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The Integration of Core and Bore Hole Image information and resulting depositional model:

Moreni Field, Miocene-Pliocene Flysch Zone, South Central Romania.

Authors: Chris Cubitt, Barbara Stummer, Paul Grech & Lorenz Scheucher


During the period October 2010 and March 2011 580m of unconsolidated to semi-consolidated core
(6 wells) and 3369 metres of bore hole images (BHI) (7 wells) were acquired over the main reservoir
intervals Levantine (core and BHI) and Meotian (core only) of the Moreni Field (south central
Romania) as part of a field revitalisation project. The current study was under taken to describe,
interpret and integrate both core and BHI data with a view to facilitating a depositional model.

The Moreni Field, discovered in 1898, is part of the Gura Ocnitei-Moreni-Piscuri-Filipesti field
cluster which combined forms the largest oil field complex in Romania. (M. Fucuta; Oct. 2010). The
field itself is located on the margin of the so called Miocene-Pliocene (Flysch) zone at the southern
edge of the Getic Depression some 60km north east of Bucharesti (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Moreni Field Location map and reservoir stratigraphy (from: Stefanescu, M. et al. ,2006)


Core and bore hole images were described and interpreted simultaneously with the core used as the
depositional benchmark. All Levantine and Meotian cores were methodically described in terms of
lithology and litho-facies according to a modified Miall (2006) scheme where litho-facies were
defined as genetic packages, of rock with a dominant sedimentological feature. Subsequently
depositional environments observed were classified according to their position within the sedimentary
basin profile (from the most ‘terrestrial’ to the most marine) and given a code for ease of reporting
and annotation on core logs (Figure 2).

Bore hole image litho-facies 1 were determined by combining ‘dynamic’ BHI textures such as
laminated. bedded, mottled, nodular, massive, cross-bedded, cemented and resistive blebs with

It should be noted that BHI results, discussions and core integrations in this article pertains only to the Levantine Formation as bore hole
image data was acquired over only over this interval.

74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012

Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012
‘static’ 2 BHI lithologies such as conglomerates, sandstone, argillaceous sandstone and mudstone.
These dynamic and static BHI features were then combined with open-hole wireline log response to
define the BHI litho-facies.

Litho-facies Interpretation
Interpretation Criteria
Criteria Key surfaces ID
Identify Main Surfaces (TS, MFS, SB & Ravinement)

Litho-Facies Arenaceous Mixed Argillaceous
Arenaceous Mixed Argillaceous

Litho-Facies Sandstone
Sandstone Litho-Facies
Litho-Facies Hetrolithic
Litho-Facies Siltstone
Litho-Facies Mudstone
[Gms etc]
etc] [Sm,
[Sm, Sh,
Sh, Sl,
Sl, Sx,
Sx, St,
St, Sp,
Sp, Sb,
Sb, Sr,
Srp, Ss
Ss So,
So, ]] [Hm,
Hb. Hl,
Hl, Hssd
etc] [Stm
[Stm && Sth]
Sth] [Mm,
[Mm, Mb,

Dominantly Arenaceous
Arenaceous Litho-facies
Litho-facies Dominantly
Dominantly Mixed
Mixed &
& Argillaceous
Argillaceous Litho-facies

Profile Fining
Fining Upwards
Upwards Coarsening
Upwards Aggradational
Aggradational Fining
Upwards Coarsening
Upwards Aggradational

Features: Yes
No? Cyclicity
Cyclicity ID.
ID. What
What cycles
cycles are
or No?
No? HCS(?)
Bedding Trough
Trough X-Bedding
X-Bedding Massive
Bedding Rip
Clasts Soft
Soft Sediment
Sediment Deformation
Deformation Syneresis
Syneresis Cracks
Cracks Diamictite

Bioturbation Bioturbation
Bioturbation Bioturbation(Kill
Event) Bioturbation
Intensity && Distribution
Distribution Ichnofabric
Ichnofabric ID
Skolithos ==shallow
marine] Exposure
Exposure Surface)



Figure 2 Depositional environment interpretation: critical criteria.

Structural dips were picked manually on the resistivity image and were classified into different
categories according to the interpreted lithology. Bedding dips, which are assumed to have been
originally deposited horizontally, (such as mudstone and hetrolithics) were used to identify structural
zones (azimuth vector plot) and structural tilt. In general, this tilt was found to be 8 - 15º towards the

Results & Discussion

Utilising core, wireline and analogue data in a systematic manner the Levantine depositional system
was found to be consistent with flood plain, coastal plain and channel sedimentation processes. In all,
38 litho-facies and 24 depositional environments were identified with petrology/XRD revealing
glaucony (marine influence), illite, chlorite and micritic calcite in most sediments.

