ISSA Online Coaching Certification Everyday Athlete Block 1

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The Everyday Athlete Training Group

Block #1: The Foundation

Before You Get Started:

First and foremost, thanks for joining the Everyday Athlete Training Group! I can’t express my gratitude, and how excited I am
to be working with you.

With that being said, it’s go time and I’m ready to help all of you take your athleticism to the next level in the months ahead.

Before we jump head first into things, you’ll need to make a decision or two right off the bat.

With each month, you’ll get to choose the squat/bench/deadlift variation you prefer the resistance portion of the workout. Just
so you have an idea of what the training focus will be, here’s how each month projects:

• Block #1 – Build a training foundation and quality movement. Here you’ll want to choose something easier that
you can really build your technique from.
• Block #2 – Build strength. You’ll want to pick a progression that best allows you to load here.
• Block #3 – Build power/explosiveness. You’ll want to pick a progression that best allows you to be powerful here.

Now, a few more things:

• If you want/need help with exercise technique, please post your training videos to the Facebook group. The
easiest way to do this is to post them to YouTube, and then link directly from there.

• Speaking of technique, it wouldn’t hurt to review my big articles on the website to review. Here’s a quick link to all
of the big ones:

o Back Squat
o Front Squat
o Deadlift
o Bench Press
o Floor Press
o And not an article, but here are ton of coaching videos I’ve put up on YouTube. Here you’ll find information on
how to do chin-ups, push-ups, brace your core effectively, and a ton of other stuff to help you move and feel

• If you need to progress/regress/swap out an exercise, make sure to let me know on the Facebook group as well.
This will be especially true if it comes to the explosive work – I promise we can figure something out, though.

• Many of you have not trained speed/power in a while, so please be smart! I’ve done everything I can to not only
build a balanced program, but one that will very gradually get you back into athletic training.

As you’re training, make sure to ramp up across the sets. If I ask for 8 5-yard dashes, don’t feel you have to go
100% each one. Slowly ramping up so that even 1 or 2 is at 100% will make a huge difference, and keep you
healthy as well.

Most importantly, just be smart – I want you to look and feel great, and if we can make it through without any injuries
then I’ll be stoked!

• I will do everything I can to respond to you in a timely manner. I’m not on social media 24/7, but I’m committed
to your success – just give me a bit of a grace period and I’ll do whatever I can to help.
Overview of Month #1:

Reactive Work

The bulk of the reactive work this month will simply be to get you back into speed/agility/power work.

We’ll start off with a small, yet tolerable, amount of work. From there, we’ll slowly build up over the course of the next couple
of weeks.

Remember to please be smart here! Build up over the course of the weeks, and don’t feel the need to “Crush It” week one.

Resistance Work

This month is geared towards building you a better strength/movement base. The rest periods will be short, and the volume
on the high(ish) side.

On your main lift for each day, remember to pick a variation that allows you to build some general strength/work capacity,
while still improving technique.

This is all about the long game here; so again, don’t feel the need to be a super hero right away!

Resiliency Work

Last but not least, we’re going to throw in some tempo/oxidative work to finish off the session. Not only is this great for the
hormonal response, but for soft-tissue strengthening and development as well.
Primary Goals

• Develop a training foundation

• Build quality movement patterns
• Get readjusted to power/explosive/elastic work

Release (Only Necessary Areas!)

Foam Roller/ Ball Frequency Reps Timing

Feet/Calves Daily 20-40 seconds Pre-workout
Pecs Daily 20-40 seconds Pre-workout
Lats Daily 20-40 seconds Pre-workout
Hips Daily 20-40 seconds Pre-workout
Quads Daily 20-40 seconds Pre-workout


Exercise Sets x Reps Tempo Comments

Squat Hang 1 x 8-10 1 breath Exhale fully each rep


Exercise Repetitions
Rockback Breathing on Elbows 5 Breaths
Core Engaged Leg Raise 5 Reps/Side
Leg Lowering 5 Reps/Side
Push-up to Downward Dog 5 Reps
Knee Hugs/A Skips 5 Reps/15-20 Skips
Pull Back Butt Kicks/B Skips 5 Reps/15-20 Skips
Groiner with Overhead Reach/Backpedal 5 Reps/15-20 Steps
Single-Leg RDL to Cross Connect/Straight Leg March 5 Reps/15-20 Skips
Lateral Split-Squat/Defensive Slide 5 Reps/15-20 Slides
Day 1


Exercise Tempo 1 2 3 4 Comments Rest

1) 5-Yard Dash EXP 4 6 6 8 Gradually ramp up the speed 45-60 s.
Be explosive, PUSH

2) 10-Yard Dash EXP 2 3 3 4 Gradually ramp up the speed 60-90 s.

