Electricity Makes Our Lives On Today

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Electricity makes our lives on today’s time easier and more comfortable.

All of our appliances and technologies that help

us are powered by electricity. But, how much do we know about this thing or how many percent of knowledge do have
in mind electricity? If you are an aspiring engineer, one must understand the function and operations of electricity and
its equipment to ensure proper installation and to complete tasks such as troubleshooting our systems. With this being
said, it is important to know and understand the electrical theory since it gives us the background and the basic
fundamentals about electricity.

The group of Edcen Canlas, Mark Sevilla, and Carl Yabut was assigned to report about electrical theories. They have their
Powerpoint presentation with them while reporting and the presentation consists of three parts namely, (1) Atoms and
its forces, (2) Electrical terminologies, and (3) Electrical measurement.

In the first part of the report, the reporter talked about the terms matter, element, molecule, compound, and the main
focus was about the atom. I have learned that atom is the smallest particle of an element and it consists of positively
charged particles which are protons, negatively charged particles named electron, and neutrons which are neutrally
charged particles. There are six protons and neutrons bonded together inside the nucleus which can be found at the
center of an atom and the six electrons that orbit the around the nucleus.

Mark Sevilla was very knowledgeable about the topic. However, as he speaks, he tends to look at the presentation and
his extra paper for some points of explanation and forget to make eye contact to his classmates. It is very important to
make contact or engage with the people listening to you so that you can have a command, able to know if they are really
paying attention to what you are saying, and this will let you know if you are an effective communicator.

Second, Carl Yabut talked about the electrical terminologies like conductor, insulators, and resistors and he give some
real life examples where we can find these terminologies. Also, he had given the advantages and disadvantages of
Alternating and direct current and further explain the difference between the two current base on their usage and their
capacity. Furthermore, he also touched a little bit of the symbols used in electrical field and unit of measurement as they
are useful in plans and solving related problems. Carl was knowledgeable and at the same time he delivered his insights
with conviction. He made us see things clearly by his examples and let us realize that some things that we see are these
terminologies we were discussing at that very moment.

Lastly, discussing the electrical measurement topic was Edcen. He talked about Ohm’s law Conductance, power,
Inductance, capacitance. He touched up a little bit about the math formulas used in these topics. He presented some
examples of problems and discussed clearly how to use the formulas in order to give a come up a correct answer. Also,
he did illustrate some shapes to further visualize the things that he was saying. Edcen was good in giving information
about the topic. Like Carl, he was engaging with the people listening and make sure that everybody understood the
words coming from his mouth.

With their report, my greatest takeaway knowledge is about the solar panels. During their report, they have mentioned
about the solar panels and that moment I have learned something that I can tell my family about that matter and that
the solar panels have inverters that transform Direct current which is the energy from the sun into Alternating current
and to be stored in a battery. I was just amazed by the learning I have acquired during their report.

In conclusion, the report was good and it was very comprehendible report which we all have gained knowledge about
the topic.
When handling electricity, we need materials and equipment to used. But first we need to know these materials and
equipment’s functions in order for us to utilize them and serve their prompt function. Knowing the functions of these
materials and equipment, our work will become quicker, simpler, and more convenient and we can assure our safety as
we all know electricity is very powerful source of energy that can kill a people with one shot.

The topic entitled electrical materials was assigned to the group of Kamille Bantad, Klevene Espacio, Emil Matulac, and
Eljan Apilando. They have presented electrical materials and their function. Klevene talked about the three main
purpose of these electrical materials which are for safety, convenience, and utilization. He further discussed the process
on how energy reaches our homes. He explained the importance of transformers and what it is look like so that we
know and we can easily determine what is a transformer. He was engaging with his audience and he even spoke in our
dialect so that he deliver his insights and knowledge properly and make sure that he can instill something valuable in the
minds of his audience. Next was Eljan. He talked about circuit breakers, utility box, Junction box, and so on. He
presented picture in the presentation and as well he pointed out real life example of the material and equipment that he
found inside the classroom and the building. He was so observant around the place. I was impressed in a way that he
brought his funny side while reporting and that was effective in giving information because sometimes too formal is
boring and people tends to be sleepy and not listening.

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