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IoT In Manufacturing

BITS Pilani Manoj Kakade

S4 : (IoT Enabling Technologies)
7-8  IoT Enabling Technologies T1-Ch.1
 IoT Levels & Deployment


T1 Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach by Arshdeep

Bahga, Vijay Madisetti, University Press Publication, 2015.

2 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
IoT is enabled by several Technologies including :-
 Embedded system
 Sensors , Actuators
 Communication and network protocols
 Wireless sensor networks
 Cloud computing
 Web services
 Mobile Internet
 Semantic Search Engines
 Big data analytics

3 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 Embedded System – Processors have become smaller and more
powerful, drawn by Moore’s law, but also by improvements in power
 Processors now pack a lot of computing power in minimum Si area
and consume very less power – so developers have been able to
embedded intelligence in day-to-day devices.
 Not only has intelligence but also the ability to communicate with
other devices and with the internet.
 As an example let’s consider the embedded system that exist in the
modern world – there are myriad sensors to determine how well the
car is running – from oil gauge and tyre pressure to the internals of
the engine.

4 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 Modern vehicles have as many as 100 processors connected via an
internal network. These processors have multiple functions – such
as ABS, ESP (electronic stability program), engine control,
vehicular safety driver comfort etc. The term commonly used is X-
by wire.
 It is not just development in the area of embedded system but the
addition of connectivity to embedded systems that has led to the
growth of IoT.

5 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

Embedded System Design
 What is an Embedded System?
 Application-specific computer system
 Built into a larger system
 Often with real-time computing constraints Embedded
 Why add a computer to a larger system? System
 Better performance
 More functions and features
 Lower cost e.g. through automation
 More dependability
Embedded Computer
Input from Software Output to
Environment Environment

Link to other
User Interface
6 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
Embedded Systems
 Embedded System
 An Electronic/Electro mechanical system which is designed to perform a
specific function and is a combination of both hardware and firmware
 Typically implemented using MCUs
 Often integrated into a larger mechanical or electrical system
 Usually has real-time constraints


7 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

Example Embedded System: Bike Computer
 Functions
 Speed and distance measurement
 Constraints Wheel rotation
 Size Mode key
 Cost
 Power and Energy
 Weight
 Inputs
 Wheel rotation indicator Output:
 Mode key Display speed
and distance
 Output
 Liquid Crystal Display
 Use Low Performance Microcontroller
 8-bit, 10 MIPS
8 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
Gasoline Automobile Engine Control Unit
 Functions  Many Inputs and Outputs
 Fuel injection  Discrete sensors & actuators
 Air intake setting  Network interface to rest of car
 Spark timing
 Exhaust gas circulation  Use High Performance Microcontroller
 Electronic throttle control  E.g. 32-bit, 3 MB flash memory,
150 - 300 MHz
 Knock control

 Constraints
 Reliability in harsh environment
 Cost
 Weight

BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

Benefits of Embedded Systems
 Greater performance and efficiency
 Software makes it possible to provide sophisticated control
 Lower costs
 Less expensive components can be used
 Manufacturing costs reduced
 Operating costs reduced
 Maintenance costs reduced
 More features
 Many not possible or practical with other approaches
 Better dependability
 Adaptive system which can compensate for failures
 Better diagnostics to improve repair time

10 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 Sensors – Sensors are the troops of the “internet of things”, the on-
the-ground pieces of hardware doing the critical work of monitoring
processes, taking measurements and collecting data, the decreasing
price of sensors and their miniaturization due to development in the
area of MEMS has enabled a many of use cases.
 Processing and sensing combined has lead to the growth of “smart
sensors” the smart sensors have become the indispensible enables
of the IoT.

MEMS (micro-electromechanical system)

11 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
IoT Enabling Technologies
 Actuators – Actuation systems are the elements of control systems
which are responsible for transforming the output of a
microprocessor or control system into a controlling action on a
machine or device.
 For example, we might have an electrical output from the controller
which has to be transformed into a linear motion to move a load.
 Another example might be where an electrical output from the
controller has to be transformed into an action which controls the
amount of liquid passing along a pipe.
 Pneumatics is the term used when compressed air is used.
 Hydraulics when a liquid, typically oil.

