Sensitive Spectrophotometric Determination of Lamo

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Volume 35, número 1, 2010 Artigo/Article
odic stripping voltammetry using a carbon paste electrode
modified with ion-exchange resin Amberlite IR120. Ecl Quim
[12] Ferrari RA, Oliveira VS, Scabio A. Biodiesel from soy-
bean: characterization and consumption in an energy genera-
tor. Quim Nova 2005;28:19-23.
[13] Silva FC, Brandão KSR. Optimization of methyl and eth- Sensitive Spectrophotometric
yl biodiesel from babassu. Proceedings of the First Congress
of the Brazilian Biodiesel Technology Network, v. 2, p.119- Determination of Lamotrigine in Bulk Drug
125. Brasília, Brazil, 2006.
[14] IUPAC - Standard methods for the analysis of oils, fats and Pharmaceutical Formulations using
and derivatives. 7th ed. London: Blackwell Scientific Publi-
cations; 1987.
Bromocresol Green
N. Rajendraprasad, K. Basavaiah* and K. B. Vinay
Department of Chemistry, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore-570 006, India
Corresponding e-mail: Mobile: +91-9448939105
Fax: 0091-821-2421263, 2516133.

Abstract: Two new, simple, rapid and reproducible spectrophotometric methods have been de-
veloped for the determination of lamotrigine (LMT) both in pure form and in its tablets. The
first method (method A) is based on the formation of a colored ion-pair complex (1:1 drug/dye)
of LMT with bromocresol green (BCG) at pH 5.02±0.01 and extraction of the complex into di-
chloromethane followed by the measurement of the yellow ion-pair complex at 410 nm. In the
second (method B), the drug-dye ion-pair complex was dissolved in ethanolic potassium hydro-
xide and the resulting base form of the dye was measured at 620 nm. Beer’s law was obeyed
in the concentration range of 1.5-15 µg mL -1 and 0.5-5.0 µg mL -1 for method A and method B,
respectively, and the corresponding molar absorptivity values are 1.6932 x 10 4 and 3.748 x 10 4
L mol -1 cm -1 . The Sandell sensitivity values are 0.0151 and 0.0068 µg cm -2 for method A and
method B, respectively. The stoichiometry of the ion-pair complex formed between the dug
and dye (1:1) was determined by Job’s continuous variations method and the stability constant
of the complex was also calculated. The proposed methods were applied successfully for the
determination of drug in commercial tablets.

Keywords: lamotrigine; spectrophotometry; ion-pair complex; bromocresol green; pharmaceuticals

Introduction samples is abundantly described in the literature.

Chromatographic techniques have been wide-
Lamotrigine, (LMT), ly employed since they are powerful separation
[6-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)-1,2,4-triazine-3,5-diami- techniques. The methods based on the high-per-
ne], is an anticonvulsant drug. As an antiepileptic, formance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [3-10],
it has been used successfully to treat epilepsy and high-performance thin layer chromatography
bipolar disorder as monotherapy and as an adjunct (HPTLC) [11] and gas-chromatography (GC)
with other antiepileptics for treatment of partial [12] have been described. There is an extensive
and generalized toxic-chronic seizures. It is also literature on the determination of lamotrigine in
used to treat neurological lesions and as a tranqui- pharmaceuticals include planar chromatography
lizer [1, 2]. [13], TLC and HPLC [14], HPLC and GC [15],
Lamotrigine is not official in any phar- capillary electrophoresis [16, 17]. The immuno-
macopoeia. The analysis of LMT in biological assay techniques [18, 19] have been developed for

