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Impact On AI Adoption Within The Company

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an extremely popular buzzword in the

computer sector, frequently touted as the next great innovation for which software
startups must prepare.

Large smart companies, like as Tokopedia, are developing their own AI

algorithms and solutions, which are offered to assist make work more productive.
There are several artificial intelligence applications that are just a simple
implementation away from playing a significant part in your organization. AI has
become an essential component of the success of many modern digital
organizations, whether they are large corporations or start-ups. It provides intelligent
solutions to a wide range of present business inefficiencies, as well as the capacity
to rationally self-learn in the future to handle similar problems.

With the arrival of AI and Machine Learning in recent years, eCommerce has
experienced a significant transformation. The use of AI in e-commerce, particularly
on Tokopedia, increases the platform's quality as well as the user experience. For
example, in a product search, if a visitor inputs "Mie pedas," they will immediately get
a selection of mie pedas from various companies. This is made feasible by the
underlying AI system, which categorizes product queries on a regular basis for
efficient indexing. Furthermore, by analyzing client usage habits, this system may
propose items and aid in search.

Image recognition, which is also an AI technique, is used in e-commerce.

Image recognition is also utilized in e-commerce sites or applications when you want
to search for a product but don't know the name. If you have the image, you may
submit it to an application or e-commerce site, such as Tokopedia. The Tokopedia
website or app's image recognition engine will then return goods that are similar to
the image you supplied.
Chatbots have been used on several websites and applications. The capacity
of chatbots arose as a result of AI. One of the uses of AI technology that will help
humans is chatbots.

Chatbots are used by numerous e-commerce sites, namely Tokopedia, and

they serve a variety of functions. Apart from serving as a service and information
center 24 hours a day, this technology has an indirect impact on sales. This is due to
the fact that all consumer interactions with the chatbot are logged. The corporation
will learn the person's email, phone number, age, gender, and habits based on the
video. The data collection will be processed so that it may be used in marketing
initiatives. The strategy might include newsletters, product recommendations, or

The influence of artificial intelligence (AI) in entrepreneurship in Indonesia

There are several commercial advantages of employing artificial intelligence.

The influence of artificial intelligence on business Tokopedia may be able to save
time and money by automating and optimizing regular procedures and tasks by
employing the correct AI technology. Improve productivity and operational efficiency.
Make quicker business decisions based on cognitive technology outputs. Avoid
errors and 'human error,' if AI systems are appropriately configured. Use information
to forecast client preferences and create a more personalized experience. sift
through massive amounts of data to produce excellent leads and expand your
consumer base. Boost income by recognizing and capitalizing on sales
opportunities. Increase knowledge by facilitating analysis and providing informed
counsel and assistance.

There are additional advantages to collaborating between AI and humans.

According to research, AI does not necessarily function best on its own. While AI
technologies are excellent at driving or even replacing lower-level, repetitive
activities, organizations generally realize the biggest performance gains when
humans and robots collaborate.

Artificial intelligence is not designed to replace human intelligence and

invention, but rather to supplement it. Artificial intelligence in business simply refers
to the use of an intelligent machine with human-like skills to boost revenue, improve
customer experience, increase profitability and proficiency, and drive corporate
growth and transformation. Artificial intelligence is the ability of computers to
accomplish jobs that are normally performed by humans. For example, the capacity
to make judgments, communicate with users, and so on.

In other terms, AI is the process of teaching robots to think and act like
humans (or even better). Tokopedia's Head of Research Scientist, Irvan Bastian
Arief, Ph. D., defined Artificial Intelligence as "an artificial intelligence that can
manage a machine, so that the machine can assist enhance the quality of human life
to be more efficient and practical." Furthermore, Irvan stated that Tokopedia has
presently included AI in the firm's technical infrastructure, and that in the future, the
company would be a technology company that is fully backed by Artificial

Tokopedia uses AI to design new systems and features to improve the

consumer experience. Tokopedia's AI-powered features and innovations include the
ChatBot feature for Tokopedia Care, Intelligent Search, TokoCabang services, and
Fast Recommendations for over 350 million goods that match the interests of every
Tokopedia user.

In most circumstances, AI does not replace humans. Instead, it improves

human capacities and changes how we operate. People believed that AI will force
many people to lose their jobs to AI robots, resulting in high unemployment rates. AI
will have a beneficial overall influence on labor markets and employment. In one
scenario when AI totally replaced a human worker, the efficiency was substantially
worse compared to a human worker, which resulted in angry behavior from
consumers, such as in the customer service industry. When we enable AI to
integrate with human employees and combine them rather than replace them, it will
have a good influence on enterprises. Integration of AI systems into existing
occupations can automate easy processes and make more challenging ones easier
to execute.

References :

Gupta, A., & Nihal, P. (2020). Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence—A Boon for
Start-Ups. Emerge, 21, 35.

Huang, M. H., & Rust, R. T. (2021). Engaged to a robot? The role of AI in

service. Journal of Service Research, 24(1), 30-41.

Jarrahi, M. H. (2018). Artificial intelligence and the future of work: Human-AI

symbiosis in organizational decision making. Business horizons, 61(4), 577-

Wilson, H. J., & Daugherty, P. R. (2018). Collaborative intelligence: Humans and AI

are joining forces. Harvard Business Review, 96(4), 114-123.


Mishel Veronica

Husna Dz

Joshua Fill

Khairunnisa Ilf

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