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The voice changes The breasts develop
Growth of pubic hair Growth of pubic hair
Skin problems like pimples and increase in Fat deposition on the hips and thighs
perspiration begin
Facial hair begins to appear Body figure develops
Large muscles begin to develop Onset of menstruation

Why do all these changes occur at puberty?

 This is because some chemicals called hormones are produced by parts of your body called
endocrine glands.
Pituitary gland – directs your body to grow in height and weight.
Estrogen – a hormone that directs body to develop her breast and her hips.
Androgen – a hormone of the boys that will make the body produce more hair and develop the
voice and muscle.
Puberty - Is a brief period that signifies the maturation of the reproduction organs. It ushers in the
teenage period and it means that a boy or a girl is being prepared for adulthood.

HUMAN REPRODUCTION- is the story of how the sperm and egg cells are produced and how they
come together to form a single cell from which develops a new life.
THE MALE REPRODUCTTIVE SYSTEM- The task of the male reproductive system is to produce and
deliver sperms.
Sperm cell – is the male reproductive cell, is produced in the testes, a pair of structures enclosed in a
sac-like structure called scrotum.
 Inside the testes are coiled seminiferous tubules that produce about 100 milligrams of
sperm cells every day. When they mature, they travel into the epididymis where they are
 They are released outside the body through a tube called vas deferens. The seminal vesicle
and the prostate gland secrete a nutrient-rich fluid called semen in which the sperm cells
are suspended.
 The penis is the male external reproductive organ that delivers sperm cells during
 The seminal vesicle and the urinary bladder empty their content into a common tube called
the urethra leading to the penis.

THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM – The task of the female reproductive system is to produce
egg cells that will unite with the sperm cells, as well as to nurture the baby until it is born.
 The ovaries are paired structures that produce egg cells and release just one every 28 days
or during the process called ovulation.
 The Fallopian tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus. They act as pathways through which
the egg that is released from the ovaries travel to the uterus.
 The uterus is a pear-shaped muscular organ with strong muscular walls where the fetus
 A fetus is an unborn child.
 The cervix is the outer end of the uterus that leads to a canal called the vagina, which is
sometimes called the birth canal because it is the passageway of the baby to the outside of
the body.

THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE – Is a series of changes in the female reproductive system that includes
producing egg cells and preparing the uterus to receive it.
MENSES – month
MENSTRUATION- Is the flow of blood releasing the uterine lining and unfertilized egg for a period of
5 to 7 days. On the average, the menstrual cycle is a 28-day cycle.

Four phases of Menstrual Cycle

1. Follicular phase – the wall of uterus becomes thick in preparation for the fertilized egg.
2. Ovulation- shortest period. Releasing of egg cells to the fallopian tube.
3. Luteal phase – begins after the egg cell is released.
4. Menstruation – comes when the level of estrogen in the blood becomes so low such that
the lining of the uterus cannot be maintained. Bleeding usually lasts 3-7 days.

What should a girl do during menstruation?

Keeping clean is the key.
 A daily bath or shower can keep the genital area clean.
 Sanitary pads should be worn to catch the flow. This should be changed as often as
 Odor can be a sign of a problem. If order persists for a long time, consult a doctor.

Hygiene for Safety and Precaution

To be healthy is to be free from diseases, disorders, and problems.
Diseases of the Reproductive System
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
1. Gonorrhea
2. Syphilis
Male Disorders
1. Testicular Cancer
2. Prostate Cancer
Female Disorders
1. Dysmenorrhea
2. Premenstrual Syndrome
Teen Pregnancy
1. Physical and emotional changes in pregnancy can be overwhelming
2. Parent’s disappointment
3. Embarrassment
4. Feeling of guilt
How can young people keep their reproductive system healthy and safe from all these diseases
and problems?
 Keep it clean
 Communication to your parent
 Keep your underwear clean
 Learn to say No
 Stay away from situations that will put you in danger

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