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DOO DOLL DODD ODD ODL OP OL LP MP MP The Transverse Tarsal Herpert ELet The foot is a pivotal component of the human locomotor structure since it controls the vital contact of our bodies with the ground. Proper management of the foot pro- vides us with our final opportunity to com- Pensate for deficiencies in control of other Parts of the body. Conversely, when the foot is negligent in the performance of its function, additional loads, which may prove to be excessive, are transferred to other components of the mechanism, Since the foot is important to us because of its function, its scientific study involves the correlation of physiologic measurement with anatomic structural analysis. Brief reviews of the contributions of earlier work- ers, combined with an account of their researches, will be found in the following: 1. For the distribution of pressure in the human foot, Elftman (1934)? 2. For moments of force of muscles act- ing on the foot, Elftman (1939)? 3. For the functional interpretation of the structure of the ankle joints, Manter (1941). Many of the later studies have been stimulated by the intensive program of research on artificial limbs organized by the National Research Council, some of the results of which have appeared in Human Limbs and Their Substitutes, edited by Klop- steg and Wilson (1954)." At first glance it appears paradoxical that the foot should play an important part in the locomotor problems of the amputee. It is a geometric truism that the foot must be Department of Anatomy, College of Phy’ cians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York City. 4 Joint and Its Control MAN, PH.D,* lost more often than any other part of the body in a lower extremity amputation. The design of the artificial foot that is substi- tuted can benefit from a knowledge of the normal, although it can hardly be expected to equal it in functional capacity. So it is inevitable that the natural foot remaining in the unilateral amputee works under a double burden that heightens the importance of its structural characteristics, Communication between the foot and the rest of the locomotor mechanism is chan- neled through the ankle, conferring on it exceptional responsibility for the proper management of locomotor performance. Although the more distal portions of the foot are also of great importance, they can- not challenge the supremacy of the ankle in guiding movement. Consequently, we shall focus our attention on significant features of the ankle joint and the mechanisms that co- operate in their control. TALOCRURAL AND SUBTALAR JOINTS The articulation that frequently is called “the” ankle joint in American usage and the upper ankle joint in Europe we shall refer to as the talocrural articulation, with movements recorded as dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. Our only concern with this joint will be its influence on the subtalar joint. Since the talus receives no muscular insertion, control of the talocrural and the subtalar joints is exercised by a common set of muscles. The subtalar joint—the lower ankle joint 42 The Transverse Tarsal Joint and Its Control TALOCRURAL in European usage—permits movement be- tween the talus and the calcaneus. Although the area of contact of the body of the with the posterior articular facet of the cal- caneus a synovial cavity sepa from that which houses the contact areas of the head of the talus and the calcaneal sus- tentaculum, they are all integeal parts of the subtalar joint The mechanical characteristics of the sub- talar joint have received the attention of many competent investigators, whose work has been climaxed by the more recent inves- tigation of Manter (1941)." The range of ‘movement in this joint has been measured for feet of various structure by Close and Inman (1953).1 The relations of the sub- talar joint to the talocrural were summarized by Elftman (1954)." We shall use the terms inversion and eversion to describe rotation about the axis of this joint lus lies. rate TRANSVERSE TARSAL JOINT The third member of the family of ankle joints is the transverse tarsal joint, known also by the shorter names of midtarsal and Chopart. It has yielded its secrets. more reluctantly than have the talocrural and the subtalar joints; therefore, it invites our atten tion now. The transverse tarsal joint fies at the very heart of many of the problems of the foot, forming, as it does, a clear-cut division be- tween the calcaneus and the talus behind TRANSVERSE TARSAL SUBTALAR N Ncc-2 Fic. 1. ‘The major joint sys- tems of the ankle. The instan- neous position of the axis of the transverse tarsal joint is represented by an arrow that originates on the short line that is perpendicular to both CC-1 and CC-2, the two axes of the saddle-shuped calcaneo- cuboid joint. The talocrural and the subtalar axes have their usual positions. The talo- navicular axes are not shown. tnd the entire remainder of the foot in front. tis in this joint that normal heightening and lowering of the arch of the foot takes place. The terminology that we shall adopt is that of calling rotation in the transverse tarsal joint in the direction that raises the arch by the term supination, rotation in the direction of a lower arch being pronation. These terms are used in various special ways by various people, but the general sense is within the limits of our definition. Although the cuboid and the navicular are not completely rigidly attached to each other, any relative movement between them is So minor that we are entitled to consider these two bones as moving together as a first approximation, This allows us to look at the ankle complex as a fairly