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Article Article

the determination of this drug in biological sam- approach for determination of LMT in bulk drug acid. Stock solution was diluted with the same Procedure for the Dosage Forms
ples. UV-spectrophotometric method [20] was and in tablets. acid to get a working solution of 30 µg mL-1.
used for determination of LMT in tablets, where Lamosyn 100 and lamosyn 25 (both from Twenty tablets were weighed and ground
the tablet extract in 0.1 M NaOH was measured at Sun Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Mumbai, India) and La- into a fine powder using a pestle and mortar. An
305 nm. Youssef and Taha [14] have reported the metec 50-DT (Cipla India Ltd, Mumbai, India)- accurately weighed portion of the powder equiva-
application of the technique for the determination all tablets were purchased from local market and lent to 30 mg LMT was transferred into a 100 ml
of LMT using chloranilic acid as a chromogen. were used in the investigation. calibrated flask, 50 ml of 0.1 M H2SO4 was added
The reported method is less sensitive with a linear and the flask was shaken for 20 min. The volume
range 10-200 µg mL-1 and the molar absorptivity Apparatus was made upto mark with 0.1 M H2SO4. After 5
of 1.28 x 103 L mol-1cm-1. Though the method is min, the solution was filtered through Whatman
A Systronic model 106 digital spectropho- Recommended Procedures
claimed to be selective, any N-containing basic No 42 filter paper. First 10 ml portion of the filter
moiety would definitely interfere with the assay. tometer equipped with 1 cm quartz cells was used was discarded and a suitable aliquot was diluted
Many of the other reported methods [13- for absorbance measurements. A digital pH meter to get a working concentration of 30 µg mL-1 and
17] are sensitive and selective but they are time Model Elico L1 120 was used for pH measure- Method A used for assay by method A. The ion-pair complex
consuming, require expensive instrumental setup, ments. of this tablet LMT-BCG (10 µg mL-1) was prepa-
and some require preliminary sample treatment. Reagents Into a series of 125 ml separating funnels, red for assay by applying the procedure described
Adsorptive stripping voltammetric method [21] is All chemicals used were of analytical gra- aliquots of lamotrigine standard solution (30 µg in method B.
highly complicated and is reported to be less pre- de. Solvents used were of the spectroscopic grade. mL-1) equivalent to 1.5 – 15.0 µg mL-1 LMT were
cise (RSD ~10 %). Considering these drawbacks, Distilled water was used through out the investi- accurately transferred and the total volume was
there was a need to develop more advantageous gation. brought to 5 ml by adding 0.1 M H2SO4 to each
Sulphuric acid (0.1 M): Concentrated acid funnel. To each funnel were added 20 ml of wa- Results and Discussion
spectrophotometric method for its determination
in bulk powder and commercial dosage forms. Al- (S.D. Fine Chem, Mumbai, India, sp. gr. 1.84) ter, 4 ml of 1 M NaOAc and 5 ml buffer of pH
though many analytical methods were reported to was appropriately diluted with water to get 0.1 M 5.02 followed by 5 ml dye (0.4 %), and the con-
analyze LMT in biological samples and pharma- acid. tent was mixed well. The funnels were shaken vi- Spectral Characteristics
ceutical samples, none of these methods was sui- Bromocresol green (0.4%): Dissolved 400 gorously with 10 ml of dichloromethane (added
