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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Tagumpay National High School

Third Grading Period

Name: _______________________________ Date: __________________________________
Grade/Section: ______________________ Parent’s Signature: ___________________

WEEK 2 - interaction in the atmosphere

A. Before answering the learning tasks, make sure to prepare the following materials
Here are the on your study table:
G E N E R A L at Weekly Home Learning Plan;
DIRECTIONSas you Other Science 7 Reference (if available); and
will help y ou Notebook and ballpen.
go along to yskous. B. DO the learning tasks assigned to you written on your WEEKLY HOME LEARNING PLAN
learning ta
(WHLP). Use your WHLP as a guide in answering the learning tasks.
C. Write your answer here.
ADDITIONAL TIP: You may also access the given YouTube links below which may help
you in understanding the lesson and completing the learning tasks.
LAYERS OF THE EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE | Unit 4 Module 3 - Grade 7 Science Lesson | MELC-based
[TEACH] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiFewOuMbl8

Earth's Atmosphere | Earth Science - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS5kJEVNC_8

Global Warming 101 | National Geographic - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJAbATJCugs
What Is the Greenhouse Effect? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SN5-DnOHQmE
Sea Breeze and land Breezes - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN2SB2Jg77o
Wind Systems in the Philippines | Earth Science - https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Learning Objectives:
Describe the different layers of the atmosphere.
Explain how human activities affect the atmosphere.
Describe occurrence of land and sea breezes and monsoons.
Explain the occurrence of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ).
Describe the effects of certain wind systems in the Philippines.
Do you remember the devastating effects of Typhoon Ondoy and Yolanda in the Philippines?
Were you one of the victims of Typhoon Ondoy in Kasiglahan? What do you think the reason/s why
these two typhoons became one of the unforgettable natural disaster in the Philippine history?
For this week, we will now discuss the different layers the atmosphere, the effects of human
activities in the atmosphere, occurrence of land and see breezes, monsoons, and Intertropical
Convergence Zone (ITCZ).

Source: https://1cms-img.imgix.net/Ondoy.jpg?auto=compress Source: https://www.brookings.edu/wp-

Fig. 1 Effects of Typhoon Ondoy and Yolanda


What are the compositions of the atmosphere?

The Earth is surrounded by a protective envelope

of gases called atmosphere. These gases is
composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% other
gases. Air is also composed of water vapor which is
the water from the Earth's surface that evaporates.
Fig. 2 Gases in the Atmosphere
The atmosphere is divided vertically into five (5) layers according to temperature, as shown in
Fig. 3. From the ground upward, these layers are troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere,
thermosphere, and exosphere.

Table. 1 Layers of the Atmosphere

Fig. 3 Layers of the Atmosphere

Importance of the Atmosphere

atmosphere serves as a blanket that
protects Earth from extreme heat during
the day and intense cold during night. It
also protects the planet from the excessive
ultraviolet rays of the sun.

b. MEDIUM OF TRANSPORT AND TRANSMISSION - energy of the wind drives propellers,

sailboats and windmills and creates waves and ocean currents that move water transport along. The
air also serves as the medium for transmitting electromagnetic waves such radio and sound waves
used by television and radio broadcasting station.
c. MEDIUM FOR EXCHANGE OF GASES - the carbon-oxygen and nitrogen cycles in natures show
the exchange of gases between living things and the atmosphere.
d. DETERMINANT OF AMOUNT OF SUNLIGHT - Atmosphere filter the amount of heat energy
that the Earth receives from the sun. It also keeps the Earth warm which is one of the factors why it
can sustain life.
What is Greenhouse Effect?
Greenhouses allow sunlight to enter but prevent heat
from escaping. The transparent covering of the greenhouse
allows visible light to enter without obstruction. It warms
the inside of the greenhouse as energy is absorbed by the
plants, soil, and other things inside the building. Air
warmed by the heat inside is retained in the building by
the roof and wall. The transparent covering also prevents
the heat from leaving by reflecting the energy back into
Source: https://www.gardeners.com/globalassets/articles/garden
the walls and preventing outside winds from carrying it ing/hero_thumbnail/5081-greenhouse-buying-guide.jpg

away Fig. 4 Greenhouse

The Earth's atmosphere is similar to greenhouses, thus the term greenhouse effect is used. The
heat energy coming from the sun enters the atmosphere as infrared radiation or infrared wave.
Energy radiated by Earth's surface is readily absorbed by certain gases, such as water vapor and
carbon dioxide. The atmosphere becomes warm in this process. The heating of Earth's atmosphere
due to the trapping of heat by carbon dioxide and water vapor is called greenhouse effect.

