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1. What is the video all about? Provide a brief summary.

A film exposing some of the predatory practices of the US-supported sugar

industry in the Dominican Republic has itself become the subject of an attack
campaign by the entrenched sugar powers. The Price of Sugar, a documentary by
Bill Haney portraying the near-slavery conditions facing Haitian cane-cutters on
Dominican sugar plantations, has prompted a defamation lawsuit by the
Dominican sugar corporation highlighted in the film, accompanied by a cease-
and-desist order aimed at preventing the showing of the film. The heart of the
film is its exposure of the systematic exploitation of Haitian workers by the sugar
industry. We see how the Dominican companies use promises of a better life to
lure busloads of impoverished Haitians over the border in mass illegal crossings,
while the government and military turn a blind eye. The Price of Sugar does
important work in exposing the human misery that still, in the 21st century,
underlies the production of Caribbean sugar. Unfortunately, what gives the film
its drama is also what marks its limitations: the reduction of that story to the
person of Father Hartley. Here, we see Hartley convincing the cane-cutters to
strike for the elemental right of being told in advance what their wages are. At a
stirring nighttime workers’ meeting, he explains in eye-opening terms that they,
the lowest of the low, are in fact the most essential and powerful component of
the entire sugar empire. This is a powerful scene whose import transcends the
immediate story, and it lends added weight and meaning to what follows. The
sugar baron family responds first with death threats against the priest and his
assistant, which succeed in driving the assistant out of the country. They send
armed guards to the bateyes to terrify the strikers; in private the guards promise
that Hartley will also someday depart, leaving them unprotected.
2. Does this film teach you lessons? What are these lessons?

Be wary of foods that claim to be healthy (natural, low-fat, lite, etc.) as they can be
packed full of sugar and may be the reason why you’re struggling to lose weight or
manage your health. Limiting your sugar intake could be the answer to your
health woes.

High sugar foods are easy to overeat and often leave us wanting more. The food
industry has done a good job of making our food taste amazing. We need to be
much more mindful with our food choices and strike a better balance with our
foods. Seeking professional help from a nutritionist or dietitian is the best way

3. How can you relate yourself to those who are in the video?

I can relate myself on the video because sometimes I or we experienced

challenges in life, Before, me and my family experienced that we don't have any
food to eat because that time my parents have no money that's why as a person
we should learn how to appreciate little things.

4. If you are in their shoes, what would you do? If you are present or near the
situation, what do you think you can do as a person?

For my point of view, we are born to a place where people are all equal, therefore
if I put myself in ones shoe, ill technically fight for what i think is right. I will say
everything what inside in me because in the very first place, as a worker I should
have money, I should have health assistance. Let’s just always think that if we
know that we are right then we can be right.

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