mg of the dye (S.D.Fine Chem Ltd, Mumbai, In- from microburette) for 30 seconds, and then allo- Absorption spectrum of the yellow colored
table for routine analysis of LMT in pharmaceu-
dia) in 10 ml of ethanol and diluted to 100 ml with wed to stand for clear separation of the two pha- LMT-BCG ion-pair complex is shown in Fig. 1
tical preparation. Extractive spectrophotometric
water. ses. The separated organic layer was passed over which has a maximum absorbance (λmax) at 410
procedures are popular for their sensitivity in the
Sodium acetate (1 M): Prepared by dissol- anhydrous sodium sulphate and absorbance of the nm. This drug dye ion-pair complex was broken
assay of drugs and, therefore, ion-pair extractive
ving 13.61 g of the pure sodium acetate (Merck yellow ion-pair complex was measured at 410 nm in ethanolic base to yield the base form of the blue
spectrophotometry has received considerable at-
Specialities Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, India) in 100 ml against a reagent blank similarly prepared. dye which had maximum absorbance at 620 nm.
tention for the quantitative determination of many
pharmaceutical compounds [22-25] and different water.
alkaloids [26, 27]. Buffer solution (pH 5.02): Mixed 50 ml of Method B A
We, therefore, developed two higly sensiti- 1 M sodium acetate and 15 ml of 1 M hydrochlo-
ve, selective, reproducible and economical spec- ric acid (Merck Specialities Pvt Ltd, Mumbai, In- Varying aliquots of LMT-BCG ion-pair
trophotometric methods for the determination of dia, Sp, gr. 1.18) and volume was made upto 250 complex (10 µg mL-1 in LMT; prepared by follo-
LMT in bulk powder and in tablets by exploiting ml, and pH was adjusted to 5.02 by using dilute wing the procedure described in method A) equi-
its basic nature and its ability to form ion-pair NaOAc/HCl solution. valent to 0.5 – 5.0 µg mL-1 with respect to LMT
Ethanolic KOH (1%): One gram of the were transferred into a series of 10 mL standard B D
complex with an anionic dye bromocresol green.
The first method (method A) is based on the for- pure KOH (S.D.Fine Chem Ltd, Mumbai, India) flasks and the total volume was brought to 5 mL
mation of an ion-pair complex between drug and was dissolved in and diluted to 100 ml with etha- by adding dichloromethane. To each flask, 1 mL of
dye at pH 5.02±0.01 followed by extraction of the nol. 1 % alcoholic KOH was added, the content mixed
Standard drug solution (30 µg mL-1): LMT and kept aside for 5 min. Finally, the volume was Fig.
complex into dichloromethane (DCM), and the Fig. 1. Absorption spectra
spectra of
complex(9.5 µg mL-1 L
yellow drug-dye complex was measured at 410 (pharmaceutical grade, 99.88 % pure) was procu- made upto mark with ethanol and the absorbance (9.5 µg mL-1 LMT); B: blank in method A; -1C: base
nm. In the second method (method B), the drug- red from Cipla India Ltd, Mumbai, India, as a gift measured at 620 nm against the reagent blank. method
form of A;
form -1 dye (1.5 µg mL LMT) and D: blank
mLof LMT) and D: blank in
dye ion-pair was broken in ethanolic alkali and and was used as received. A stock standard solu- In both the methods, the standard calibra- method B. In both the cases, the blanks had negli-
the blue color of base form of the dye was measu- tion of lamotrigine (300 µg mL-1) was first prepa- tion curve was prepared or regression equation gible absorbance.
red at 620 nm. The method B is a highly sensitive red by dissolving 30 mg LMT in 0.1 M H2SO4 and derived to calculate the amount of analyte drug in
diluting to 100 ml in calibrated flask with the same unknown samples.

