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Algebraic Expressions
and Identities
Constants and Variables An expression may contain a term involving rational
power of a variable but in a polynomial, the power of each
The symbols which have fixed numeric values are
variable must be a non-negative integer.
known as constants.
Variables are the symbols like a, b, x, y,.. which Degree of a Polynomial
take on various numerical values. Highest power of the variable in a polynomial is
e.g. Suppose c=2nris the formula ofcircumference known as the degree of that polynomial.
of circle, where 2 and t are constants, whereas c
and r are variables. Degree of a Polynomial in
One Variable
Algebraic Expression For a polynomial in one variable, the highest
An algebraic expression is a combination of power of the variable is called the degree of a
constants and variables connected by fundamental polynomial.
operations (+,x, +). eg. 2x-6x +4x+1 is a polynomial in x of
e.g.2x +3, 8a?b + a*Vb -5/a etc. degree 4. since, the highest power of x is 4]

Degree of a Polynomial in
Terms Two or More Variables
The separated parts of an algebraic expression are
For polynomial in more than one variable, the
called its term.
sum of the powers of the variables in each term is
eg.2x and 3 are the terms ofexpression 2x +3.
taken up and the highest sum so obtained is
Like and Unlike Termss called the degree of a
The terms having same variable and the same e.g.7x-5x*y* +3xy + 6y +8 is a polynomial in
exponents are like terms, otherwise it has, unlike x and y of degree 4.
e.g. In x -xy +2x +x and 2x
y, are like terms [since, the highest sum of
and-xy and y are unlike terms. of x and yis 2 +2, i.e.
Examplel Find the degree of the
An algebraic expression in which the variables 8xy 4y+6. polynomial
a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4
nvolved only non-negative integral powers is (d) 1
called a polynomial. Sol.(4) Wehave, 8xy -4y+6
eg. Here, sum of the powers of variables in first
Expression 3x*y +3y + 2x is a
polynomial. is1+2,i.e. 3, which is the highest, so its term
is 3. degree
Chapter Twelve- AIgebraic Expression and ldentities 75

iv) Consider the remainder (if any) as a new

dividend and proceed as before. Identity
(v)Repeat this process till we obtaina An identity is an equality which is true for all
remainder which is either 0 or a polynomial values of the variables
of degree less than the degree of the divisor. e.g.(a +1) (a +3) =a* +4a +3 is an identity
because it is true for every value of a.
Example 4 Subtract 3* -4t° +2t2-6t + 6
from-4 +8t-4 -2+11. Standard Identities
(a) -7t +12-6t + 4 +5 (a +b=a +2ab +b (a -b=a? -2ah +b
b) 7t -12+6t+4t +5 (a +)(a-)=a' -5
(c) -7t +12. 62-4t-5 (a +b+ =a* +b +c*+2ab +2bc +2ca
(d) None of the above a +b+c +2 (ab +be + ca)
Sol.() We have, 3t' -4t+2?-6t+6 (a +b- =a +b +c +2ab -2bc -2ca
and 4 +8?-4t-2t+11 (a -b+ c =a* +b + -2ab-2bc +2ca
The required difference is given by (a+b + =a* +b +c-2ab + 2hc-2ca
(4t +8-4t -2t+11) .(a +b =a' +b +3ab (a + b)
- (3t-4t+ 2-6t+6) (a-b=a - -3ab (a -b)
=-4t +8?-4t-2t+11-3t+4P-2r+6t-6
= (4t-3) + (8 + 4t)+ (4t -2)
a+b =(a +b -3ab (a + b)
a-b= (a -b + 3ab(a -b)
grouping like terms]
=(a+h(a* +b -ab)
-7t +12 -6t + 4t+5 a-b =(a -b) (a2 +
b +ab)
.(x +a) (x+b) =x* + (a + b}x + ab
Example 5 Find the quotient and the
(x +a) (x -b)=x* +(a -b)x -ab
remainder, when (15z -20z2+13z-12) is (x-a) (x + b) =x* + (b-a)x -ab
divided by (3z-6).
.(x-a) (x -b) =x* -(a + bx + ab
(e)5a +1;57 b)5e++11,54 a+b + c - 3abc =(a + b+ c)
(c)52+10z+11;54 (d) 52+z-11;54 (a +b + c -ab -

bc -ca)
Ifa+b+c =0 then, a' +b+c*=3abc
Sol.() 5z++11
Example 6. The square of the polynomial
32-6)15z-2022 +13z -12
15z - 30z
2xy +5y is
(a)4xy+ 20xy 25y (b) 4x*y2 + 20xy2 +25y?
(c) 4xy+ 10xy + 25y (d) None of these
10z+13z -12
10z-20z Sol.(b) Now,
(2xy+5 =(2x}* +2(2xy) x5y +(5)*
33z -12
:(a+ by =d + 2ab + b]
=4x*y +20xy + 25y
54 Example 7. Using identity, while dividing
Quotient =5z +z +11 p(4p -16) by 4p (p -2), we get
(a) 2p +4
and Remainder (c)p +2
54 (d) p -2

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