Innovative Approach To Enhance The Lifespan of Wireless Sensor Networks

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2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT)

Pune, India. Apr 02-04, 2021

Innovative Approach to Enhance the Lifespan of

Wireless Sensor Networks
Raju M.Sairise Raju Kumar Swami Atul S.Joshi
Faculty of Engineering Pacific Academy of Faculty of Engineering Pacific Academy of Faculty of Engineering Pacific Academy of
Higher Education and Research University Higher Education and Research University Higher Education and Research University

Abstract: This paper presents lifetime maximization of outdoor operation during long periods of time. Moreover,
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Wireless Sensor Networks suitable planning before deployment is a fundamental task,
2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT) | 978-1-7281-8876-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/I2CT51068.2021.9418162

has gained interest among the researchers despite of its limits. albeit extremely complex, due to the many configurations that
The most common issues in WSNs are the constraints on the can be established [4]. Metaheuristic algorithms are widely
energy. The performance of the deployed sensor nodes have also explored in supervisingthe performance of networking field. It
depends on the lifetime of the networks and thus, the scope for performs a trial and error process, so as to find the feasible
improving the lifetime of the WSNs has become a challenging solutions for the complex issues. It not only helps in issuing the
task. Improvement of a WSN lifetime is a significant and best solutions but also provide it with optimal time. In spite of
challenging task since the sensor nodes of the WSN are
the different operators, the role of meta-heuristic operators [7]
constrained by limited energy. Energy efficient routing is one of
the solutions to this, since it maximizes the overall performance
intends to work on the local minimum values. In the
of the nodes. In this paper the lifespan maximization of the WSNs perspective of WSNs, the meta-heuristics approach is
is done using Prim’s algorithm and genetic algorithms. The employed for the cluster head selection by populating the set of
simulated results have demonstrated the improved efficiency of deployed sensor nodes. It is assessed by the fitness function of
the network systems by minimizing the communication iteration the network performance.
and optimizing the intermediate node's usage. This paper highlights the lifetime of the sensor nodes using
genetic algorithm and the prim algorithm. The connectivity
Keywords: Wireless sensor network, Prim’s algorithm, Genetic
algorithm, Network lifetime, Routing.
between the sensor nodes has improved by prim algorithm
which helps to extend the network lifetime by reducing the
I. INTRODUCTION communication iterations. Also, the number of intermediate
nodes is reduced to a large extent which is the major cause for
Wireless sensor network (WSN) technology abides with the maximization of the network lifetime.
low-power, low-cost and energy-constrained sensors that are
accountable for monitoring physical circumstances and Hence, in this work, the main objective is an investigation
communicates to access point which enables the end user to of the need of increasing the lifetime of the WSNs, develop an
access the data. It comprises an extensive number of sensor improved method for increasing the lifetime by framing the
nodes that respond to one (or) more stimulations and uses radio connectivity between the sensors and further comparison has
frequency and laser based approach for transmitting and been compared based on the efficiency of the proposed method
processing data [1]. WSNs are popular because of inventive with the existing techniques [5].For increasing the lifetime of
and compelling applications in almost all fields ranging from the sensor nodes energy-efficient routing is one solution which
environmental monitoring to battlefield scenario remotely in minimizes maintenance cost and maximizes the overall
geographical areas where human intervention is not possible performance of the nodes [6].
[2]; these are basically used to gather data (or) information for
Hence, this research work presents a novel method using a
smart environments.However, it is helpful in unattended
prim algorithm and genetic algorithm which will increase the
circumstances where territory, atmosphere and other ecological
lifetime of the WSN.
requirements are an obstacle in deploying wired/conventional
Unlike traditional networks, these sensor networks do not This section presents the existing techniques suggested to
have a continuous power supply at their disposal. Rather the find issues in enhancing the lifetime of the wireless sensor
individual sensors are battery operated and the lifetime of the nodes. Dunuka and Para, (2014) [8] has addressed about
individual sensors and thus the overall network depend heavily extending the network lifetime by using two approaches: (1)
on the duty cycle of these sensors [3].WSNs face a major issue relay nodes to mitigate network geometric deficiencies and
is the design challenge, in which the longevity (or) the lifetime using particle swarm optimization algorithm to find an optimal
of the network that is intended for outdoor operation during sink position to make network energy efficient. (2) EBTAWSN
long periods of time is a major research area. Large-scale (Energy Balanced Transmission Algorithm for Wireless Sensor
wireless sensor networks (WSN) present important design Networks). The proposed approach can sense an element of
challenges. Among them, network lifetime is a major topic of computation and communication, it also acts as an
research, because this kind of network is usually intended for