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Artigo Artigo
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Reaction Mechanisms Optimum condition was fixed by varying one pa- Effect of sodium acetate, BCG and buffer
rameter at a time while keeping other parameters solution
Anionic dyes such as BCG forms ion-pair complex with positively charged drugs. The drug-dye constant and observing its effect on the absorban-
stoichiometric ratio as calculated by the Job’s continuous variations method [28] is found to be 1:1. ce either at 410 nm in method A or at 620 nm in Various amounts of NaOAc were added
Each drug-dye complex molecule, with two oppositely charged ions, behaves as a single unit held toge- method B. to the acidic solution of lamotrigine to bring the
ther by an electrostatic force of attraction (Scheme 1). pH to the optimum value and measurements were
Cl Cl
Cl Cl Cl Method A carried out as recommended. Maximum absor-
bance for sample and negligible absorbance for
N + N blank was observed when the volume of NaOAc
N + N
Effect of pH was 4 mL (1 M) in a total volume of 39 ml. The
NH3 effect of BCG concentration was investigated by
In order to establish the optimum pH range, varying the volume of dye solution, and using a
LMT 2 ml of LMT solution in 0.1 M H2SO4 and 3 ml 0.1 fixed amount of drug. The complex formation and
M H2SO4 were taken and diluted with 5, 10, 15, its extraction were unaffected in the range of 3.0
20 and 25 ml of water.
A Five ml of the dye solution to 8.0 ml of 0.4 %BCG solution. Hence, 5 ml of
Br Br
Cl Br Br
was added after the addition of 4 ml of 1 M NaO- 0.4 % BCG solution was fixed in a total volume of
HO Br Br O
Cl Cl Br Br
Ac and 5 ml buffer of pH 5.02. The effective pH 39 ml of aqueous phase.
Cl Cl HO O
Cl value of above resulting aqueous solutions was Various amounts of buffer solution were
Method A Br Br
+ Br Br
Method A
N Br
5.02±0.01. Fig. 2 shows that at 20C ml of water, used in the investigation to establish its effect on
N + Br S Br H2N
OO O the absorbance of the ion-pair complex was maxi- absorbance. There was almost no influence on the
S + O B
mum and the respective blank had
D shown negligi- absorbance up to 10 ml, but an amount less than
ble absorbance. The pH of the aqueous phase was 4 ml resulted in unsatisfactory separation of the
BCG LMT-BCG ion-pair complex constant at 5.02±0.01 for water volumes ranging organic phase during the extraction. So, 5 ml of
BCG measured at 410 nm
LMT-protonated LMT-BCG ion-pair complex from 5-25 ml, at a volume of 20 ml water, blank buffer was used through out the investigation.
measured at 410 nm
Fig. a1.lower absorbance.
Absorption spectra At water
of A: volumes
ion-pair greater
complex (9.5 µg mL-1 LMT); B: blank in
Scheme 1. Reaction pathway for method A. than 20 ml, the sensitivity was less. It-1was also Reaction time
Scheme 1. Reaction pathway for method A. methodthat
found A; C:
a base
ratioform of dye
of ~4:1 of(1.5 µg mLto LMT)
aqueous and D: blank in method B.
Scheme 1. Reaction
In alcoholic pathway
alkaline forthis
medium, method A.complex gets disturbed and it breaks to form a blue
ion-pair phases was required for the efficient extraction of After the addition of dye, the effect of
colored basic dye and the drug. The mechanism of this breaking is shown in scheme 2. the colored species. Hence, an aqueous phase of standing time was studied in the time range 5-30
39 ml which includes 20 ml of H2O was used in min before extraction. After a contact time of 5
Br Br Cl all subsequent work. min, measured absorbance of the complex after
Cl Br Br HO Br Br O Cl Cl extraction into dichloromethane, showed almost
Cl Cl HO O
Br Br HO O
Cl constant absorbance values from 5-30 min. So a
Cl HO O H O Br Br N
N O O + N contact time of 5 min was adequate to form the
N Br Br H O Br S Br N A
+ Br
Method B OO
O +H N 2 N NH2 complex.
+ S Method B H2N N NH2
Effect of shaking time
Blue colour of the basic form of LMT
LMT-BCG ion-pair complex dyecolour
measured atbasic
620 nm
Blue of the form of LMT Shaking times ranging from 30 to 60 sec
LMT-BCG ion-pair complex dye measured at 620 nm B
Scheme 2. Reaction pathway for method B. produced no change in absorbance, by maintai-
ning all other parameters constant. So a 30 sec
Scheme 2. Reaction pathway for method B. shaking time was fixed.
Scheme 2. Reaction pathway for method B.
Selecting of the Extracting Solvents
Optimisation of Variables and Method Development Fig.
Fig. 2. Effect
Effect of
A:A: ion- complex (9.0 µg mL-1 LMT) and
pair complex (9.0 µg mL LMT) and B: blank.
The effect of the extracting solvent on the
B: blank.
A number of preliminary experiments established optimum conditions necessary for rapid and ion-pair complex was examined. Dichloromethane
quantitative formation of colored ion-pair complex to achieve the maximum stability and sensitivity. was preferred to other solvents (carbon tetrachlo-

