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Abstract Keywords

Meteorological hazards pose a significant Meteorological hazards

risk to the operation and safety of the
Railway system
Chinese railway system. As China
Railway High-speed (CRH) has become a Spatial analysis
vital part of the Chinese transportation
Risk assessment
infrastructure, an improved understanding
of the spatial pattern of multiple hazards China
across the railway network is urgently
needed, especially in the context of 1. Introduction
accelerated climate change. This study
With the rapid construction of China
provides a spatial analysis of the dominant
Railway High-speed (CRH) over the past
meteorological hazards affecting the CRH
20 years, there are currently over
network (i.e., gales, rainfall, and snow), in
38,000 km of high-speed rail tracks
terms of both intensity and frequency, and
spread across diverse geomorphic
identifies hazard zones according to CRH
and climatic regions. Meteorological
operating standards. Given that
hazards, such as strong winds, heavy
meteorological hazards can lead to speed
rainfall, and snow cover, seriously
limitation or disruption of CRH trains, a
threaten the operation and safety of the
risk matrix model is developed based on
high-speed railway network, and have
hazard intensity and designated railway
caused transport disruption, infrastructure
speed to comprehensively assess the risk
damage, and even fatal accidents in recent
level of CRH lines in China. Risk
years (Zhao et al., 2020; Wang et al.,
assessment indicates that CRH lines
2016; Michielsen et al., 2016).
exposed to hazardous levels of gales,
Accelerated climate change is thought to
rainfall, and snow account for 6.0%,
boost the intensity and frequency of
29.3%, and 20.0% of the total line length,
meteorological hazards, implying
respectively, while 7.3% of CRH lines are
increased risks to critical transport
exposed to multiple hazards.
infrastructure in the future (AghaKouchak
Meteorological risk maps for CRH
et al., 2020; IPCC, 2012). To increase the
operation reveal hotspot lines that require
resilience of the CRH network and ensure
special adaptive or preventative measures,
that it remains safe and operational during
and emergency protocols to reduce
and after disastrous weather, there is an
potential losses and disruptions.
urgent need to conduct a comprehensive
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risk assessment of the meteorological
hazards that affect railways. In so doing,
hazard zones and hotspot rail lines can be account for 13%, 72%, and 5% of the total
identified, thus providing scientific recorded disruptions in China,
reference for the formulation of railway respectively (Zhao et al., 2020). Many
planning, technical standards, and disasters due to gales have been observed
emergency protocols. over the last decade, with a scattered
Gales can directly cause the derailment or distribution across Chinese railways,
overturning of high-speed trains, or can while strong and frequent winds are
indirectly endanger operational safety by particularly problematic for rail lines in
blowing foreign material onto rail tracks Xinjiang due to the amplification effect of
(Zhao et al., 2021). Overhead power the specific topography of this region.
lines can also be damaged by gales, Rainfall-induced hazards, such as
resulting in power supply failure or floods, landslides, and debris flows, are
equipment malfunction. Heavy rainfall the most common hazards affecting the
not only causes direct damage to overhead railway system (Liu et al., 2018; Westra et
power lines and railway embankments, al., 2013; Coumou and Rahmstorf, 2012).
but can also trigger floods and geological Under the influence of the
hazards that destroy tracks, bridges, and summer monsoon, railways in eastern
tunnels, leading to major operational China, where there is flat terrain and
disruptions (Koks et al., 2019; Li et al., numerous river networks, are more likely
2021). Deep snow can block railway to suffer from floods, while railways in
tracks directly, while shallow snow can southwest China are susceptible to
alter the friction of tracks and lead to geological hazards triggered by heavy
severe accidents (Xie et al., 2017). rainfall owing to the mountainous
Accumulated snow and ice on overhead landscape in this region. Because
power lines can threaten the safety of extremes in precipitation are projected to
power supply and communication become more frequent in the context of a
infrastructure, and can even damage or warmer climate, rainfall-induced hazard
lead to the collapse of transmission risks are estimated to increase in future
towers. years (Chen et al., 2014; Allan and Soden,
Many attempts have been made to assess 2008; Scoccimarro et al., 2013). The
the impacts of natural hazards on railway frequency and extremity of railway snow
systems (e.g., Misnevs et al., hazards have shown no obvious trend over
2015; Forzieri et al., 2018; Wu et al., the last 20 years, but serious adverse
2013; Michaelides et al., 2014). impacts have been observed during
According to historical statistical data extreme events. Specifically, while deep
from 2000 to 2016, railway disruptions snow blocks the railway network, the
caused by gales, rainfall, and snow effects of snow combined with freezing
rain or strong winds can lead to the China Railway High-speed (CRH) is a
breakage of power lines and even vital part of China's transportation
transmission towers, resulting in long infrastructure, providing an indispensable
disruptions to the railway service, as link between major cities. At the end of
happened in China in 2008, 2015, and 2020, the CRH network comprised 111
2018 (Wang et al., 2019; Ding et al., high speed lines with a combined length
2008; Gao, 2016; Zhou et al., 2017). of 38,363 km, including newly built lines
Previous studies on the effect of (designed with speed limits exceeding 250
meteorological hazards on the Chinese kmph) and updated existing lines. The
railway system have primarily presented CRH network can be divided into four
historical disaster statistics or semi- categories according to operation speeds:
quantitative risk assessments of specific four lines with operation speeds of 350
rail lines (Yang et al., 2021; Liu et al., kmph (total length of 1912 km); twenty-
2016; Cui et al., 2018; Ren et al., 2006), six lines with operation speeds of 300
while there is a lack of detailed risk-level kmph (total length of 13,021 km); thirty-
indicators designed on the basis of railway three lines with operation speeds of 250
operation standards. In this study, we seek kmph (total length of 13,623 km); and
to address this knowledge gap by forty-eight lines with operation speeds of
developing a hazard assessment model for 200 kmph (total length of 10,086 km).
CRH operation, aiming to reveal specific The spatial distribution of these lines is
hazard zones of gales, heavy rainfall, and shown in Fig. 1.
snow across the Chinese railway network, the advanced IoT, cloud computing,
the mobile Internet, big data, artificial
and to estimate the comprehensive risk
intelligence, and new materials are
levels of CRH lines taking into account having an enormously transformative
their designated speeds. We have three effect on the internal functions and
specific objectives to (1) understand the external forms of the railway system.
adverse impacts of dominant
meteorological hazards on high-speed
railway operation; (2) evaluate the
intensity and frequency of multiple
hazards across the railway system; and (3)
identify hotspot rail lines that face the
highest meteorological risks within the
CRH network.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. CRH network

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