978-1-7281-8876-8/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 1

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administrator to measure, reach and observe events in the disruption tolerance and time integration with a few algorithms
transmission energy in a specific environment. In each of the develop the Wireless Sensor Network lifetime.
transmission rounds nodes with remaining energy higher than
threshold relays addition nodes and this distribution of energy Padmavathy and Chitra, (2010) [13] have examined about
load improves lifetime. the Wireless Sensor Network, which is constantly observed to
be deployed in conditions based on remote sensing, broadening
Papadimitriou and Georgiadis, (2005) [9] have studied the lifetime of system alongside the enhancing of little size,
about the sink capabilities at different locations while using cost proficiency, constrained power supply, and low power
multiple hops for various energy requirements during the gadget.So, the basic factor of planning a system with a better
network operations tends to increase the network lifetime.Two battery life of nodes is straightforwardly corresponding to
joint problems, routing problem and scheduling problem enhancing system lifetime. This should be possible by making
reduce the networks’’ lifetime, so using formulation in novel redundant nodes to rest mode, which preserves vitality, though
linear program rectifies these two problems. For achieving the the dynamic node gives the k-coverage needs to extemporizing
network lifetime solutions the sojourn times and sink the adaptation to non-critical failure. Hubs by scheduling the
movement should be in focus and the linear programming redundant nodes to turn off, which are implemented on the
formulation is taken outside of routing problem.Balancing of schemes based on centralization and localization based on the
the depletion in energy in sensor nodes and measuring the new threshold value of the network with algorithms, the WSN
heuristics order by real practical system implantation helps in lifetime, can be extended further.
increased in network size providing the prolong in a sensor
network lifetime. Mariya, et al (2012) [15] has discussed about the
omnipresent computing stage being loaded with mobile ad-hoc
Noori and Ardakani, (2007) [10] found that using a and the key of this innovation being the Wireless Sensor
probability model the WSNs lifetime can enhance such the Network, the life of these systems are less, so the utilization of
nodes are randomly distributed in some specific area. The clustering methods make it conceivable to spare enough
increase in the lifetime of the WSN is assumed by the Poisson vitality. The power conservation is restricted to the
distribution where the packet is generated by the probability accumulation of information effectively and utilization of
model of the complementary cumulative density function.The altered Tabu search system helps in energy utilization. This
longevity can be predicted with the probability of the network methodology can maintain a strategic distance from wastage in
if sensors with the decaying of error exist in large numbers. energy while transmission of hubs and expanding sensor
And this has been verified using computer simulation where system's life.The advancement of disseminated organize
desired lifetime can be achieved using single, multiple hop and alongside the utilization of Maximizing Network Lifetime
the packet generation of the node with the parameters such as algorithms (MNL) draws out the existence time of the system
initial energy, data rate and node density. in Wireless Sensor Network.
Kim, et al (2008) [11] has presented a work to minimize the Khedikar, et al (2011) [14] identified the increase in
delay and maximize the lifetime of a WSN. Even though sleep- demand for the Wireless Sensor Network make it crucial for
wake schedule is an effective mechanism that increases the the limitation to save energy and maximize the lifetime of
lifetime of the network, the transmitting node has to wait until networks.The two functionalities of single Wireless Sensor
the next relay node wakes up.Hence, in this work “anycast” Network are detecting and correspondence the taking break
based packet forwarding scheme is proposed which reduces the hubs can be augmented in both the area by the minimization of
delay caused by sleep-wake mechanism. The “anycast” utilization in vitality. The system topology will be changed
technique among different candidate nodes practically after the limited batteries vitality exhaustion yet arrange
forwards the packet to the nearest node which wakes up. On lifetime augmenting is imperative, as it can't be extended if
the basis of the result obtained, an answer for the joint control constrained supply.So to address these issues WSN plans for
issue of how to ideally control the framework parameters of the primary heads like extraction of books, exercises, utilizing
sleep-wake scheduling protocol and the “anycast” packet- various techniques and fortify lifetime calculation by mixture
forwarding protocol to maximize the network lifetime, subject hereditary calculations, mix of execution parameters and
to a constraint on the expected end to end packet-delivery improving the inclusion procedure, and upgrading lifetime by
delay is provided.Thus the scheduling policy of sleep, wake up ideal planning calculations.
protocol and ‘anycast’ can maximize network's lifetime along
with practical scenarios proposed prior to heuristic solutions to Jain, et al (2012) [17] has presented the proficient method
break the obstruction of the delay and extend the lifetime for devouring energy and boosting Wireless Sensor Network
through a process of non-Poisson wake up. with routing algorithms to expand the node lifetime.This
energy efficient algorithm based on routing selects the nodes at
Dietrich and Dressler, (2009) [12] have depicted the key best path with limited amount of energy for transmission of
qualities for increasing the life time of Wireless Sensor data and less energy consumption at different rates.
Network would be obtained from availability, sensor inclusion
and nodes accessibility.The level of the consistence can be The insatiable heuristic procedure is utilized in expending
evaluated; however the smooth corruption concept in view of less power, the best case scenario way to send additional power
uses prerequisites of WSN. The new metric investigations with to draw out the lifetime of nodes with cast links.To develop
sensor organize combination, associated coverage; service and build an efficient way for energy at every node, and as the
adjusted energy expands lifetime of a system with Demand
Distance Vector Routing Algorithms, though Energy Efficient