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(30±20 C).
Artigo Artigo
Article Article

ride, benzene, cyclohexane, of order
hexane, of additiontheofabsorbance
chloroform, reactantswas subsequently measured at 410 ximum absorbance at 620 nm. The stability of the resulted blue coloured dye was stable for more than
1, 2-dichloroethane and ether) because of its sli- nm. The graph of the results obtained (Fig. 3) 20 h at laboratory temperatute (30±20 C).
The sequence of order of addition of the reactants prior to extraction had small
ghtly higher efficiency on color intensity, selecti-
ve extraction of the LMT-BCG
in the from the
absorbance values. So the order of addition of reactants should be in the
aqueous phase and obtained highest absorbance Method Validation
with dichloromethane. described manner.

Effect of number of extractions

Composition of ion-pair Complexes Linearity, sensitivity, limits of detection and quantification
Under optimum conditions, the drug-dye
Calibration graphs were constructed from ten points covering the concentration ranges 1.5-15 µg
complex in the aqueous phase was The composition
extracted with of the ion-pair complex was established by Job’s method of
mL-1 and 0.5-5.0 µg mL-1 for method A and method B, respectively. Regression analysis of the Beer’s
three 10 ml portions of DCM and absorbance was
continuous law data indicated a linear relationship between absorbance and concentration,
measured each time. After the secondvariations
extraction,[28] using equimolar concentrations of the drug and the dye (1.955
The absorbance of the organic-4layer was negligi-
x 10 M). The results indicated that 1:1 (drug:dye) ion-pair is formed through the Table 1. Sensitivity and regression parameters
bly small. Hence, a single extraction with 10 ml
DCM was selected for the extraction because
electrostatic of between the positive protonated drug and the anion of dye. Six
complete recovery of the complex. Parameter Method A Method B
solutions containing LMT and BCG in various molar ratios, with a total volume of 5 ml, λmax, nm 410 620
Equilibration time in
stability of ml
to 20 theH2O, 4 ml of 1 M NaOAc and 5 ml buffer solution were prepared. Color stability > 24 h > 20 h
coloured complexes
The extraction was performed
Fig. using 10 ml of continuous
dichloromethane plotand theforabsorbance Linear range, µg mL-1
was of LMT-BCG 1.5-15 0.5-5.0
methodof continuous
of variations
The organic and aqueous phases were cle- ion-pair complex of LMT-BCG in dichloromethane
forplot ion-pair complex in
Molar absorptivity(ε), l mol-1 cm-1 1.6932 x 104 3.748 x 104
arly separated in less than 1 min. The measured
drug-dye at
at 410nm.
410 nm. Theatgraph
dichloromethane of the results obtained (Fig. 3) gave a
410 nm.
ion-pair complex was stable for more than 15 h at Sandell sensitivity*, µg cm-2 0.0151 0.0068
laboratory temperatute (30±2 0
C). at a molar ratio of Xmax = 0.5 which indicated the formatiuon of a 1:1
gave a maximum at a molar ratio of Xmax = 0.5 Limit of detection (LOD), µg ml-1 0.43 0.19
LMT:BCG complex. The whichconditional
indicated thestability
formatiuonconstant (Kf) of the ion-association
of a 1:1 LMT:BCG
Limit of quantification (LOQ), µg ml-1 1.30 0.59
Effect of order of addition of reactants complex. The conditional stability constant (Kf) of
complex was calculated from the continuous
the ion-association variation
complex data using
was calculated fromthe following equation Regression equation, Y **

The sequence of order of addition of the the continuous variation data using the following
[29]:had small change in equation [29]:
reactants prior to extraction Intercept (a) -0.0007 0.0007
the absorbance values. So the order of addition of Slope (b) 0.0661 0.1463
reactants should be in the described manner.
A / Am
K =
[1 − A / Am ]n+ 2 C M (n) n Standard deviation of a (Sa) 0.0998 0.0998