Greenhouse effect is important

because it keeps the Earth's surface
warm and from being entirely frozen,
making it habitable. However, some
human activities causes more
productions of greenhouse gases
resulting to global warming. Global
warming is the worldwide increase in
temperature due to too much
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Source: https://climatechange.lta.org/wp-content/uploads/cct/2015/02/Greenhouse-effect.jpg
Fig. 5 Effect of Greenhouse Gases
Table 2 Greenhouse Gases

Fig. 6 Percentage of Greenhouse Gas

Burning of fossil fuel increases

carbon dioxide concentration in the
atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is the
main contributor of global warming of
the Earth. According to NASA Earth
Observatory, "Global warming is the
unusually rapid increase in Earth's
average surface temperature over
the past century primarily due to the
greenhouse gases released by people
burning fossil fuels."
Learning Task No. 1

A. Direction: Complete the paragraphs below. Choose the answer below the wordbank and write it
on the space provided.

OSH global warming troposphere
rared rad
g reenhouse effect


Our planet is the only planet in our solar system that can support life because it is
surrounded with a protective layers of gases called (1)_________________. The
lowermost layer of the atmosphere where the clouds, precipitation, and storms are
formed is the (2)_________________. Ozone layer is found in the
(3)_________________ which absorbs the ultraviolet rays coming from the sun.
Meteors that enter the Earth are burn up in the (4)________________. The
spectacular display of Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis occur when the ions in the
(5)_______________ is heated by the steady flow of solar and cosmic radiation.
Satellites are found in the ___________________.


Heat energy coming from the sun enters the Earth's atmosphere in a form of
(7)______________. This energy is absorbed by certain gases, such as water vapor and
carbon dioxide. The atmosphere becomes warm in the process. The heating of the Earth's
atmosphere due to trapping of heat by the greenhouse gases is called (8)
________________. However, because of the use of fossil fuels, there is significant
increase in (9)________________ such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.
These greenhouse gases trapped heat and does not allows the excess heat from escaping
resulting to (10) ____________________. Global warming is the unusual rapid
increase in the global temperature.

movement in the atmosphere

How does the warming of the Earth
A consequence of the warming of Earth's atmosphere due to
convection and radiation of heat from Earth's warm surface during
daytime is the rising of the heated air. The heated air rises because of
its lower density. As heated air rises, it is replaced by the colder air
above it. Since energy is given off to the surrounding air by the rising
air, its temperature decreases eventually. At the same time, the once
colder air that has replaced the rising air is now warmed by the
surfaced of Earth, rises, and is replaced by the cooler air above, and
the cycle continues. This vertical movement of air is called convection
current. Convection current transfers energy, causing temperature
changes in Earth's troposphere.
Land and sea breeze are the two local wind. Local wind are type of winds that change daily
in regular pattern. Local winds blow within small area such as near shorelines.

Imagine that you are walking along

the seashore at daytime. You can
observe that the land heats faster than
the sea. At this time, the air above the
land is heated. The warm air rises and
the cold air from the sea rushes in and
replaces the warm air. The movement of
air from sea to land is called sea breeze
as shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 Sea Freeze

At night, the land cools faster than

the sea due to the large specific heat
capacity of water. At this time, the air
above the sea is warmer than the air
above the land. The warm air rises and
the cold air from the land blows in and
replaces the warm air above the ocean.
The movement of air from land to sea is
called land breeze as shown in Fig. 8
Fig. 8 Land Breeze