simple kine- matic chain containing only three elements: caleaneus, talus and cuboidnavicular, It is convenient to use the calcaneus as the reference (“stationary”) element. There are two ways in which we can describe the movement of the cuboidnavicular with re- spect to the caleaneus. The most direct way is to record the movement in the calcaneo- cuboid joint. The other method is more circuitous, since it involves combining the movement of the talus in the subtalar joint with that of the cuboidnavicular in the talo- navicular joint. These two methods must give identical results since they describe the same movement. In other words, the move- ment that occurs is the one congenial to both joint systems in the positions that they occupy at the moment. The structure of the caleancocuboid joint intrigued Adolph Fick" to the extent that, in 1854, he made it the subject of a paper on saddle-shaped joints, A modern interpreta- tion of this characteristic is shown in Figure 2. The degree of curvature of both aspects of the saddle vary greatly. However, the eye of the connoisseur never has difticulty in recognizing both axes. Of the two axes of the calcancocuboid joint, the one that is governed by the convex surface of the calcaneus must lie within that bone; it is designated CC-1 in our figures. If it were projected upward, it would pass through the head of the talus, The other axis, CC-2, lies in the cuboid bone and is directed at right angles to the first axis. They do not lie in the same plane. The shortest perpendicular distance between these axes is shown by a line in Figures 1 and 2, and by a black disk in Figure 3. The importance of this line’s representing cet, Transverse Tarsal Joint 43 the shortest perpendicular distance lies in the fact that the resultant movement in the transverse tarsal joint due to combined movement about the two calcaneocuboid axes must always be about an axis that passes through this fine, Such a resultant is shown in Figure 1 Having described the constraints that the caleaneocuboid joint axes put on the posi tion of the resultant transverse tarsal axis, we can transfer our attention to the subtalar and the talonavicular combination, which must also be able to produce the same movement, In Figure 2, the axis of the sub- talar joint is shown. The talonavicular joint, being condyloid, has two axes passing through the talus, the larger radius of curva- ture belonging to TN-1, the smaller to TN-2. The detailed measurement of the character- istics of these joints, including translation along the subtalar axis, presents a formi able problem. It would seem very unlikely that any normal combination of characteris- tics would allow the transverse tarsal axis to Fic. 2. ‘The transverse tarsal joint is shown in a pronated position at the left and a supinated one at the right. In the fully pronated position, which only a normal flat foot can achieve, the axis of the convex curvature of the calcaneus —CC-I—coincides with the axis of the major curvature of the talus—TN-1— allowing free movement without involving other axes. In the supinated position the resultant of both caleuneocuboid axes must be identical with the resultant of the two talonavicular axes and the subtalar. The general direction taken by this resultant is shown in Figure 1. The contour lines on the articular surfaces aid in appreciating the rotations involved. 44 _ The Transverse Tarsal Joint and Its Control INVERSION Jee DORSIFLEXION re PLANTAR: Fou FLEXION rs Xf, mO x a Fo. 3, Muscular control of the ankle joints. The axes are shown for the talo- crural (TC), the subtalar (ST) and the proximal and the distal caleaneocuboid joints (CC-1, CC-2). The axis of the transverse tarsal joint varies with the position of the ankle, but it must always pass through the black disk of the di gram, since it represents the perpendicular Tine connecting the 2 calcaneocuboid axes. The muscles are represented by circles that have an area proportional to the physiologic cross section of the muscle. The positions of the circles reffect actual ‘measurements of their lever arms with re~ spect to the joint axes. In a general way. this diagram corresponds to an anatomic section cut obliquely through the ankle s0 as to be parallel to the joint axes shown. The muscles should be recognizable from their position and the initials that identify them. Proceeding in a clockwise direction, they are: TA. tibialis anterior: EHL, extensor hallucis longus; EDL. extensor digitorum longus: PB, peroneus brevis; PL, peroneus longus; TS, triceps surae; FHL, flexor hallucis longus; FDL flexor digitorum longus: TP, tibialis pos- terior, escape the confines of the head of the talus. The position shown in Figure 1 may be regarded as typical, ‘The position of extreme pronation shown at the left in Figure 2 is of interest because the major axis of the talonavicular joint, ‘TN-I, is directly in line with the axis of the calcaneocuboid joint, CC-1, which passes through the cateaneus. This allows the fore- part of the foot to move freely with respect to the hindpart without movement of the talus with respect to the calcaneus. The possibility of doing this is one of the privi- leges of the flat foot, unattainable by the average foot with a sustained high arch. In the supinated position shown to the right in Figure 2, each of the joint axes shown must contribute a measure of move- ment such that the resultant will be con- genial to the entire system. In passing from the pronated to the supinated position there is a continuous change in the positions of the significant joint elements and, conse- quently, of the instantaneous transverse tar- sal axis. The mapping of these instantaneous positions and the