Composition of Ion-pair Complexes where A and Am are the observed maxi- ± tSa/√n 0.124 0.124
where A and Am are the mum
observed maximum absorbance and the absorbance value when
absorbance and the absorbance value when
The composition of the ion-pair complex all the drug present is associated, respectively. C Standard deviation of b (Sb) 0.0073 0.022
was established by Job’s allmethod
the drugof present is associated, respectively. CM is the mole concentration
continuous M of drug at the
is the mole concentration of drug at the maximum ± tSb/√n 0.0091 0.027
variations [28] using equimolar concentrations of absorbance and n is the stoichiometry which BCG
maximum absorbance and n is the stoichiometry which BCG ion associates with drug. Variance (Sa2) 0.0096 0.0096
the drug and the dye (1.955 x 10-4 M). The results ion associates with drug. The log K value was
The log
indicated that 1:1 (drug:dye) Kf value
ion-pair was found
is formed foundto to
Regression coefficient (r) 0.9993 0.9996
through the electrostatic attraction between the
positive protonated drug and the anion of dye. Six *
Limit of determination as the weight in µg per ml of solution, which corresponds to an ab-
solutions containing LMT and BCG in various Method B sorbance of A = 0.001 measured in a cuvette of cross-sectional area 1 cm2 and l = 1 cm.
molar ratios, with a total volume of 5 ml, in addi- **
Y=a+bX, Where Y is the absorbance, X is concentration in µg mL-1, a is intercept, b is slope, ± tSa/√n
Studies on the effect of alkali concentration
tion to 20 ml H2O, 4 ml of 1 M NaOAc and 5 ml = confidence limit for intercept, ± tSb/√n = confidence limit for slope.
required to break the complex into its components
buffer solution were prepared. The extraction was
revealed that 1 mL of 1 % alcoholic KOH with a
performed using 10 ml of dichloromethane and
standing time of 5 min8was sufficient to yield ma-