12 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 Communication & Network Protocols - The major component of
IoT is the connectivity communications protocols from the
backbone of IoT system.
 These protocols define common data exchange formats, data
encoding, and addressing schemes for a variety of end devices
 An almost bewildering choice of connectivity options for IoT
applications developers.
 Many communications technologies are well know such as wifi,
Bluetooth, ZigBee, 2G/3G/4G/5G cellular but there are several new
emerging networking options such as Thread, Z waves etc.

13 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 Wireless Sensor Networks - A combination of previous 3 enabling
 A WSN comprises of distributed environmental and physical
 A WSN consists of a number of end –nodes that collect and route
data towards a coordinator / base station [converge cast].
 The base station also acts as a gateway that connects to the internet.

14 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

Sensor Network
 A sensor network is an infrastructure comprised of sensing (measuring),
computing, and communication elements that gives an administrator the
ability to instrument, observe, and react to events and phenomena in a
specified environment.
 The administrator typically is a civil, governmental, commercial, or
industrial entity.
 The environment can be the physical world, a biological system, or an
information technology (IT) framework.
Four basic components in a sensor network:
 an assembly of distributed or localized sensors
 an interconnecting network (usually, but not always, wireless-based)
 a central point of information clustering
 a set of computing resources at the central point (or beyond) to handle
data correlation, event trending, status querying, and data mining.
15 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
Wireless Sensor Network
 A collection of devices equipped with a processor, having sensing and
communication capabilities and being able to organize themselves
into a network created in a ad hoc manner falls into ‘Wireless Sensor
Network’ category.
 Sensor Node:
 ‘Sensor node’ or ‘mote’ is used to describe a tiny device that has a
short range wireless communication capability, a small processor
and several sensors attached to it.
 It may be powered by batteries
 A wireless sensor network is a network made up of large numbers of
sensor nodes. A WSN is a self-organizing multi-hop ad-hoc networks

16 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

Embed numerous distributed Network devices
devices to monitor and interact to coordinate and perform
with physical world higher-level tasks

Control system w/
Small form factor
Untethered nodes
Sensing, action

Tightly coupled to physical world

Exploit spatially /temporally dense, in-situ/remote,

17 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
The Macroscope
 For the first time, sensor networks allow us to:
 Observe the world at very high spatial resolutions
 Make these observations continuously
 Collect the observations in digital form

 This concept as - “macroscope” -- a scientific instrument that

observes entire systems

18 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 Some examples of WSNs used in IoT systems are as follows :-
 Weather monitoring systems – use WSNs in which nodes collect
temperature, humidity, wind, rainfall and other data which are
aggregated and analyzed.
 Indoor air quality monitoring systems use WSNs to collect data on
indoor air quality and can centration of various gases.
 Surveillance systems
 Smart grids
 Structural health monitoring system – monitor health of structures
by collecting vibration data from sensors deployed at various points
in the structure.

19 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 WSNs are enabled by wireless communication protocol such as
IEEE 802.15.4. Zigbee
 The power of WSNs lie in their ability to deploy large number of
low-cost and low-power sensing node for continuous monitoring of
environmental and physical conditions.
 WSNs are self organizing networks.
 WSNs node connects to each other to relay data to the base station.
 This self organization capability of WSN makes the network robust.
 In the event of a failure of some nodes / or if new nodes are added
to the network – the network automatically reconfigures itself

20 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 Cloud Computing – Today various types of computing clouds have
become common place and virtually no corner of the internet or
computing has gone untouched. The environment is also described
as utility computing because it is possible to switch on and off
services at a moment notice. Its also possible to adjust usage
patterns dynamically and in real- time.
 Cloud computing is a transformative computing paradigm that
involves delivering applications and services over the internet.
 It would be virtually impossible for any one organization or
government to build a data storage infrastructure of supporting IoT.
 It is also possible through the use of API to build a flexible and
automated environment – that allows different devices and systems
to speak with each other even though they may rely on different
21 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
IoT Enabling Technologies
 Although the term cloud is used broadly and in a different context
for different situations – it essentially refers to a distributed
computing environment that operates over an extended network
such as internet.
 Typically a collection of computers located on the internet serves as
a platform or service for users.
 This can take the form of software, hardware and various services
including storage that are delivered through the internet or a private
 A good example of how IoT is taking shape through use of clouds –
is visible in a new wave of fitness devices.

22 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 For years runners, walkers, bicyclers who wanted to track their
progress had to log their performance data with pencil and paper or
purchase of devices that could capture steps and distances and in
some case use GPS to determine the route.
 In recent years some devices could sync their information to a
health monitoring applications or website using cable or wireless
technology such as Bluetooth.
 While these devices connected to the internet they are a crude
version of what’s possible with IoT.

