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Good morning everyone! We want to start today off with a question, who exercises at least 30
minutes a day five times a week? Please raise your hand. (Comment about the number of people )
Several hands: Wow that is impressive, Few hands: Thank you for being honest. According to the
American Heart Association that is the recommended amount of exercise per week. A lot of
people don’t meet this recommendation and this can potentially cause years of health problems
later down the road. One of the most common reasons why people don’t meet the recommended
amount is time, as a full-time working professional and student this is my issue, and we know a lot
of you can relate for different reasons. After further investigation, we understood the importance
of prioritizing our health and to start exercising daily. Especially because of all the benefits it has
on the body, mind, and health. Andres is our expert on all the benefits of exercising and he will
share with you his knowledge.

Thank you, Michelle! I would like to start by asking a simple question. How Many Hours Are In A
Week? ………… (Wait 5-10 sec for an answer) Every single one of you has 168 hours in a week and
the American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes a day five times a week which is equal to
2 hours and 30 minutes. So for less than 3 hours out of your 168, you can have amazing benefits
like living a better life, a healthier life, or even a longer life. These are all benefits that come with
exercise. Fitness is a lifestyle. This is not a quick fix. This is something you have to incorporate into
your daily regimen, just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower.

And what we have to tell you will help you understand how important a life balance of good habits
and exercise can drastically change your life for good. But you don't have exclusively to take my
word, luckily today we have Ana with us and she will share important information with all of us.

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