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which is corroborated by high values (close to ε and low values of Sandell sensitivity and LOD ned above. The drug was extracted and solution Robustness and ruggedness
unity) of the correlation coefficients. A plot of indicate the high sensitivity of the proposed me- prepared as described under the general procedure
log absorbance and log concentration, yielded thods. for tablets. The solution after appropriate dilu- The robustness of the methods was eva-
straight lines with slope equal to 0.996 and 1.009 tion were analysed following the recommended luated by making small incremental changes in
for method A and method B, respectively, further procedures. The absorbance resulting from 12 µg volume of H2O/ethanolic KOH and contact time
Precision and accuracy and the effect of the changes was studied on the
establishing the linear relation between the two mL-1 (method A) and 4.0 µg mL-1 (method B) were
variables. The calculated molar absorptivity and The assays described under “general proce- nearly the same as those obtained for pure LMT absorbance of the colored systems. The changes
Sandell sensitivity [30] values are summarized in dures” were repeated seven times within the day solutions of identical concentrations. This unequi- had negligible influence on the results as revealed
Table 1. The limits of detection (LOD) and quan- to determine the repeatability (intra-day preci- vocally demonstrated the non-interference of the by small intermediate precision values expressed
tification (LOQ), calculated according to the ICH sion) and five times on different days to determine inactive ingredients in the assay of LMT. Further, as % RSD (< 1.53 %). Method ruggedness was
guidelines [31] using the formulae: the intermediate precision (inter-day precision) the slopes of the calibration plots prepared from demonstrated having the analysis done by four
LOD = 3.3 S/b and LOQ = 10 S/b, (where S of the methods. These assays were performed for the synthetic mixture solutions were about the analysts, and also by a single analyst performing
is the standard deviation of blank absorbance va- three levels of analyte. The results of this study same as those prepared from pure drug solutions. analysis on four different instruments in the same
lues, and b is the slope of the calibration plot) are are summarized in Table 2. laboratory. Intermediate precision values (%RSD)
also summarized in Table 1. The high values of in both instances were in the range 0.88 – 1.65 %
indicating acceptable ruggedness. The results are
Table 2. Evaluation of intra-day and inter-day accuracy and precision
presented in Table 3.
Intra-day accuracy and precision Inter-day accuracy and precision Table 3. Method robustness and ruggedness expressed as intermediate precision (% RSD)
LMT taken, (n=7) (n=5)
µg mL-1 LMT found LMT found±CL, Robustness Ruggedness
±CL, µg mL-1 µg mL-1
taken, Parameters altered Inter-analysts Inter-instruments
6.0 5.90±0.08 1.67 1.52 5.96±0.14 0.67 1.82 µg (%RSD), (%RSD),
mL-1 Volume of H2O/ Reaction/Breaking
A 9.0 8.92±0.11 0.89 1.36 8.99±0.11 0.11 1.02 (n=4) (n=4)
Ethanolic KOH* timeΨ
12.0 12.01±0.22 0.08 1.96 11.98±0.30 0.17 2.01
A 6.0 1.02 1.23 0.88 1.65
1.0 1.01±0.01 1.00 0.884 1.02±0.02 2.00 1.16
B 3.0 3.04±0.02 1.33 0.603 3.02±0.04 0.67 0.92 B 3.0 0.96 1.53 0.99 1.58
5.0 5.01±0.02 0.20 0.450 4.98±0.05 0.40 0.80
In method A, the volume of H2O was 17, 20 and 23 mL, and in method B the volumes of ethanolic KOH
%RE. Percent relative error, %RSD. relative standard deviation and CL. Confidence limits were calcu- added were 0.8, 1.0 and 1.20 mL.
lated from: CL = ± tS/√n. (The tabulated value of t is 2.45 and 2.77 for six and four degrees of freedom Ψ
In method A, the reaction times were 3, 5 and 7 min and in method B breaking times were 3, 5 and 7
respectively, at the 95% confidence level; S = standard deviation and n = number of measurements). min.
The percentage relative standard devia- Selectivity Application analysis of the results did not detect any signifi-
tion (%RSD) values were < 2 % (intra-day) and
A systematic study was performed to deter- cant difference between the performance of the
≤ 2.01 % (inter-day) indicating high precision of The proposed methods were applied for the
mine the effect of matrix by analyzing the place- proposed methods and reference method with res-
the methods. The accuracy of the methods was quantification of LMT in commercial tablets. The
bo blank and synthetic mixture containing LMT. pect to accuracy and precision as revealed by the
determined by the percent mean deviation from results were compared with these obtained using
A placebo blank of the composition: starch (10 Student’s t-value and variance ratio F-value [32].
known concentration, bias % = [(Concentration a published method [20]. The method consisted
mg), acacia (15 mg), hydroxyl cellulose ( 10 mg), The results of assay are given in Table 4.
found - known concentration) x 100 / known of the measurement of the absorbance of the ta-
concentration]. Bias was calculated at each con- sodium citrate (10 mg), talc (20 mg), magnesium
blet extract in 0.1 M NaOH at 305 nm. Statistical
centration and these results are also presented in stearate (15 mg) and sodium alginate (10 mg) was
Table 2. Percent relative error (%RE) values ≤ 2.0 made and its solution was prepared as described
% demonstrate the high accuracy of the proposed under ‘tablets’, and then subjected to analysis.
methods. The absorbance of the placebo solution in each
case was almost equal to the absorbance of the
blank which revealed no interference. To assess
the role of the inactive ingredients on the assay of
LMT, a synthetic mixture was separately prepared
by adding 10 mg of LMT to the placebo mentio-