Be explosive, PUSH


Exercise Tempo 1 2 3 4 Comments Rest

1) Squat Variation 201 4x3 6x3 8x3 10x3 Unlock knees, feel whole foot 60 s.
Feel heels throughout, PUSH

2) Tall-Kneeling, Alternating 211 2x8 3x8 3x6-8 3x6 Exhale fully, abs tight 60 s.
Single-Arm Lat Pulldowns Squeeze scap DOWN

3) Snatch Grip RDL 211 2x8 3x8 3x6-8 3x6 Soft knees, feel whole foot 60 s.
Feel midfoot and heel throughout

4) Arm Bar Series Dyn 2x5 3x5 3x5 3x5 Exhale, abs, reach 60 s.
Don’t force motion – keep it tight

5) Front Plank ISO 3x30s. 3x35s. 3x40s. 3x45s. Exhale fully, abs tight 60 s.
Reach long through elbows
3-points of contact throughout!

Resiliency – Tempo Assisted Ball Squat*

Modality Intensity Recovery Repeats Comments

Week 1 40 s. 60 s. 4
Week 2 40 s. 60 s. 6 303 tempo throughout
Week 3 60 s. 60 s. 4 Continuous motion – do not stop or pause!
Week 4 60 s. 60 s. 6


Exercise Sets/Reps Tempo Comments

Recovery Breathing 3 minutes Full exhale w/pause each rep! Exhale fully each rep!

*If you have a tendency to arch/extend when you squat, use the ball or a roller. If not, feel free not to use it!
Day 2


Exercise Tempo 1 2 3 4 Comments Rest

1A) Jump Rope EXP 2x1’ 3x1’ 3x1’ 4x1’ Light on feet 30-60 s.
Be light and fast – bouncy!

1B) Box Jumps EXP 2x5 3x5 3x5 3x5 Quick dip and jump 60 s.
Stick the landing – feel whole foot!


Exercise Tempo 1 2 3 4 Comments Rest

1) Bench Press Variation 201 4x3 6x3 8x3 10x3 Unlock knees, feel whole foot 60 s.
Feel heels throughout, PUSH

2) Low Cable Split-Squat 201 2x10 3x10 3x8-10 3x8 90-90ish set-up, exhale, ABS 60 s.
Feel whole front foot and PUSH

3) Offset 3-Point Push-up off Low 201 2x8 3x8 3x8-10 3x10 Exhale and reach long 60 s.
Box Reach long through “up” heel as well

4) Low to High Box Step-up with Dyn 2x8 3x8 3x8-10 3x10 Exaggerate step up onto box 60 s.
Cross Connect Push through whole foot and get TALL

5) Core Engaged Dead Bugs 301 3x8 3x8 3x10 3x10 Exhale fully, abs tight 60 s.
Reach long through heel
Do not let back extend!

Resiliency – Tempo Incline Push-up

Modality Intensity Recovery Repeats Comments

Week 1 40 s. 60 s. 4
Week 2 40 s. 60 s. 6 303 tempo throughout
Week 3 60 s. 60 s. 4 Continuous motion – do not stop or pause!
Week 4 60 s. 60 s. 6


Exercise Sets/Reps Tempo Comments

Recovery Breathing 3 minutes Full exhale w/pause each rep! Exhale fully each rep!
Day 3


Exercise Tempo 1 2 3 4 Comments Rest

1) 5-Yard Dash EXP 2 3 3 4 Gradually ramp up the speed 45-60 s.
Be explosive, PUSH

2) 10-Yard Dash EXP 1 1 2 2 Gradually ramp up the speed 60-90 s.

Be explosive, PUSH


Exercise Tempo 1 2 3 4 Comments Rest

1) Deadlift Variation Dyn 4x3 6x3 8x3 10x3 Unlock knees, feel whole foot 60 s.
Feel heels throughout, PUSH

2) Single-Arm DB Bench 201 2x8 3x8 3x6-8 3x6 Exhale fully, abs tight 60 s.
Do not let torso rotate!

3) Ball Leg Curls 301 2x8 3x8 3x8-10 3x10 Exhale fully, abs, hips up 60 s.
Control lowering phase on each rep!

4) Half-Kneeling, Alternating Dyn 2x10 3x10 3x8-10 3x8 90-90ish set-up, feel whole front foot 60 s.
Landmine Press Exhale on reach, keep abs throughout

5) Birddog 151 3x6 3x6 3x8 3x8 Exhale fully, abs tight 60 s.
Reach long through hands
3-points of contact throughout!

