ADA Midterm Essay

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Abigail Anne Daphne G.


BSN 2-10

During the 19th century, a middle class of educated Filipinos emerged, and with them a desire for
independence from Spain. Opposition to Spanish rule in the Philippines before 1872 was mainly
confined to the Filipino clergy, who were resentful of Spanish control over the Roman Catholic Church in
the islands. In the year 1565, a brief uprising against the Spanish led to renewed Spanish repression. This
was used as an excuse for increased punishment of the people. The martyrdom of three Filipino priests
José Burgos, Mariano Gómez, and Jacinto Zamora for allegedly conspiring with the rebels at Cavite
sparked a wave of anti-Spanish sentiment in the Philippines. This sentiment led to the Philippines'
separation from Spain in 1898. The education and hard work of the Philippines' educated population has
helped to create a prosperous economy, which has led to the development of the middle class. Besides
the economy, other factors contributed to the rise of the middle class. These included increased access
to education and healthcare, as well as stronger job markets. When the Suez Canal opened, the Spanish
colonizers increased in number which threatened the ecclesiastical homogeneity of the Filipino
churches. This led to the Insulares being displaced and regarded the Peninsulares as foreigners. This was
because the Insulares were unable to survive in the new environment, and the Peninsulares were better
equipped to handle it. The Insulares (which means "Children of the Country") became increasingly
Filipino and called themselves Los hijos del país (which means "The Sons of the Country").This led to the
middle class being formed and the start of nationalism. The emergence of new, innovative business
models in the Philippines was examined in relation to that of industrialization in the 1930s, which
progressed slowly and was accompanied by the expansion of the tertiary industries and the informal
sector. The middle classes are a small population size, distinct from the lower classes, and have their
own internal diversity. Their composition, including their relatively small number, is an important part of
understanding their characteristics. Based on the evidence from the middle-class-focused organizations
formed during the anti-Marcos struggle, it was discussed how their political orientations changed after
the Aquino assassination. emphasis was placed on the new pattern of political participation which
appeared after the assassination.

Philippine Revolution | Facts, Leaders, & Significance | Britannica

The Rise of the (

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