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Table 4. Results of analysis of tablets by the proposed methods and statistical comparison of the results with Table 5. Results of recovery study via standard-addition method
the reference method
Method A Method B
Found* (Percent of label claim ± SD) Pure LMT Pure LMT Pure LMT Pure LMT
Tablet brand Nominal amount, Tablet studied LMT in tablet, Total found, LMT in tablet, Total found,
added, µg recovered added, µg recovered
nameψ (mg/tablet) µg mL-1 µg mL-1 µg mL-1 µg mL-1
Reference method Method A Method B mL-1 (Percent±SD*) mL-1 (Percent±SD*)
4.91 2.5 7.44 101.2±0.96 1.98 1.0 2.98 100.2±1.06
98.14±1.12 99.04±1.06
Lamosyn-100 4.91 5.0 9.87 99.22±0.85 1.98 2.0 4.04 103.2±1.25
Lamosyn-100 a
100 98.56±0.76 t=0.71 t=0.83 4.91 7.5 12.73 104.3±1.25 1.98 3.0 4.96 99.23±0.98
F=2.17 F=1.95
Mean value of three determinations.
100.6±0.86 101.1±0.90
Lamosyn-25a 25 101.3±0.62 t=1.49 t=0.42 Conclusions Aknowledgement
F=1.92 F=2.11
101.2±1.05 101.8±0.72 In the present study, the maximum co- Authors thank M/S. Cipla India Ltd, for
Lametec-50 DTb 50 102.5±0.86 t=2.15 t=1.40 lor development of LMT-BCG ion-pair complex gifting pure lamotrigine, two of the authors (NRP
F=1.49 F=1.43 (method A) and basic dye (method B) was ins- & KBV) are gratefully thanks the University of
tantaneous. No heating or standing was needed. Mysore, Mysore, permission and facilities and on
Mean value of 5 determinations. These methods do not involve procedural steps, of the authors (NRP) gratefully acknowledges the
(Tabulated t-value at the 95 % confidence level and for four degrees of freedom is 2.77). do not take more operator time and expertise like UGC, New Delhi, for providing Meritorious Re-
(Tabulated F-value at the 95 % confidence level and for four degrees of freedom is 6.39). HPLC and other methods. In terms of simplici- search Fellowship.
Marketed by : aSun pharmaceuticals. ty, rapidity, sensitivity and expense, the methods
­ Cipla India Ltd, Mumbai.
could be considered superior in comparison with
the previously reported methods, especially with References
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Handbook of Organic Reagents in Inorganic Analysis. Trans-
lated by Stanislav, K, Dr. Chalmers (The Series and Transla- Introduction in their structures, pores and channels owning to
tion Editor: University of Aberdem, Ellis Horwood Limited,
them they appear catalytic and adsorption proper-
Chichester, A Division of John Wiley & Sons IC, New York,
London, Sydney, Toronto.1976. pp.364. The carboxylates play an important role in ties. Therefore they may be used for the adsorp-
[31] International Conference on Hormonisation of Technical inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry. Many me- tion of inorganic gases such as: argon, nitrogen
Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human tal cations are a component of several vitamins and hydrocarbons or small molecules of another
Use, ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline, Validation of and drugs [1,2]. The carboxylates of d- and 4f- ion inorganic compounds. Polycarboxylic acids may
Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology Q2(R 1),Com- elements may be used as electric materials in the also form the molecules with two- and three–di-
plementary Guideline on Methodology dated 06 November modern branches of techniques and technology. mentional structures, yielding special magnetic
1996, incorporated in November 2005, London. and luminescence properties which let them be
They may have also applications as precursors in
[32] J. Inczedy, T. Lengyel, A.M. Ure,. IUPAC Compendium used in optical and electronic industries [3-10].
of Analytical Nomenclature : 1998. Definitive Rules, Bla-
superconducting ceramic and magnetic field pro-
ductions and may be used as catalysts, pigments, 4-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid is a white sol-
ckwell Science Inc., Boston.
solvents, food preservatives and plastics produc- id hardly soluble in water (K=7,9 ·10-4) and easily
tions. soluble in ether and ethanol [10,11]. It is used as
Metal carboxylates are applied for the pro- growth hormone for plants [12]. In some papers
ductions of high degree purity of metal oxides and the details of its molecular structure was pre-
polycarboxylic acids are used for supermolecular sented [13-15]. Literature survey informs that its
compound synthesis, which in many cases, form complexes with Li(I), Cu(II), Co(II), Mn(II) and
with metal ions the molecular polymers containing

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