tanjim Ahmed

Phone: 01521103168
Email: tanjimanim007@gmail.com
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/Tanjim-Ahmed-Anim
GitHub: https://github.com/TanjimAnim

Career Objective:
To associate myself with an organization where I can show my innovative skills, work in a position
where my knowledge is utilized in the best possible way to develop my career and I can contribute to
the growth of the company.

Employment History:
Fiber@home / Engineer
February, 2020 - Dec, 2021, Dhaka
1. Monitoring the network and provide 1st level logical support 24x7
2. Using various networking tools such as Nagios, Cacti and creating TT for alarms and
3. Communication between client, provide them logical support and interaction between
field and 2nd level logical support to restore the problematic link as soon as possible

Hypospadias-AI - ML driven Hypospadias detection and suggestion of best possible
Live Link - https://hypospadias-ai.netlify.app
Admin Dashboard - An Admin Dashboard made with Typescript, React and
Redux toolkit with Map box.
Live Link -https://admin-dashboard-land-displacement.netlify.app/
Ecommerce App- An Ecommerce website made with Woo commerce API
GitHub link - https://github.com/TanjimAnim/Woocommerce-site
Book Reader - A full stack app where users can create accounts, store info about books.
Github link- https://github.com/TanjimAnim/Book-Reader
Weekly weather update - Location based weather app, shows weekly weather update
of major cities of Bangladesh
Live Link - https://weekly-weather-update.netlify.app
URL Shortener API- API project using NodeJS which provides a short form of an url.
GitHub Link: https://github.com/TanjimAnim/Url-shortener-microservice

Academic Qualification:
Chittagong University of Engineering and College /B.Sc. Engineering in
Electronics and Telecommunication
2015 - 2019, Chittagong
Result: 3.34 out of 4
Dhaka Residential Model College /HSC
2012 - 2014, Dhaka
Result 5.00 out of 5.00
Dhaka Residential Model College /SSC
2010 - 2012, Dhaka
Result 5.00 out of 5.00

Networking: CCNA, Nagios, Cacti and other network monitoring tools
Programming Languages: JavaScript, Typescript, Bash
Version Control: Git
Frameworks and Libraries: NodeJS, ReactJS, NextJS, Redux-toolkit
Database: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL
Others: HTML, CSS, Microsoft Office

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