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Maximum Lifetime Routing Algorithm has higher, adjusting in between the nodes such that only nearest neighbour with
energy utilization and the convention premise has more improved lifetime can communicate with each other.
prominent packet delivery ratio, end to end delay, throughput Following are the details of the proposed method.
node of energy and routing overhead making it best choice for
increasing the lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network. A. Construction of Tree
After the implementation, construction of tree processes
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY will begin automatically. The base station sends to its
The objective of this research is to maximize the lifetime of neighbours the identification parent and profounder. Every
a wireless sensor network by rearranging the connectivity neighbour penetrates in the recursive schedule as well as
between sensors. The process involves three major phases as identified its neighbours; suppose any neighbour does not have
shown in figure1 namely construction of trees, Identifying profound and origin of identification, but it does not belong to
critical tree using Prim’s algorithm and maximization of a the neighbour of the base station, then neighbour penetrates in
lifetime of WSN using genetic algorithm through connecting a schedule.
networks. B. Identify the critical tree
The data accumulated by the sensor nodes gives the prior
knowledge of the wireless environment. The energy between
the sensors nodes is calculated by the cost of
communications.Information acquired from the base station is
eventually monitored with high amount of energy. When the
tree’s construction is completed; next processes begin naturally
for identifying the critical tree that denotes a minimum ST
(spanning tree) by adopting a greedy algorithm such as a
Prim’s algorithm.The advantages of using Prim’s algorithm are
that the algorithm is relatively simpler and this algorithm is
considerably faster in the limit when there exist a dense graph
with more number of edges than vertices. In summary, Prim’s
algorithm operates in the following manner:
(1) Choose any starting vertex.
(2) Look at all edges connecting to the vertex and choose
the one with the lowest weight and add this to the
(3) Look at all edges connected to the tree that do not
Fig. 1. Phase involve in Proposed Methodology have both vertices in the tree.
(4) Choose the one with the lowest weight and add it to
The proposed work is implemented using MATLAB. The the tree.
number of nodes is defined and created in the network in a (5) Repeat step 2 until all vertices are in the tree.
random fashion. The edges between the nodes are created such
that every other node is connected to each other via a different C. Maximization of a lifetime
node with optimized distance.The next process is to create a The node lifetime can be enhanced using an appropriate
spanning tree. The critical tree identified and a spanning tree is algorithm called a genetic algorithm. Following are the steps in
created using the Prim’s algorithm. A prim’s algorithm is a the genetic algorithm.
kind of greedy algorithm. It starts with an empty spanning tree.
The idea is to maintain the linearity on two sets of vertices. The 1. Generation of Random values Based on available
first set contains the vertices already included in the MST; the resource boundaries
other set contains the vertices not yet included. At every step, it 2. Random generation depends on the minimum and
considers all the edges that connect the two sets and picks the maximum values of resources of WSN. Following
minimum weighted edge from these edges. After picking the Equation is employed.
edge, it moves the other endpoint of the edge to the set I=min_val+ (max_val-min_val)*rand ……. (1)
containing MST.The Prim’s algorithm combines edge with
least weight into spanning-tree every time. So it can get 3. The initial size (I) is depends on Population size
spanning tree with least weight, namely MST. The algorithm considered.
allows finding the shortest path between the nodes, such that 4. We need to pass all these values of objective functions.
the data can be transferred from the source node to the Objective function: Lifetime of WSN.
destination node in less time and in an effective manner. 5. Select one best value from Fitness function for a best
Every node is WSN is battery-powered hence; an efficient Maximum Lifetime of WSN.
algorithm is required, such that the lifetime of the nodes can be 6. Update the Initial Random values by integrating the
increased. Hence, for increasing the lifetime of the nodes, algorithm Parameters, i.e. constrained values will be
Genetic algorithm is implemented to reduce the distance updated based on selected best fitness values.

