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eam UNE Online Silverzone International Olympiad of Mathematics (IOM) Syllabus IOM Syllabus Class 1 + Counting numbers + Operation on numbers * Time and calendar + Money * Measurements + Geometrical Shapes + Reasoning and aptitude 1OM exam includes two sections of Mathematics and scholar section and the marks for these sections are given in the table below: Lear UNE Online Unit Chapters No. of Marks Total Marks Questions Number Sense Back and Forth 2 3.5 e Counting Ones and Tens Computation Addition 5 3.5 17.5 Operations Subtraction Comparison Patterns Patterns 2 3.5 - Money, Time and Money 2 3.5 T Calendar Time and Calendar Length, Weight and | Measurement 2 3.5 7 Comparison Geometrical Shapes _| Identification of 2 35 r Geometrical Figures Reasoning and Mental Aptitude 5 45 22.5 Aptitude Scholar’s Zone Scholar's Zone 5 5 25 Total 25 - 100 1OM Syllabus Class 2 The IOM exam includes two sections: mathematics and scholar’s section for a total of 100 marks. The mathematics section includes the following topics: Lear UNE Online * Counting Numbers: Ones, Tens, Hundreds, and Thousands * Operations on Numbers: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Comparison * Time and Calendar + Measurements + Money + Geometrical Shapes + Reasoning and Aptitude IOM exam includes two sections of Mathematics and scholar section and the marks for these sections are given in the table below: Lear UNE Online Unit Chapters Marks Total Marks Numbers Sense Ones, Tens and 2 35 7 Hundreds. Computation Addition 6 3.5 a Operations Subtraction Multiplication Division Comparison Patterns Patterns 1 3.5 35 Money, Time and Money 2 35 7 Calendar Time and Calendar Length, Weight and | Measurement 2 35 7 Capacity Geometrical Shapes | Geometrical 2 3.6 - Figures Reasoning and Mental Aptitude 5 45 22.5 Aptitude Scholar’s Zone Scholar's Zone 5 5 25 Total 25 rm 100 1OM Syllabus Class 3 The IOM exam includes two sections: mathematics and scholars section for a total of 100 marks. The mathematics section includes the following topics: Lear UNE Online *Numbers and their Operations: Number Sense and Numeration, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division + Everyday Mathematics: Time and Calendar, Money, Unitary Method * Fractions * Measurements + Geometrical Shapes * Data Handling + Reasoning and Aptitude The IOM exam includes two sections of Mathematics and scholar section and the marks for these sections are given in the table below. Lear UNE Online No. of Questions Total Unit Chapters Marks Marks Number Sense and Numeration Numbers and Their | Addition and 6 3 8 Operations Subtraction ' Multiplication and Division Parts and Wholes | Fractions Time and Calendar Money 3 Unitary Method Money, Time and Calendar Length, Weight and Canacty Measurement Geomet Geometrical vy Shapes Pictograph and B: ‘ctograph and Bar | ata Handling 2 3 6 Graph Reasoning and Reasoning and Aptitude Aptitude Scholar's Zone —_| Scholar’s Zone Total 1OM Syllabus Class 4 The IOM exam includes two sections: mathematics and scholar’s section for a total of 100 marks. The mathematics section includes the following topics. Lear UNE Online *Numbers and their operations: Number Sense and Numeration, Roman Numerals, Addition & Subtraction, Multiplication & Division + Fractions And Decimals + Everyday Mathematics: Money, Unitary method + Geometrical Shapes + Perimeter and Area + Data Handling + Reasoning and Aptitude IOM exam includes two sections of mathematics and scholar section and the marks for these sections are given in the table below: Lear UNE Online Unit Chapters No. of Marks Total Questions Marks Numbers and Their Number Sense 7 3 21 Operations and Numeration Roman Numerals Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division Parts and Wholes Fractions and 3 3 9 Decimals Money and Unitary Money 2 3 6 Method Unitary Method Geometry Geometrical 3 3 9 Shapes Area and Its Boundary —_| Perimeter and 3 3 9 Area Graphical Data Handling 2 3 6 Representation of Data Reasoning and