23 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 During the last few years – new brand of fitness devices such as
Fitbit : track steps, calories, floors climbed and active minutes via
sensors such as accelerometers and altimeters.
 Some models also track night time sleep patterns.
 These devices provide an organic LED (OLED) read out –
periodically connect to a smart phone or computer via Bluetooth
and upload data to the cloud.
 There it is analyzed and user receives insights in terms of charts,
graphs and other data visible at a website or through a mobile

24 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 The power of the device goes beyond the dash board. The software
integrates with other applications and sends data to them. This makes
it possible to plug-in data from internet connected treadmills, exercise
bikes and other equipment. It is also possible to use heart rate
monitors, other smart phone applications that track walking and
running routes, and applications that tracks food and calories intake.
 It is also possible to compete with on line friends in fitness leagues.
 IoT is not just about the technology that records and measures activity
in such a detailed and comprehensive fashion – but the eco system of
cloud services and applications that connect to these devices.
 A computer reads all the data from a collection of devices and
applications, plugs the data into an algorithm and delivers highly
detailed analysis and results in real time – without cloud computing
and connecting system this would not be possible.
25 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
IoT Enabling Technologies
 Cloud computing services are offered to the users in different forms
 Infrastructure as a service (IaaS): This provides users the ability
to provision computing and storage resources.
 These resources are provided to users as virtual machine instances
or virtual storage.
 Users can start, stop configuration and manage the virtual machine
instances and storage.
 Users can deploy OS and applications of their choice on the virtual
 The cloud service provider manages the underlying infra structure.

26 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 Platform as a service (PaaS): provide the user the ability to
develop and deploy applications in the cloud using development
tools, APIs, software libraries and services provided by the cloud
service provider.
 The cloud service provider manages the underlying cloud
infrastructure – including servers, networks, OS and storage.
 The users themselves are responsible for developing, deploying,
configuring and managing applications in a cloud infrastructure.

27 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 Software as a service (SaaS): provides the user a complete
software application or the user interface to the applications itself.
 The cloud service provider manages the underlying cloud
infrastructure including servers, networks, OS, storage and
application software and the user is unaware of the underlying
architecture of the cloud. Applications are provided to user through
then client interface (e.g. browser).
 SaaS applications are platform independent and can be accessed
from various client devices such as workstations, laptop, tablet,
smart phones etc. running different OS.
 Since the cloud service provider manages both the applications and
data – users can access the applications from anywhere.

28 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 Big Data Analytics – Big data is defined as collections of data set
whose volume, velocity (in terms of its temporal variations) or
variety is so large that it is difficult to store, manage, process and
analysis using traditional data bases and data processing tools.
 Big data analytics involves several steps starting from data
cleansing, data munging (wrangling), data processing and
visualization. Some examples of big data generated by IoT systems.
 Sensor data collected from sensors embedded in industrial and
energy systems monitoring their health and detecting failures.
 Health and fitness data generated by IoT devices such as fitbit.
 Data generated by IoT systems for location and tracking of vehicles.
 Data generated by retail inventory monitoring systems.