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7. Selection of optimum value, repeat the same process until The numerical elements, for example, mean and change is
the completion of number iterations. Selection of a utilized for computing an arbitrary incentive alongside the
number of iterations based on the required accuracy level. ordinary circulation, which establishes the force utilization by
the sensor hubs in remote organizations.It ought to be noticed
that the capacity, typical () is related to the CPN instrument
library and the produced esteem is then added to the variable
(energy_app) utilized for putting away the energy utilization by
various applications. The capacity ‘cal’ time is equivalent to
that of including energy. Be that as it may, it delivers an
irregular incentive for each change.
3) Data rate
Information rate is characterized as the speed at which
information is moved inside the sensor or between sensors.
Information rate is figured in bytes every second. Though the
exchange rate and space or time is characterized as the speed at
which sound and video records are encoded (packed) and are
estimated in bits every second.
4) Node Density
Hub thickness is resolved in this examination for breaking
down the bit of the expected associations in an organization
that is real associations where the hubs idle state for the
specific lifetime of the conveyed network.
5) Area inclusion
The inclusion region of the hub will consolidate the
incorporating climate. This zone covers the advancement of the
organization in the sensor hubs.
6) Throughput
The throughput of an organization is characterized as the
measure of information moved from source for objective inside
Fig. 2. Flow chart of the genetic algorithm a specified measure of time in remote organization and it is
principally utilized for assessing the significant information
The distance between the nodes after implementing the moved utilizing the sensor hubs in the organization.
prism algorithm is taken as the crossover operator in GA. The
maximum number of iterations is 100. Hence, depending on 7) Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR)
the crossover operator, GA helps to find an optimal path, The bundle conveyance proportion is characterized as the
reducing the distance between the nodes such that the lifetime proportion of absolute numbers of parcels, conveyed to the
of the nodes in communication in WSN can be increased. complete number of bundles sent from source hub to an
objective hub in WSNs. PDR in this investigation is assessed
IV. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION for assessing the life expectancy of the information network
through which the information will be coordinated with the
A. Evaluation boundaries
improvement of the specific hub.
Assessment boundaries considered in this exploration for
tidy's calculation such Lifetime of sensor organizations, power 8) Transmission scope of hubs
utilization, information rate, hub thickness, zone inclusion, Transmission scope of the hubs in a WSN is characterized
throughput, bundle conveyance proportion (PDR), as the specific reach till where the hub is dynamic and the
transmission scope of hubs, rest alert cycle, buffering scope of the organization which decides the hub arrangement
component, announcing energy, diminishing help quality and will be assessed in this examination.
assessment of organization lifetime. 9) Sleep wakeful cycle
1) Lifetime of sensor organizations Rest cognizant cycle is portrayed as the cycle in which each
The lifetime of a specific hub or the sensor has been a hub presents inside the work will control the time of rest to
fundamental boundary to be resolved since the lifetime of a diminish the energy admission without trading off the inertness
hub will be utilized for deciding the security and dependability of the data. Inside the rest cognizant cycle, each individual hub
of the sensor organizations and furthermore it manages the will choose whether or not to stir for a chose cycle or no more.
foundation of the correspondence between the hubs and the They show that the sink inside the work which gets the data
(get-away spot sink) and the age of the information (flexibly
arrangements of the organization.
hub) might be grown principally dependent on the innovation
2) Power utilization of the work.

