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Oral cavity

 Posterior superior: hard and soft junction palate

 Anterior: vermillion border
 Infertio: circumvallate, linea terminalis
 Laterally: anterior tonsillar pillars

Submandibular region
 Lingual artery- provides most of blood supply
 Boundaries
o Anterior: anterior belly of digastric
o Posterior: posterior belly of digastric
o Superior: inferior angle of mandible

Hard palate
 Blood supply- greater palatine arteries, superior alveolar arteries
 Inferior alveolar arteries- supplies inferior alveolus and mandible

 Mimetic muscle: orbicularis oris
 Blood supply: superior and inferior labial arteries of facial artery
 Sensation: upper- infraorbital of CNv, lower-mental branch of CNV
 Lymphatics- submandibular

Alveolar ridge
 Lower alveolus- transiton is floor of tongue
 Upper alveolus- transiton is hard palate

Oral tongue
 Anterior to linea terminalis
 Blood supply:lingual and sublingual arteries
 Sensory: lingual nerve
 Special sensory taste: chorda tympani of CNVii
 Lymphatics: upper cervical lymphatics
 Extrinsic muscle- palatoglossal, hyoglossal, genioglossal, styloglossu
 Intrinsic- lateral, vertical, transverse, superior inferior
o All muscles are innerveated by hypoglossal nevre except palatoglossus, it is innervated by
pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve

Posterior triangle
 Posteriorly: trapezius
 Anterior: sternocleidomastoid
 Inferiorly: clavicle
Anterior triangle
 Anterior: anterior midline
 Posterior: SCM
 Superior: mandible
 Further subdivided into four triangles: SCSM
o Submandibular
 Anterior: anterior belly of digastric
 Posterior: posterior belly of digastric
 Superior: inferior angle of mandible
 Contains: hypoglossal nerve, submandibular gland, facial artery and nerve, mylohyoid
o Carotid
 Anterior: superior belly of omohyoid
 Superior: posterior belly of digastric
 Posterior: SCM
o Submental
 Superior: symphysis of mandible
 Lateral: anterior belly of digastric
 Inferior: hyoid bone
o Muscular
 Superior: superior belly of omohyoid
 Anterior: midline
 Posterior: SCM

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