Aptitude | Reasoning and 5 35 175 Aptitude Scholar's Zone Scholar's Zone 5 45 225 Total 30 = 100 1OM Syllabus Class 5 The IOM exam includes two sections: the mathematics section and the scholar's section for a total of 100 marks. The mathematics section includes the following topics. Lear UNE Online + Numbers in Operation: Number Sense and Numeration, Numbers in Operation, Factors, and Multiples + Factors and Multiples + Everyday Mathematics: Percentage, Ratio, and Proportion/ Time and Distance + Geometry and Measurements * Introduction to Algebra * Data Handling + Reasoning and Aptitude IOM exam includes two sections of Mathematics and scholar section and the marks for these sections are given in the table below: Lear UNE Online Unit Chapters No. of Marks Total Questions Marks Number Sense 5 3 15 and Numbers and Their | Numeration Operations pumnbet in Operations Factors and Multiples Parts and Whole Fractions and 3 a a Decimals Percentage 3 3 9 Percentage, Ratio and | Ratio and Propotiion Proportion/ ’ Time and Distance Geometry and Measurement 6 3 18 Measurement Geometry Graphical 2 3 6 Representation of Data | O28 Handling Introduction to 1 3 3 I Algebra Algebra Reasoning and Reasoningand| 5 35 175 Aptitude Aptitude Scholar's Zone Scholar's Zone 5 45 22.5 Total 30 - 100 1OM Syllabus Class 6 1OM exam includes two sections mathematics and scholar's section for a total of 100 marks. The mathematics section includes the following topics. Lear UNE Online * Numbers and their Operations, Factors, and Multiples + Fractions and Decimals * Mensuration and Geometry + Introduction to sets * Data Handling + Reasoning and Aptitude 1OM exam includes two sections of mathematics and scholar section and the marks for these sections are given in the table below: Lear UNE Online . No. of Total Unit Chapters | oietions| MATES | tons Numbers and Their Number Systems Operations 9 25 225 Factors and Multiples Parts and Wholes Fractions and 4 25 10 Decimals : Algebra ie and Ratio and 3 25 75 p Proportion Geometry and Mensuration 6 25 15 Mensuration Geometry Graphical Data Hana 2 25 5 Representation of Data |P*# Manclind Sets and Their Introduction to Representations Sets 1 i 2 . Reasoning Re d Aptitud 5 35 175 easoning and Aptitude | aie Scholar's Zone Scholate 5 4 20 Zone Total 35 7 100 10M Syllabus Class 7 The IOM exam includes two sections: mathematics and scholar’s section for a total of 100 marks. The mathematics section includes the following topics: Lear UNE Online * Numbers and their Operations: Fractions and Decimals, Rational Numbers, Exponents, and Power + Algebraic Expressions, Linear Equation + Everyday Mathematics: Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Simple and Compound Interests + Geometry and Mensuration: Lines and Angles, Triangles, Mensuration + Data Handling * Sets + Reasoning and Aptitude 1OM exam includes two sections of Mathematics and scholar section and the marks for these sections are given in the table below: Lear UNE Online No. of Unit Chapters o 2 Marks Total Marks Questions Integers Numbers Seiving Arthmesc and Their pre , 5 25 12.5 Onerations | Fractions and Decimals Ps Rational Numbers Exponents Algebraic Expressions Algebra __| Algebraic Identities 3 25 75 Linear Equations Ratio and Proportion Percentage pesca Profit and Loss 4 25 10 eI Simple and Compound Interests Lines and Angles Triangles Geometry end Quadrilaterals . oS a Solid Shapes Mensuration Perimeter Area of Closed Figures Terms related to data and Data Graphical representation Handling | of data . a il Chance and Probability Reasoning and Aptitude | PE2S07iNG and Ao 10 3 30 Scholars | scholar’s Zone 5 4 20 Zone Total 35 : 100 1OM Syllabus Class 8 Lear UNE Online 1OM exam includes two sections mathematics and scholars section for a total of 100 marks. The mathematics section includes the following topics: + Number Systems and Operations: Number Systems, Powers and exponents, Square and Square Root, Cube and Cube Root + Algebra and Geometry: Algebraic Expression, Factorization, Linear Equation, Convex, and