29 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Enabling Technologies
 The underlying characteristics of big data include:
 Volume : though is nothing like a fixed threshold for volume of data –
the term big data is for massive scale data that is difficult to store,
manage and process using traditional databases and data processing
architectures. The volume of data generated by modern IT industrial
and health care systems is growing exponentially driven by the low
cost of data storage and processing architectures in the need to extract
valuable insights from the data to improve business processes,
efficiency, and service for consumer.
 Velocity : refers to how fast the data is generated and how frequently it
varies modern IT, industrial and other system are generating data at
increasingly higher speeds.
 Variety: refers to the forms of the data big data comes in different
forms such as structured / unstructured data, including text, image,
audio, video and sensor data.
30 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
IoT Enabling Technologies
 Mobile Internet / or Simply Mobility: the ability to tag physical
objects and transforming anyone carrying a smart phone into a
potential data point as remarkable in far reaching implications.
 Mobile technology establishes the connection points – a central
nervous system – between anything and everything globally.
 Smart phones, RFID tags sensors embedded in machine and even
inside body offer a profoundly different way to measure and mange
 Mobile technology also eliminates the time, expenses and
complications associated with wiring or retrofitting building and
 As broadband internet and fast cellular networks the major parts of
earth, the limitations of how data are collected, shared and used are
disappearing rapidly.
31 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
IoT Enabling Technologies
 Semantic Search Engines: Semantic search seeks to improve search
accuracy by understanding the searchers intent and the contextual
meaning of terms as they appear in the searchable data space, whether
on the web or within a closed space to generate more relevant results.
 If it is not clear what the meaning or content of a “thing” is in the
internet of things, neither the communication nor the interaction
between objects will work.
 For e.g. in a measuring system beside the measurement data itself the
data stream of such a system needs to carry the answer to the question
which sensor sent the data, where did it measure the data, when did it
measure the data, what is the scope of data etc.
 Furthermore, to be able to enrich data from different data sources we
need interfaces as well as common ontologies which allow linking
different data sets with each other. This exactly requires semantic search
32 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
IoT Enabling Technologies
 Web Service: Can be implemented either using HTTP and REST
services or using web socket protocol
HTTP + REST Web Socket
1 Stateless Stateful
Unidirectional – Request always from the client Bidirectional – message
to server and response from server to client exchange
3 Request - Response Full duplex
4 TCP connection for every request response pair Single TCP connection
Header overhead for every request response – Only initial handshake
hence not suitable for RT communication
Scaling easy as no state information maintained Scaling cumbersome
6 web services serve as a link between IoT devices,
application, database, and analysis

33 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Levels & Deployment Templates
 An IoT end device allows identification, remote sensing, actuating
and remote monitoring capabilities.
 An IoT system, other than the end device(s) comprises of multiple
components virtual and physical.
 Resource: Resources are software components on the IoT device for
accessing, processing and storing sensor information, or controlling
actuators connected to the device. Resources also include software
components that enable network access for the device.
 Controller service: Controller service is the native service that runs
on the device and interacts with the web services. Controller service
sends data from device to web service and receive commands from
applications (via web services) for controlling the device.

34 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoT Levels & Deployment Templates
 Database: Database can either be local or in the cloud and stores
data generated by IoT device.
 Web Services: Server as an link between IoT device, application,
database and analysis component.
 Analysis component: Analysis component is responsible for
analyzing the IoT data and generate results in a form that can be
easily understood by the user. Analysis of IoT device can be done
locally or on the cloud. Analyzed results can be stored in the local or
cloud data base.
 Applications: IoT applications provide an interface that the user can
use to control and monitor various aspects of the IoT system.
Applications allow users to view the system status and view the
processed data.

35 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoTLevel - 1
 A level-1 IoT system has a
single node / device that
performs sensing and / or
actuation, stores data,
performs analysis and hosts
the application.
 Level-1 IoT systems are
suitable for modeling low-
cost and low-complexity
solutions where the data
involved is not big and the
analysis requirements are
not computationally
36 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
IoTLevel - 1
 Example of level - 1 IoT system – Home automation
 The system has a single node that allows controlling the lights and
applications in a home remotely.
 The device used interfaces with the lights and applications using relays.
 The status information of each light/appliance in stored in a local database.
REST services deployed locally allow retrieving and updating the state of
each light / applications in status database.
 The controller service continuously monitors the state of each light /
appliance (by retrieving state information from database) and triggers the
relay switches accordingly.
 The application which is deployed locally has a user interface for
controlling the lights/appliances.
 Since device is connected to the internet, the applications can be accessed
remotely as well.
 This is the most rudiment form of IoT system.
37 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
IoTLevel - 2
 A level-2 IoT system has a
single node that performs
sensing and/or actuation
and local analysis.
 Data is stored in the cloud
and application is usually
cloud- based.
 Level-2 IoT systems are
suitable for solutions where
the data involved is big,
however, the primary
analysis requirement is not
computationally intensive
and can be done locally

38 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoTLevel - 2
 Example of level 2 IoT system – Smart Irrigation
 The system consist of a single node that monitors the soil moisture level
and controls the irrigations system.
 The device used in this system collects soil moisture data from sensors.
 The controller service continuously monitors soil moisture levels.
 If soil moisture level drops below a threshold, the irrigations system is
turned on.
 For controlling the irrigation system actuators such as solenoid values can
be used.
 The controller also sends moisture data to the computing cloud.
 A cloud-based web service is used for storing and retrieving moisture data
stored in the cloud data base.
 A cloud-base application is used for visualizing the moisture levels over a
period of time, which can be used to make decisions regarding irrigation
39 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
IoTLevel - 3
 A level-3 IoT system has
a single node.
 Data is stored and
analyzed in the cloud and
the application is cloud-
 Level-3 IoT systems are
suitable for solutions
where the data involved
is big and the analysis
requirements are