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10) Buffering instrument The next step is the node deployment where the input nodes
Buffering instrument is characterized as the capacity of the are deployed randomly and then each of the nodes are assigned
hub to get the information on which the incorporation of the to node number. This process is illustrated in figure 4. The
sending of the work in the sensor of the hubs. Buffering time alive nodes are taken to find the closet of vertices. At each
will be distinctive for various hubs in the organization. round, the residual energy of the sensor nodes is monitored.
Since the main intention is to extend the lifetime of the sensor
11) Evaluation of Network Lifetime nodes, the local values of the sensor nodes are extracted in
To assess the lifetime of the WSN, this examination utilizes terms of residual energy.
a system created utilizing Prim's calculation and Genetic
calculation. For getting the example information for
reproduction investigation, a work of 100 locator hubs was
situated in a locale of 300 * 300 m2 utilizing aOMNeT++
reenactment instrument. The indicator in the remote
organization uses the energy or force for interfacing with
different hubs, for moving the information and for detecting.
The measure of intensity utilization is assessed by thinking
about the estimations on Mica2 hubs. In this exploration, two
various types of sensors were actualized on the hubs. Out of
100 hubs, 75 hubs were furnished with a low-esteem sensor
(the estimation of the sensor was assessed depending on the
energy utilization).Estimation esteems from these sensors were
gathered for like clockwork and these qualities will be sent to Fig. 4. Node Deployment
the focal station utilizing one little bundle. The remainder of
the hubs (25 hubs) is outfitted with a higher estimation of The next stage is the edge formation between the nodes, i.e.
energy utilization with an inspecting pace of 60 seconds. the connectivity between the nodes is established using the
The data from the 25 hubs is sent to the base station the technique of edge formation. With the help of a prim’s
utilization of 3 enormous bundles. For comprehension the algorithm, the nearest nodes are obtained by estimating the
multi-bounce discussion toward the sink, the hubs are provided residual energy.The evaluated fitness function determines the
by a convention stack, which comprises of 802.11 substantial stability of sensor nodes participating in the networks.
layers and make layers and the DYMO steering convention.
The sensor hub incorporates a totally little force gracefully unit
available to them, which hyperlinks the serious case lifetime
(the disappointing season of the rest of the hub) of the work for
a surmised season of 40 mins. For showing the portability
results, the proposed strategy is reproduced utilizing two
uncommon circumstances: (a) one with static hubs best (b) one
with 10% cell or enthusiastic hubs.
In the network initialization phase, the inputs are provided
at the run time, which is the number of nodes to be considered
by the network, Source and destination. The simulation setup
of the wireless environment is given as, 20 number of nodes.
Initially, the node number 2 is taken as source node and the
node number 18 is taken as destination node which is shown in
fig. 3.

Fig. 5. Edge Formation

The prim’s algorithm is employed for determining the

shortest path between the source and destination nodes with
minimum hops. The shortest distance was found to be 30.5768.

Fig. 3. Network initialization

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VI. CONCLUSION [15] Mariya. E, et al (2012), Efficient Energy Saving And Maximizing
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through connecting networks. The mutation and crossover
operators of genetic algorithm have paved the way to extend
the lifetime of the networks by optimizing the communication
iteration among neighboring nodes.From the obtained results, it
is observed that hop length and fitness values are obtained in
less span of time. From the correlational study, it can be
inferred that applying a lesser number of nodes employed
consumed lesser amount of energy as compared to the higher
number of nodes. Also, the number of intermediate nodes has
been reduced to a large extent which is the major cause for
maximization of the network lifetime.

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