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Semester: Fall 2020

Course: ENG1002
Instructor: Kristy Matthews

Research Notes
Source Type: APA Reference Details: *author’s name, publication year, title, etc.
□ Website
□ Book Reitz, J. G. (2012, December).
□ Journal Article The Distinctiveness of Canadian Immigration Experience. Retrieved from
□ Newspaper
□ Other: 271622022_The_Distinctiveness_of_Canadian_Immigration_Experience

Reitz (2012) is research about Canada's experience with immigration and it

has been comparatively positive and mass immigration has considerable
popular support within the country. The distinctive Canadian policy model—
including large numbers with skill-based selection, multiculturalism and
other policies aimed at promoting integration, and provincial autonomy—
deserves international attention. However, Canada's success with
The research I will use is immigration is only partly related to its policies and these may not be easily
Copy and paste or hand-write the transferable to other contexts (para 2). Skill-based immigrant selection may
be the most important feature of the Canadian model contributing to its
success, and the effectiveness of this policy is clearly contingent on border
control, which in the case of Canada is facilitated by geographical isolation
(para 9).

I will use this research as a

□ Quote (The words are the same as in the original text. Nothing has been changed.)

□ Paraphrase (The words have been changed but the meaning is still the same.)

I will add this research to the following main idea (body paragraph in my essay).
□ Main Idea/Body Paragraph 1 □ Main Idea/Body Paragraph 2 □ Main Idea/Body Paragraph 3
o Supporting Detail 1 o Supporting Detail 1 o Supporting Detail 1
o Supporting Detail 2r o Supporting Detail 2 o Supporting Detail 2
My research is credible because it meets the criteria of C.R.A.A.P. (current, relevant, accurate, authority, purpose)
Semester: Fall 2020
Course: ENG1002
Instructor: Kristy Matthews

My article meets are CRAAP details as the currency has been completed in 2012. The objective of the article is

to provide information to the immigrants who move to Canada and this article was published in a journal with a

name pattern of prejudice. Important research about immigration in Canada has been provided. 

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