40 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoTLevel - 3
 Example of level 3 IoT system: Package tracking (single package)
 The system has a single node that monitors the vibration levels for a
package being shipped.
 The device in this system uses accelerometer and gyroscope sensors
for monitoring vibration levels. The controller service sends the
sensor data to the cloud in RT using web socket service.
 The data is stored in the cloud and also visualized using a cloud-
based application.
 The analysis components in the cloud can trigger alerts If vibration
levels become greater than a threshold.
 The advantage of using web socket service instead of REST is that
the sensor data can be sent in RT to the cloud.
 Moreover, cloud based applications can subscribe to the sensor data
feeds for viewing the real time data.
41 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
IoTLevel - 4
 A level-4 IoT system has
multiple nodes that perform
local analysis. Data is stored
in the cloud and application
is cloud-based.
 Level-4 contains local and
cloud- based observer nodes
which can subscribe to and
receive information
collected in the cloud from
IoT devices.
 Level-4 IoT systems are
suitable for solutions where
multiple nodes are required,
the data involved is big and
the analysis requirements
are computationally
42 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
IoTLevel - 4
 Example of Level 4 system :Noise monitoring
 The system consists of multiple nods placed in different locations for
monitoring noise levels in an area.
 The node is these examples are equipped with sound sensors. Nodes
are independent of each other.
 Each node runs is own controller service that sends the data to the
 The data is stored in a cloud database.
 The analysis of data collected from a number of nodes is done in the
 A cloud – based application is used for visualizing the aggregated

43 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoTLevel - 5
 A level-5 IoT system has
multiple end nodes and
one coordinator node.
 The end nodes that
perform sensing and/or
 Coordinator node collects
data from the end nodes
and sends to the cloud.
 Data is stored and
analyzed in the cloud and
application is cloud-
 Level-5 IoT systems are
suitable for solutions
based on wireless sensor
networks, in which the
data involved is big and
the analysis requirements
are computationally
intensive. 44 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
IoTLevel - 5
 Example of Level-5 System: Forest Fire Detection
 The system consists of multiple nodes placed in different locations
for monitoring temperature, humidity and CO2 levels in the forest.
 The end nodes in the example are equipped with various sensors.
 The coordinator nodes collect the data from the end nodes and acts as
a gateway that provides Internet connectivity to the IoT system.
 The controller service on the coordinator device sends the collected
data to the cloud.
 The data is stored in the cloud database.
 The analysis of data is done on computing cloud to aggregate and
make predictions.
 A cloud based application is used for visualizing the data.

45 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

IoTLevel - 6
A level-6 IoT system has
multiple independent end
nodes that perform
sensing and/or actuation
and send data to the cloud.
Data is stored in the cloud
and application is cloud-
The analytics component
analyzes the data and
stores the results in the
cloud database.
The results are visualized
with the cloud-based
The centralized controller
is aware of the status of all
the end nodes and sends
control commands to the
46 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
IoTLevel - 6
 Example of Level-6 IoT system: Weather Monitoring
 The system consists of multiple nodes (end points) placed in
different locations for monitoring temperature, humidity & pressure
in an area.
 The end nodes are equipped with various sensors (such as
temperature, pressure & humidity).
 The end node sends the data to the cloud in RT using a web socket
 The data is stored in a cloud base.
 The analysis of data is done in the cloud base for predictions.
 Cloud based applications are used for visualizing data – here each
end node directly connects to the cloud and the coordinator is on the
47 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act
 Single Node
Level 1  Major components of the IoT System all on the end device
 No Big Data, No Complex Analysis
 Single Node connected to the cloud
Level 2  Big Data, No Complex Analysis
 Data Storage on Cloud
 Single Node connected to the cloud
Level 3  Big Data, Complex Analysis
 Data Storage & Analysis on Cloud
 Multiple Nodes
Level 4
 Big Data, Complex Analysis
 Multiple Nodes with Local Co-ordinator
Level 5
 Big Data, Complex Analysis
 Multiple Notes with Remote Co-ordinator
Level 6
 Big-Data, Complex Analysis
48 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

49 BITS pilani, Deemed to be University under Section 3, UGC Act

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