DMX5313-Assignment 02 - 2022

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1. Answer all questions.

2. Write your registration number clearly on your answer script.
3. Upload your answer scripts to the relevant drop box given in the LMS portal (pdf).
The assignment submission date is 11th November, 2022
No late submission will be accepted.

Question 1 (30 marks)

According to the power transistor used in question 03 (Assignment 01_2022), transistor

experiences a linear fall in current in 4μs at turn off and linear fall in voltage in 1.2μs at turn on.

a) Introduce a turn-on snubber circuit if the current rise time delayed to 0.8μs. Draw
appropriate diagram and clearly mention the values of each component.
i. Determine the value of the inductor.
ii. Determine the total energy loss at this condition.
iii. Suggest a suitable snubber resistor.
b) Introduce a turn-off snubber circuit if the voltage rise time delayed to 2μs. Draw
appropriate diagram and clearly mention the values of each component.
i. Determine the value of the capacitor.
ii. Determine the total energy loss at this condition.
iii. Suggest a suitable snubber resistor.

Question 2 (30 marks)

Consider the full-wave uncontrolled rectifier that you have been introduced in question 02
(Assignment 01_2022). Suppose that you are going to modify that setup using controlled
rectifier (SCR). If the firing angle is set to, 300 determine;

a) The average output voltage.

b) The average load current.
c) Power absorbed by the load.
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d) Draw the circuit diagram and indicate appropriate values. (You can attach Proteus
drawing too.)
e) Sketch the input and output voltage variation in one graph.
f) Justify your answer given in (e) using Proteus software.

Question 3 (20 marks)

Design a bipolar PWM inverter for the UPS discussed in assignment 01_2022, that will produce
a 60V rms 50 Hz (fref) output from a 120 Vdc source. The load is a series RL combination with
R found in question 01 (Assignmnet 01_2022) and let L = 30 mH. Select the switching
frequency such that the current THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) is less than 10 %. Determine;

a) Required amplitude modulation ratio (ma)

b) The current amplitude at 50 Hz
c) the dominant harmonic current is at the switching frequency
d) The amplitude of the current harmonic at the carrier frequency
e) The voltage amplitude
f) The minimum load impedance at the carrier frequency
g) Frequency modulation ratio (mf)
h) Carrier frequency (ftri)

(Assume that the harmonic content of the load current is the same as the dominant harmonic at
the carrier frequency and if the impedance at the carrier frequency is much larger than the load
resistance assume that the impedance at the carrier frequency is entirely inductive reactance)

Question 4 (15 marks)

Consider a permanent-magnet dc servomotor (Figure 01) with the following parameters:

Trated = 10 Nm

Nrated = 3700 rpm

kT = 0.5 Nm/A (Torque constant of the motor)

kE = 53V/1000 rpm (Voltage constant of the motor)

Ra = 0.37 Ω

𝜏𝑒 = 4.05 ms (Mechanical time constant)

𝜏𝑚 = 11.7ms (Electrical time constant) Figure 01

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a) Calculate the terminal voltage 𝑉𝑡 in steady state if the motor is required to deliver a
torque (Tem) of 5 Nm at a speed of 1500 rpm.
b) The servomotor is driven by a full-bridge dc-dc converter operating from a 120 Vdc
bus. Calculate the peak-to-peak ripple in the motor current if a PWM bipolar voltage-
switching scheme is used. The motor is delivering a torque of 5 Nm at a speed of 1500
rpm. The switching frequency is 20 kHz.

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