translational components associated with them would be well worth doing on a series of representative feet CONTROL OF THE TRANSVERSE, TARSAL JOINT The behavior of the transverse tarsal joint resembles that of all other joints in that the normal constraints of its movements depend on the presence of sufficient compression of the joint surfaces so that the movements wil be guided by the shapes of these surfaces, It is for this reason that an evaluation of the biomechanical characteristics of any joint can be obtained only if it is under slight com- pression. For the foot this can be accom- plished by having the subject stand lightly on the foot while noting the movements that can be performed by the upper segments under these conditions. With the weight of the body on the foot it is easy to demonstrate that movements of the talus can transmit sufficient force to the transverse tarsal joint to raise the arch with- out direct muscular intervention. The easiest way to demonstrate this is to stand erect on one leg and then cause it to rotate by push- ing against the floor with the opposite foot. Rotation of the weight-bearing leg with re- spect to its foot can be accomplished only by rotation in the subtalar joint, and this drives the transverse tarsal joint into supina- tion, Direct muscular control of the ankle joints is an extremely important factor in Movement as well as in standing, Figure 3 has been constructed so as to furnish an approximate guide to the capabilities of the major long muscles, The lever arms of the muscles were determined by direct measure- ment. Physiologic cross ‘sections. for the muscles were obtained from Fick (1911). While looking over this figure one is im- pressed by the extent to which the muscles are arranged to act as antagonists to gravity, DISCUSSION It is interesting to note that little evidence remains for the position of the transverse tarsal joint postulated by Fick (1911).7 A transverse position for the resultant axis was first. suggested by Elftman and Manter (1941). and the results of the present investigation indicate the sagacity of that conclusion. One of the difficulties inherent in under- standing the foot is the fact that the joint systems are studied most easily with the use of some internal element, such as the calca- Neus, as a steady reference point while the important work of the foot is really done with the ground as the substrate. It is to be hoped that the excellent methods of Hicks (1953)* will continue to pave the way to- ward more certain conclusions. CONCLUSION The transverse tarsal joint can be studied best by considering its caleancocuboid por- tion first. The two axes of this saddle-shaped References 45 joint are well defined, and we know that the resultant movement when we use both axes at once must involve an instantaneous axis that passes through the perpendicular line connecting the two calcaneocuboid axes; in man, this passes just below the sustentacu- lum, The direction of this axis must also pass through the head of the talus, since it must also represent the combined rotations of the subtalar and the talonavicular joints With this knowledge concerning the range of Possible positions of the instantaneous axis of the transverse tarsal joint, it is possible to understand some of the gravitational and muscular factors that are important for control. REFERENCES 1. Close, J. R., and Inman, V.T.: The action of the subtalar joint in Prosthetic Devices Research Project, Univ. Calif, Berkeley, Report Series 11, Issue 22, 1953. Elfman, H.: A cinematic study of the distribution of pressure in the human foot, Anat. Rec. 59:481-491, 1934, Forces and energy changes in the leg during walking, Am. J. Physiol. 125: 339.356, 1939, 4. Elftman, H., and Manter, J. T.: The axis of the human foot, Science 80:484, 1934. 5, ———: The evolution of the human foot, with especial reference to the joints, J. Anat. 70:56-67, 1935, 6. Fick, A.: Die Gelenke mit sattelférmigen Flichen, Ztschr. rat. Med., vol. 9, 1854. Re- printed in Fick, A.: Gesammelte Schriften 1:430, 1903, Fick, R.: Anatomie und Mechanik der Gelenke, Jena, Fischer, 1911 8. Hicks, J. H.: The mechanics of the foot 1, The joints. J, Anat. 87:345-357, 1953, 9. Klopsteg, P. E., and Wilson, P. D. (Eds.) Human Limbs and Their Substitutes, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1954, 10, Manter, J. T.: Movements of the subtalar and trinsverse tarsal joints, Anat. Rec. 80:397-410, 1941, 46 The Transvorse Tarsal Joint and Its Control Le Ai ion Tarsal Transverse e Su Rolo Functional Summario in Interlingua Le articulation tarsal transverse occupa un loco strategie in le pede que permitte a illo dominar le relationes inter le parte poste- rior del pede, i.e. le talo e le caleaneo, € le remanente elementos del pede anterior. Un movimento in iste articulation que resulta in un plus alte arco constitue supination; un movimento contrari resulta in pronation. Le clave al comprension del articulation tarsal transverse es recognoscer que su axe instan- tanee debe esser determinate per le movi- mentos que occurre in le selliforme articu- lation caleancocuboide e debe etiam esser in harmonia con Ie combination de characteris ticas possedite per le articulationes subtalar ¢ talonavicular. Le axe del movimento tarsal transverse curre sub conditiones medie in direction oblique a transverso le calcaneo € Ie capide navicular, Illo non curre in direction longitudinal. Le relationes inter le musculos del cavilia e le articulationes del cavilia pote esser summarisate diagrammaticamente pet representar le relationes de lor bracios leva- tori con le axes subtalar, talocrural, ¢ calea- neocuboide.

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