Have you heard of the words “Habagat” and “Amihan”? How do these phenomena affect
our activities? You might be interested learning how wind behaves and how it affects the
changing weather and climate. This lesson is made for you to understand the nature of monsoons.
Monsoons are wind systems. In the Philippines, we call monsoons as “Amihan” or “Habagat”
depending upon the direction where the winds originate.
Amihan or northeast monsoon draws cold, dry air from high pressure areas of
Siberia, China, and Japan to low-pressure areas of the Philippines. The cold air that we
experience from November to February is part of it.
Habagat or southwest monsoon is
characterized by hot and humid air
blown from high-pressure areas of
Australia to low-pressure areas of the
Philippines. Because of Habagat, we
experience warmer air in the months of
June to October. Habagat also brings
heavier rainfall compared to Amihan as
this wind collects more moisture from
bodies of water it passes through. This
causes floods in some low surface level
areas. This is why many mistakenly
describes monsoons as rains.
Fig. 9 Wind Direction during Amihan and Habagat
Aside from Monsoons, the Philippines is being affected by another wind system that occurs in
the regions near the equator. Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is where trade winds from the
Northern and Southern Hemisphere converge or meet. It is a region near the equator that circles
Earth, hence, the work "intertropical". It is the zone of discontinuity in the wind fold between the
streams from the Northern Hemisphere and another from the Southern Hemisphere.
The ITCZ affects the Philippines from May to
A, o ur co p hical
October. From November to April, it is located south of PA G AS g eogra
to o its and
rding due t rains
the Philippines. With the change of the seasons, the Acco ho on s hea v y
ne t o typ pr o duces a ls o str
pro ch an d to
zone of the convergence moves back and forth across
at io n whi e a reas a s u alties
loc ar g c and
the equator. In the ITCZ, air motion is mainly vertical. d in g of l lt in heavy o crops
flo o u t
res tions
This provides moderate to strong surface winds and winds ife and de ties.
hu m an l p roper
frequently cloudiness, rain and thunderstorms.

Fig. 10. Illustration Showing how ITCZ Occurs in Countries Near

the Equator

Learning Task No. 2

A. Direction: Complete the Venn Diagram below. Write at least three (3) differences and
similarities of the two wind systems or monsoons. Choose the answer below. (5 points)

text to February from Siberia, China, and Japan
wind systems
occurs during June to October from Australia


ex. cool, dry air ex. warm, humid air

B. Direction: Read a poem about the movement of land breeze and sea breeze. Take note on the
flow of air from the land to the sea and from the sea to the land. This event occurs due to the
uneven heating of the earth’s surface, both land and sea. Then, answer the questions that follows.
Write the answer on the space provided.

Breezes 1. What are the two types of breeze

Rustle, rustle through the trees in the mainland mentioned in the poem? and describe each.
The wind blows from the sea and rushes in towards my homeland a.
The cool air blows in and refreshes the day
Heightens and displaces the warm air away.

The cool mighty air pushes the warm air b.

Making it to move up everywhere
Grateful to this what we called sea breeze
It relaxes people at day time and gives a tweeze.
2. What lines in the poem describe the
Push me, rush me high to the atmosphere movement of land breeze?
Need to replace the air above the hydrosphere
Draw out the warm air above the water
Like the cold air during the day drives me away.

The cool air from the land blows in at night 3. What lines in the poem describe the
Following the amazing design of its bight movement of sea breeze?
Happy to welcome you land breeze with all our might
Restoring the joyful moment with delight.
by: Marecel B. Compania


Due the geographical location of the Philippines, our country has suffered from different wind
system such as monsoons and tropical cyclone. Habagat can ease farmers to irrigate the rice fields
but the heavy rainfall that it may brings trigger floods, landslides, and potentially endanger
residents living near riverbanks. The typhoons that habagat brings, unfortunately, cause millions,
sometimes billions, worth of reconstruction damage and kill hundreds of Filipinos.

Source: https://pinoyindexph.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/13_aug07_habagat.jpg
Fig. 11 Effects of Monsoon in the Philippines
Learning Task No. 3

Direction: Like the given example in page no. 7, research for a section in newspaper or magazines
about the effects of any wind system in the Philippines. You may cut it out and paste it on the
space provided or copy it from your source. Then, write reaction of at least 5-10 sentences about
the effects it has caused in the country.





Direction: Answer the following questions to reflect on your learning for this week. Write your
answer on the space provided.
What have you learned and understood the importance of atmosphere
and the effects of different wind system in the Philippines? Write at
least 3-5 sentences.

I Learned and

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