Concave polygon + Comparing Quantities: Direct and inverse proportions, Time and Work, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Compound Interest and Simple Interest + Mensuration: Surface area and volume of Cube, Cuboid, and Cylinder * Data Handling: Frequency distribution, Line graph, Bar graph, Histogram, and Pie Chart * Operations on Sets and Venn Diagram + Reasoning and Aptitude 1OM exam includes two sections of Mathematics and scholar section and the marks for these sections are given in the table below: Lear UNE Online Unit Chapters No. of Questions Marks Total Marks Number Systems Rational Numbers Exponents Square and Square Root Cube and Cube Root 25 Algebra and Geometry Comparing Quantities Algebraic Expression Factorization Linear Equation Convex and Concave polygon Direct and inverse proportions Time and Work Speed and Distance Percentage Profit and Loss Compound Interest and Simple Interest 25 25 Mensuration Data Handling Surface area and volume of Cube Cuboid and Cylinder Frequency distribution Line graph Bar graph Histogram and Pie Chart 25 25 75 75 Reasoning and Aptitude Reasoning and Aptitude 30 Scholar's Zone Scholar's Zone Total 20 100 1OM Syllabus Class 9 Lear UNE Online The IOM exam includes two sections: mathematics and scholars section for a total of 100 marks. The mathematics section includes the following topics: *Real Numbers: Irrational Numbers, Real numbers and their Decimal expansions, Operation on real Numbers, Laws of Exponents for real numbers + Algebra & Co-ordinate geometry: Polynomials, Logarithms, Linear equation in two variables, Coordinate geometry + Geometry: Lines and Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles, Circles + Trigonometry ratios and identities + Statistics and Probability: Measures of Dispersion, Mean, Median and Mode, Probability of an Event * Applied Mathematics: Mensuration and Word Problems Based On Mathematics + Reasoning and aptitude IOM exam includes two sections of Mathematics and scholar section and the marks for these sections are given in the table below: 7 No. of Total Unit Chapters Questions Marks Marks Irrational Numbers Real numbers and their Decimal expansions Real Numbers | Operation on real 4 2.25 9 Numbers. Laws of Exponents for real numbers Lear UNE Online Polynomials in one variable Zetoes of a polynomial Factorization of Polynomials Algebra & Co- | Logarithms ordinate Linear equation in two 8 2.25 18 geometry _| variables Graph of Linear equation in two variables Solution of Linear Equations Coordinate geometry Lines and angles Triangles Geometry | quadrilaterals * 228 2 Circles Measures of . Dispersion pan ohal Mean, Median and 4 2.25 9 Y | ModeGrouped Probability of an Event Aosiied Mensuration PP Word Problems Based 5 2.25 11.25 Mathematics " On Mathematics Reasoning Reasoning and and Aptitude | Aptitude 10 28 % Salers Scholar's Zone 5 3.75 18.75 Zone Total 40 : 100 1OM Syllabus Class 10 Lear UNE Online The IOM exam includes two sections: mathematics and scholar's section for a total of 100 marks. The mathematics section includes the following topics: Number System, Sequence, and Series: Decimal Expansion of Rational numbers, Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression, Harmonic Progression *Algebra and Coordinate Geometry: Polynomials, Pair of Linear equations in two variables, Quadratic equation, Coordinate geometry + Geometry: Similar figures, Similarity of Triangles, Areas Of Similar triangles, Circles, Tangent to a circle * Trigonometry, Height, and Distance * Statistics and Probability: Mean, Mode and Median of Grouped Data, Mean deviation about mean, Mean deviation about Median, Standard Deviation and Variance, Probability of Events * Surface area and Volume + Reasoning and Aptitude IOM exam includes two sections of Mathematics and scholar section and the marks for these sections are given in the table below: Lear UNE Online No. of Total Unit Chapters Questions Marks Marks Number System a | Rational and Irrational Numbers Sequence and 4 2.25 9 Arithmetic Series ‘ Progression Polynomials Pair of Linear equations in two haan variables 5 2.25 11.25 = "Y | Quadratic equation Distance Formula Section Formula Similar figures exeneny Similarity of Triangles |, 995 9 Circles Tangent to a circle . Trigonometry qT r 4 2.25 9 maonomeny Height and Distance Mean, Mode and Median of Statistics and tstics an GroupedThree- 4 2.25 9 Probability ° dimensional Data Probability of Events Mensuration Sttteie atecend 4 2.25 9 Volume Reasoning and _ | Reasoning and 10 25 25 Aptitude Aptitude Scholars Zone | Scholar’s Zone 5 3.75 18.75 Total 40 = 100 1OM Syllabus Class 11 Lear UNE Online The IOM exam includes two sections: mathematics and scholar’s section for a total of 100 marks. The mathematics section includes the following topics: * Sets & Functions: Sets, Relations and Functions, Trigonometric functions + Algebra: Mathematical Induction, Complex number, Sequence and series, Permutation and combination, Binomial theorem, logarithm, Inequality * Coordinate geometry & Vector: Straight lines, Conic Sections, Introduction to 3D geometry, and Introduction to Vectors * Calculus: Limits and derivatives * Mathematical Reasoning: Statements, Logical Connectives, Negation, Implications, Validation, Truth table, Tautology, and Contradiction, Duality, Algebra of Statements + Statistics & Probability: Measures of Dispersion, Range, Mean Deviation, Variance and Standard Deviation, Analysis of frequency Distribution, Axiomatic Approach to probability + Reasoning and Aptitude 1OM exam includes two sections of Mathematics and scholar section and the marks for these sections are given in the table below: Lear UNE Online Unit Sets & Functions Algebra Chapters Sets Relations and Functions Trigonometric functions Complex number Sequence and series Permutation and combination Inequality Quadratic equation No. of Questions Marks 2.25 2.25 Total Marks Coordinate Geometry Straight lines Conic Sections 2.25 13.5 Calculus Limits and derivatives 2.25 6.75 Statistics & ProbabilityThree- dimensional Measures of Dispersion Range Mean Deviation Variance and Standard Deviation Analysis of frequency Distribution probability 2.25 Reasoning and Aptitude Reasoning and Aptitude 25 Scholar's Zone Scholar's Zone 18.75 Total 100 1OM Syllabus Class 12 Lear UNE Online The IOM exam includes two sections: mathematics and scholar’s section for a total of 100 marks. The mathematics section includes the following topics: + Relations and Functions: Sets, Types of Relations, Types of Functions, Composition Of Functions, Invertible Functions, Binary Operations, Inverse Trigonometric functions, and their properties * Matrices and Determinants * Vector Algebra and three-dimensional geometry + Calculus: Applications of Derivatives, Integrals, Application of Integrals, Differential Equation * Linear Programming Problem and its Mathematical Formulation and Mathematical Reasoning * Probability: Conditional Probability, Multiplication Theorem on Probability, Independent Events, Bayes’ Theorem, Random Variables, and its Probability Distributions, Binomial Distribution + Reasoning and Aptitude OM exam includes two sections of Mathematics and scholar section and the marks for these sections are given in the table below: . No. of Total Unit Chapters questions | M@*S | Marks Sets Types of Relations Relations and _| Types of Functions 5 225 | 1125 Functions Binary Operations Inverse Trigonometric functions Matrices and Algebra Determinants 2 2.25 45 Vector algebra and Vectors & 3D Three-dimensional 4 2.25 9 geometry Lear UNE Online Calculus Applications of Derivatives Integrals Definite Integrals Application of Integrals Differential Equation Linear programming Linear Programming Problem 225 225 Probability Independent Events Conditional Probability Multiplication Theorem, on Probability Bayes' Theorem Theorem of total Probability Variables and Standard Deviation 2.25 6.75 Reasoning and Aptitude Reasoning and Aptitude 25 25 Scholar's Zone Scholar's Zone 3.75 18.75 Total 40 100

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