Analysed in the same manner, Meotian sediments, were interpreted to have formed in marginal
marine settings with lagoons, mouth-bars, oolitic/shelly barrier and distributary channel environments
all represented. Analysis of Meotian cores revealed, 39 litho-facies and 21 depositional environments
with calcite cement noted in most petrographic/XRD samples where calcite regularly occludes
otherwise porous interbedded sandstones

In order to link the image facies to actual sedimentological features, core-based and image-based
litho-facies were compared. Image textures dominated by abundant circular shaped resistive features

Static BHI images: resistivity is calibrated over the entire logged interval; Dynamic BHI images: resistivity is calibrated over a shorter
defined interval

74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012

Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012
(0.6mm– 2.5mm in diameter) in a conductive matrix (resistive ‘blebs’) were commonly observed.
These features are typically described in core as roots (Figure 3) being indicative of a vegetated
floodplain. However if ‘blebs’ of differing diameters were observed, the interval was then interpreted
as being typical of a coastal rather than flood plain.

Figure 3 Example of Integration of core litho-facies and BHI image-facies. Note: BHI LF = Bore
Hole Image (BHI) litho-facies, BHI DE = BHI depositional environnent.

This assertion reflects the diversity of flora found in coastal areas in comparison to flood plains (e.g.
mangrove belts and coastal swamps vs lower delta fluviatile flood plains). Such ‘bleb’-root
associations were common but not ubiquitous. In a number of other core-BHI sections resistive
‘blebs’ corresponded to bioturbation. Thus not all core and BHI interpretations were seen to be
Cum. Total Percentage of Cum. Total Percentage of
Depositional Setting
Thickness (m) Levantine Thickness (m) Levantine
Terrestrial (T) 9.8 2.8%
Alluvial Plain (AP) 1037.1 74.1% 237.6 67.0%
Coastal Plain (CP) 358.3 25.6% 92.1 26.0%
Delta Plain (DP) 4.8 0.3% 15.3 4.3%
Total 1400.2 100.0% 354.8 100.0%

Table 1 Quantitative comparison of depositional environment: BHI vs core.

After integration with core, BHI litho-facies were treated in the same manner as core-based litho-
facies whereby depositional environments were interpreted using the same methodology as shown in
figure 2 core. In all 10 different BHI-based depositional environments were interpreted, with the most
commonly occurring being channels (A12), followed by floodplain (A23). Nearly 75% of the
Levantine section (as logged by BHI) is composed of sediments deposited on an alluvial plain with
25% interpreted as having a coastal plain association. It stands out, that most of the coastal sediments

74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012

Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012
are concentrated in the basal parts of the Levantine section and that higher up the formation
sedimentation becomes more terrestrial.

Summarising the depositional environments derived from both core and BHI in terms of depositional
settings (coastal plain, delta plain etc) shows that there is a good match (Table 1). This overview
indicates that although core interpretation by nature is more detailed, BHI and core depositional
settings are of the same proportion and can therefore be directly compared. This then facilitated the
interpretation of depositional environments using bore hole images in non-cored intervals with


Pragmatic litho-facies and depositional environment schemes in conjunction with wireline,

depositional analogues and petrology/XRD revealed that the Pleistocene Levantine Formation
sediments of the Moreni Field of Romania were formed by interacting coastal and flood plain
processes. In contrast Meotian Formation sediments were interpreted to have been deposited more
seaward having been formed in a tidal lagoonal-barrier system.

Integration of core and image facies facilitated the direct link of sedimentological features and BHI
texture. Subsequent treatment of image facies as ‘like’ litho-facies made a thorough interpretation of
depositional environments away from core control possible. Core and BHI depositional environment
interpretations both conclude, that the Levantine in the Moreni area was, in the early stages, deposited
in a coastal environment transgressively changing to a more terrestrial one (floodplains, lakes)


This work resulted from a collaboration of OMV/Petrom SA. and HOT Engineering GMBH. The
authors wish to thank OMV/Petrom. for the valuable inputs and allowance to use the data and HOT
Engineering for technical assistance and time.


OMV/PETROM S.A. [2010]: OMV PETROM - 8460012731. Unpublished Report.

Miall, A.D. [1978c] Litho-Facies Types and Vertical Profile Models in Braided River Deposits: A
Summary. In Miall, A.D. (ed.). Fluvial Sedimentology. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists,
Memo 5, 597-604.
Paraschiv, D. [1979] Romanian Oil and Gas Fields. Geological Prospecting and Exploration. 13, 98-
Stefanescu, M. et al. [2006] Hydrocarbon Geology of the Romanian Carpathians, Their Foreland,
and the Transylvanian Basin. In: Golonka, J., Picha, F. (Eds.) The Carpathians and Their Foreland:
Geology and Hydrocarbon Resources. AAPG Memoir 84, 521-567.

74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012

Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012

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