Resiliency – Tempo Assisted Ball Squat*

Modality Intensity Recovery Repeats Comments

Week 1 40 s. 60 s. 2
Week 2 40 s. 60 s. 3 303 tempo throughout
Week 3 60 s. 60 s. 2 Continuous motion – do not stop or pause!
Week 4 60 s. 60 s. 3


Exercise Sets/Reps Tempo Comments

Recovery Breathing 3 minutes Full exhale w/pause each rep! Exhale fully each rep!

*If you have a tendency to arch/extend when you squat, use the ball or a roller. If not, feel free not to use it!
Off-Day Cardio (Ideally 1-2x/week based on needs and goals)


Modality Intensity Recovery Repeats Comments

Week 1 20-30 minutes N/a N/a
Week 2 25-35 minutes N/a N/a This can be anything, just keep heart rate between
Week 3 30-40 minutes N/a N/a 120 and 140 beats per minute
Week 4 35-45 minutes N/a N/a
Exercise Explanation:

Short Sprints

When it comes to re-introducing sprints, a short-to-long approach always works best. This way we can the speed/power
development, without the risk of injury.

Jump Rope

Jumping rope is a great way to develop elasticity of the tendons. Too often as we age, we don’t put an emphasis on elasticity in
our programming, so this will get us back into the swing of things.

Box Jumps

Box jumps are a great way to train lower body power and explosiveness, while simultaneously reducing the loading and stress
of landing. By landing on a box, eccentric demands are minimized.

Tempo Lifting

As I mentioned above, tempo lifting is a great way to build slow-twitch muscle fiber capacity. Not only will this help with
endurance capacity, but to a degree, strength as well.

Furthermore, the anabolic/hormonal effect from this type of training is significant. It should allow you to build some muscle,
while also improving connective tissue strength.

In other words, all kinds of good stuff here 

Squats/Bench Presses/Deadlifts

These are our bread and butter exercises. Not too much explanation is necessary!

Single-Arm, Tall-Kneeling Lat Pulldowns

This is a new variation I’ve been playing around with. I like it because it not only gets the sagittal plane abs, but frontal plane
as well. Plus, any exercise that forces us to alternate motion through our thorax will help restore athleticism.

Snatch Grip RDL’s

I like the snatch grip RDL early on in a program because it takes the lats out of the equation. Too often, stiff lats force us into a
position of lumbar extension/anterior tilt. By going with a wide grip the lats are taken out of the mix, and we can better load
the hips and hamstrings as a result.

Arm Bar Series

The arm bar series is sort of a catchall. The first two positions develop core strength/stability with hip mobility, and the final
variation develops trunk rotation and scapular stability.

Front Planks

Front planks always look easy, but when done well, really challenge the core (and especially the obliques and TVA). Make sure
to get 3-points of contact and to reach long through the elbows.
Low Cable Split-Squats

Low cable split-squats are my go-to split-squat exercise early on. The natural tendency is to pitch or lean forward, and the
cable essentially “Tricks” us into shifting our weight back. This not only improves mobility and range of motion but also allows
us to better feel our whole foot and push.

Offset 3-Point Box Push-ups

Another new exercise, this push-up variation teaches us to reach with both arms. There’s also an element of trunk rotation in
there as well with the offset hand placement.

As you’re probably seeing, there’s a lot of stuff that’s driving mobility through the hips, shoulders and thorax. We’ll need that
later on as we get into more sprinting, change of direction work, etc.

Low Box to Step-up with Cross Connect

This variation of the step-up is nice because the low box forces us to abduct the leg that is on the floor. This improves frontal
plane mechanics and alignment, and when coupled by getting tall through the leg on the box, will really hip muscles in your
hips you didn’t know you had before!

Core Engaged Dead Bugs

My go-to exercise early-on to help people feel their core/abs. Much like the plank, when it’s done right, you will definitely feel
this exercise like never before!

Single-Arm DB Bench

I love this exercise, as it’s a mix of upper body strength, coupled with core stability/anti-rotation. Start off lighter than you
think, as many people struggle with this exercise early on!

Ball Leg Curls

With all the high intensity running we’ll be doing, I want to keep those hamstrings feeling fresh and healthy throughout.
Building that lower hamstring (which controls knee extension) is critical for hamstring health, and something we’ll be
addressing throughout the course of the program.

Half-Kneeling Alternating Landmine Press

Half-kneeling exercises are great for building stability and control in the hips, core and pelvis. The landmine is great for
teaching athletes to reach and open up the middle/upper back.

And when you add in that alternating function up top? Whew doggies – you’ve got an exercise that hits a little bit of everything.


Last but not least we have birddogs. The key with a birddog is to really dial in the stability aspect of this. Reach long through
the arms, get 3-points of contact, and imagine your favorite beverage is resting on your back. Do not let that baby spill!

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