Mini Assignment 2 Rohit 301182163 1

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Mini Assignment 2 Template

Name: Student #:

Title of the main source for the Research-Driven Critique Essay (APA style 7th edition)

Peer, Leah, S. (2022, April 27th), Medical students learn to build a patient’s trust. But how
often does that really happen? CBC Opinion.

Part 1. Deconstruct the Source

1. 1. Write a one-paragraph summary.

The author is trying to draw attention to the two main ideas on the issue of patients who
potentially witness themselves as a victim of being ignored by the physician of their issue
and are left misdiagnosed. People think that they will get proper treatment with a proper
explanation but there have been many cases where either they get proper treatment but no
explanation or where they get neither proper treatment nor no explanation. These two
scenarios need to be changed to proper treatment and proper explanation. The author says
that this is either due to a lack of interest or systematic racism, but nothing can justify the
dismissal or inadequate care. Leah (2022) in her article, in all, emphasizes Quality health care
as it begins as the patient enters the clinic. She also puts out her initiative to purpose a
collaborative model between patients and doctors where patients get to share their stories and
physicians listen to them in front of them and trust that they are the experts of their bodies
and that this will potentially bring change in the health care system in terms of patients’
quality of life.

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Part 2. Outline.

Thesis: lack of interest or systematic racism, nothing can justify medical gaslighting. Leah’s
article characterized accuracy with an allusion analogy with a pathos approach.

You need 3 secondary sources. It is up to you in which paragraphs you may include the secondary
sources. If a paragraph does not have a secondary source, you have to include 2 supporting details
from the original source.
Response paragraph 1

Topic sentence Leah draws attention to the second most important issue other than just the
lack of interest, which is systematic racism, which is accurate as I have confirmed with
multiple articles and there have also been reports and research which tell that medical
gaslighting is more common in Black people, women, and patients with obesity.

Support from the original source: “If health spaces aren't safe, and instead further
aggravate harm as a result of systematic racism in health care, a lack of inclusive care or a
lack of knowledge of care for those of color, there is a lot of work that must be done.”

Support from a secondary source: “Research has found Black people receive lower-quality
healthcare than white people and that doctors are more likely to profile Black patients as


Response paragraph 2

Topic sentence: Leah (2022) uses an analogy to explain the difference between what she
witnessed when she went to the physician with her sister and the clinical bedside skills that
she was learning in medical school and expresses her concern that these bedside skills are
disappearing in our technology-focused practice of medicine.

Support from the original source:

“This physician's approach did not match the clinical bedside skills I was learning in medical
school. We were lectured on the importance of devoting full attention to the patient, to ensure
that we do not miss out on signs and symptoms for a potential diagnosis.”

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1. Support from a secondary source:
2. “Bernard Lown, the famous Boston cardiologist, wrote in 1996 in his book The Lost Art of
Healing. how essential bedside behavior is to good medical care. He expressed his concern
that important bedside skills are disappearing in our technology-focused practice of

Response paragraph 3

Topic sentence: Leah uses allusion with the pathos approach (emotional approach) as a mode
of persuasion to narrate her experience and to create an imaginary picture of the situation she
and her sister faced when they visited the physician and it resulted in the loss of their trust on
the physician.

1. Support from the original source:

2. “He placed his fingers on the area and pressed down to assess for pus or infection. I saw her
wince with pain — but I also saw she didn't trust the doctor enough to say anything.”
4. “I realize now that every interaction with a patient has an impact on their decisions and
relationship with the health-care system. I see it in the fear my sister now has when she visits
the hospital.”

5. Support from a secondary source: “Being ignored by your healthcare professional is one of
the most common complaints heard by patient advocates, healthcare reporters, and now
social media. Twitter blew up last month with the hashtag #PatientsAreNotFaking in reaction
to a video by a nurse making fun of a “patient” (played by the nurse) exaggerating her
symptoms. Over 77 thousand patients tweeted delayed diagnosis stories in just the first week.
While we don’t know the details of these stories, the passionate tweets displayed the amount
of fear, anger, and harm that a breach of trust can cause. When we visit our healthcare
professionals at our most vulnerable, learning that our symptoms are being discounted hurts.
The impact can cause both emotional and practical damage. Too often dismissed patients
avoid health checks in the future and go without proper medical care and screenings.”

Part 3. Annotated Bibliography

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Source 1

APA entry:

Naftulin, J., & Medaris, A. (2022, April 4th), Patients are calling out 'medical gaslighting,'
saying doctors deny their symptoms and misdiagnose serious illnesses. Insider health.


Naftulin a health reporter & Medaris a health correspondent at insider draws close attention to
patients that are calling out ‘medical gaslighting’ to explain how important it is to understand
the issue of the doctors denying patients symptoms and misdiagnosing serious illnesses. The
authors narrate the stories of different people who have been the victim of medical gaslighting,
and they also express their concern about this issue in terms of systematic racism. The authors
also draw attention to the research done to compare the issue of medical gaslighting between
different groups such as age, sex, and race. The result of this research turns out that this issue
is more common in black people, women, and people with obesity.

Source 2

APA entry:

Silverman, Barry, D. (2012, Jan 25th). Physician behavior and bedside manners: the influence
of William Osler and The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. National Library of Medicine
25(1), 58–61. doi: 10.1080/08998280.2012.11928784

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Barry (2012) as managing director of piedmont Heart institute draws a close attention to the
bedside skills and relate it directly to the art of medicine with the help of many great
physicians, writer, and educators like Sir William Osler (1849-1919). He emphasises that
whatever happens due to the technology, but the doctors should know how to behave while
seeing a patient. He talks about different books written by different authors who are experts in
the medical field and set examples of doctor charisma that established a paradigm that has
served as a model for physicians’ behaviors at the bedside. He also provides all the documents
to support his research.

Source 3

APA entry:

Epstein, Helene, M. (n.d.), Feeling Dismissed and Ignored by Your Doctor? Do this. Society to
improve diagnosis in medicine.


Helene draws our attention to the things we can do when we feel ignored and dismissed by the
doctors to explain the behaviour of the doctors and physicians towards the patients. The author
gives examples of the events which unfortunately led to a breach of trust between patients and
doctors. The author also emphasizes the patient whose symptoms are dismissed and the one
who experiences a delayed diagnosis. The author says that the reason behind dismissal may be
age bias in which symptoms are dismissed because they are considered too young and
generally healthy for the healthcare professionals or racial bias.

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Topic sentence: Kiara (2022) uses exaggeration.

2. Support from the original source: “Norwegians are extraordinary frank.”

3. Support from a secondary source: Sakshi (2021) found in a research study that 95% of
Norwegians (do not) express what they think no matter what.

Battle, K. (2007). Child poverty: The evolution and impact of child benefits. In K. Covell &
R.B. Howe (Eds.), A question of commitment: Children's rights in Canada (pp. 21-
44). Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Ken Battle draws on a close study of government documents, as well as his own
research as an extensively-published policy analyst, to explain Canadian child benefit
programs. He outlines some fundamental assumptions supporting the belief that all
society members should contribute to the upbringing of children. His comparison of
child poverty rates in a number of countries is a useful wake-up to anyone assuming
Canadian society is doing a good job of protecting children. Battle pays particular
attention to the National Child Benefit (NCB), arguing that it did not deserve to be
criticized by politicians and journalists. He outlines the NCB’s development, costs, and
benefits, and laments that the Conservative government scaled it back in favour of the
inferior Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB). Battle does offer a valuable source for this
essay, because the chapter provides a concise overview of government-funded
assistance currently available to parents. This offers context for analyzing the scope and
financial reality of child poverty in Canada.

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2. Before writing the outline of your essay CONSIDER these hints to develop your thesis an
What is it in the article (positive or negative) that you can prove or support with external sources
(against or for?

Consider these elements:

 Are there rhetorical devices (metaphor, hyperbole, simile, etc.? If so, can they be supported
with facts? Or are there other articles that cover the same topic and use rhetorical devices as
 Is the source biased? If so, find sources that support the views not discussed in the article.
 Are there fallacies? Find sources that tell the true.
 Is the information in the article accurate? Is the information true, precise, factual? Find
sources to prove the information is accurate, or it is not accurate.
 Are the sources reliable? Find the cited sources. Can they be trusted?
 Is the article relevant? Does the source help us answer the question? Or is there any topic that
was not considered?
 Is the source or the topic current? How recent is the source? Is the information up-to-date?
Find other articles that support whether the topic is current or not.

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